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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. If a bird is struggling to breathe, and their bahavior is different, acting tired, that is more of a third stage of respiratory failure! Hope thats not the case. Nancy
  2. Ask for a final culture and sensitivity! Glues don't give off a milky film. Nancy
  3. I know Kiki is on the other side. I'm hoping she and Cricket are playing in bird heaven, and Zoey is waiting for them to throw her down a peanut or piece of toast. Nancy
  4. Greys beaks are very sensitive. Sophie rubs her beak on EVERYTHING! She rubs mirrors, dirty kids feet, her favorite chair my finger every morning. If she doesn't beak it... she is not interested If I want to take a nap... she has to beak my left eye and only then, will she nap with me. ( not that I asked her too, but she feels she must be with me if I nap). I LOVE that she will be quiet. Stick her beak under my left eye, butt in the air. She will be quiet until I wake up. I LOVE my girl Nancy
  5. I'm not liking " the cloudy white film". Not the glue Possibly a pocket of puss? Whats the temperature of the foot? Compare the two. Extra warm on affected foot is a sign of abscess. Swelling or not? If it is reinfected, ask vet if they leave drain in or not. I would rather the vet leave a drain in and change the dressings daily. Tough though... as your bird would pull it in a heartbeat! Just the nurse in me that deals with abscesses on a daily basis. Nancy
  6. I like your thoughts alex to get your bird use to seeing the bottle. Inara... we know you didn't mean to " just do it!" No worries! Nancy
  7. I'm with everyone else! No proof it was Inara. Lack of evidence! LOL. As far as Grey Poupon... LOL!!!!! When I hire someone to come in to clean my carpet in my family room... they always comment " whats this green stuff?" I inform them its bird poop. They are horrified! " Can't guarantee we can get that out!" Oh PLEASE... One scrub, its gone.( very minimal droppings!) I scrub all the time! I live with a grey and am damn PROUD OF IT! Nancy
  8. Inara.... what a smart and wise dad! LOVED the pics. Nancy Sterling... " a little to the left, a little to the right!" LOL! I LOVE you listening to your bird. Bratbirds....heads are great for landing! Sophie loved my head at first too... decided she really didn't like stray grey hairs! ( I really have very few). LOL I hear birds are colorblind, but Sophie has always preened me and pulls out the greys. OR... do I have more greys than I thought! Nancy
  9. LOVED the picture of Gabby after a shower! A happy bird for sure. Nancy
  10. Ray... I am soo sorry! I'm missing Kiki that I lost last year. I understand how devastated you feel. You gave Cricket the BEST years, and I know she knew that Nancy
  11. Congratulations! Now do a safety check. Ceiling fans off... check. Electric outlets plugged...check. Putting on underliner.. no check! LOL! Whenever I put on eye makeup, Sophie flies in more times than not and lands on me.You can imagine my outcome! Nancy
  12. I agree with Dave. Showering or misting should be at the bottom of the list! As Sophie will NEVER accept misting or showering... but otherwise is the BEST bird,trusts us all, I'm ok with just showering her, when it needs to get done. I'm no longer punished for long. Of course, the trust has to be there. Work on diet, stepup and trust. Then work on misting and showering issues. Nancy
  13. All have excellent posts! We need more info. Age, how long you have had this bird. Birds history. I am so sorry for you and hubby. Sophie tolerates me being gone for work, but the moment I walk in the door... she is with me until I go to bed. No choice on my part! Nancy
  14. Too darn cute!I laughed soooo hard! I LOVE your patience with her and it shows. You understand your birds thoughts and make it all about her! Nancy
  15. Ray... I am so sorry! Words alone, cannot express my grief for you. I know how important your bird was to you, and the loss must be devastating! Please let me know how you are doing, and what thoughts are crossing your mind. Nancy
  16. I dont think so ShaneO , but a good suggestion! Kiki our Amazon did the same thing when she was a baby. I'm suspecting an " immature nervous system", as I suspected with Kiki as the temperature was correct. She eventually stopped. A baby thing but needs to be mentioned to the vet. Nancy
  17. I am so sorry for your loss of Sunshine. My thouights and prayers are with you! Sunshine was a big part of your family and will always be. Take time to grieve, don't worry about the birds... they are picking up on your stress. NOT a bad thing. When I lost Zoey a few months back.... they knew I needed support and offered it. ( a dog). Again.... my condolences. Please talk to us and tell us more about Sunshine. A beautiful cat! I have always wanted one, and have been jealous of people that can have one. I am extremely allergic. I am sure you have many stories about Sunshine! Please tell us! While I can't have a cat, I LOVE hearing stories about them. Nancy
  18. YES! WATCH those toes! I can't stand my toes being licked and caressed by anyone! Now fast forward a decade later with your bird, this is what you may see. Sophie caressing Sean's toes, snuggling her beak against them while he is watching TV. ( YUCK!). He has very ugly toes. He rubs her head with his toes and doesn't even know he is doing it. I find it gross and unhealthy, but it is not my business. I'm sure I make a gross face... LOL Nancy
  19. Whether it be a Tinneh or congo grey... it doesn't matter! Developing the relationship is what is important! It is also important for new owners to work together. Nancy
  20. Ray... how funny but true! I miss dearly Kiki my amazon. She was the tester of all fruits and veggies. While being the best flyer, her goal was always to satisfy her stomache. She was a great role model for the other birds. Nancy
  21. Sounds good Inara. I'm always short on time, but do alot of freezedryed as well as fresh. Can't wait until Monday when I get my Weber grill deliveved. I'm grilling all summer meat, chicken, shrimp and veggies. Of course, Sophie eats dinner nightly with us, so I know she will be excited too! Nancy
  22. Yuck for IBS. It sucks! I take care of so many patients with it.Its amazing how many people suffer with it. Nancy
  23. Great advice from everyone, but I agree with murfchck. Terrible twos which you would see sooner than later. However.... terrible twos don't include increase in plucking! Damn those suitcases! It is so amazing how the littlest thing freaks them out and they stress.The stressor is gone, but make sure you don't make a big deal about the plucking. The added attention just encourages it. When Sophie was younger, we had sooo many kids coming and going, Guinea pigs left and right, dogs senior and puppies, I think Sophie just sat in amazement watching our crazy home. She fit right in. She didn't have a moment to let us know what freaked her out or stressed her....she just jumped in! As she got older, life was a little more quieter, she let us know , what bugged her.Things that bugged her, were absolutely ridiculous! Thats when I realized, I needed to think more like a bird than a parent.Sophie is amazing to this day, but we continue to have disagreements about things. She usually wins. Nancy
  24. So happy for you guys! one step at a time.... I KNEW Peck would get there! Nancy
  25. Anything that gives off fumes... is ESPECIALLY harmful to your birds. We don't go crazy but use common sense such as " paint during the summer when windows can be open". Redo hardwood floors during the summer as well. ( I would move bird out for this for a week!) Wallpaper removal and other nonfume projects, I have never had an issue with it. IO am cautious with paint and move my birds into my room when painting downstairs. It is a treat for them to be moved into my room. They tend to be on extra good behavior! Both Sunny and Sophie are very quiet until I stir around 7am on day off. I know they prefer it be a 24/7 occurence, but it won't happen. LOL! Nancy
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