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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Yup... they are THAT smart! ALWAYS.... be one step ahead of them! Nancy
  2. Sophie eats a variety of pellet mix and freeze dryed fruits and veggies. Sunflower seeds are rare, and just a treat. She LOVES when I grill especially and I get more compliments from her than my family! Chicken is her favorite. When I make something new... I tell her " Rom is grilling tonite!" I get " whatcha cooking!" She is first to the dinner table, as Sophie has always eaten dinner with us... she has always complimented me the most. We went thru the veggie and fruit throwing at the walls. Sophie learned best, as I believe others have said, by watching you eat. Nancy
  3. So excited for you! Read a story in front of the cage nightly, with door open. No pressure. Nancy
  4. Sophie has several water dishes, as well as several perches. She loves one water dish, that she loves to perch on. I'm going to have to clean out poop. Why remove it? She loves to sit on it.I have left that perch empty of water.... she didn't like it. I don't always question why Sophie does what she does! As long as Sophie and Sunny have several other options for water, always satisfy your birds desires. Nancy
  5. Geez.... do their armpits smell good? Just curious! Im gonna smell my girl! Nancy
  6. She needs to learn " table manners!" Once on your shoulder, say no! Put back in front of her plate! It takes time..... but " table manners", can be taught! I always felt that if I allow Sophie to eat dinner with us, there were rules to follow! She learned! You do it over and over and over again! You have to have the patience of a saint! Remember.... Grey time, is NOT our time! I am extremely stubborn, probably more than Sophie. She knows this now.... but it took at least six months. I could wait her out! She no longer tests me, as she knows I will wait out her protests, or attempts to manipulate my behavior. She won't win. I am very empathetic.... Nancy
  7. She seems very happy! I think you guys are doing an excellent job! If you decide to keep her, we can help you. Babies are sooooo much work, but they are worth the effort. Nancy
  8. luvparrots....LOL! I LOVE it! I have to be honest... Sophie is BORING! She has a very clean mouth, as I threatened Ryan, Sean and friends, that if she says a " bad word"... they would all pay!!!!!! They all curse terribly. They took me seriously! She does an EXCELLENT copy of a bottle of wine being opened for " girls night" weekly! Since she is a girl, she is allowed to attend minus wine. LOL! Nancy
  9. All have excellent advice. Our birds are just like kids, need that " security lifeline!" What I did for my kids when little, I did for Sophie as well.Follow your " instinct". It always worked for me. Too bad Greys don't come with a set of instructions! LOL Nancy
  10. smokey needs a bath! Good luck with that, as Sophie will never do so willingly! If you can shower, do so. If not, run a humidifyer in room Nancy
  11. Good job Tyson's mama! That was weird. Nancy
  12. Definitely check with vet. Is he blinking? If not, eye will dry out! I personally think baby is awake and is watching you! Watch for a blink Nancy
  13. Kilaya is sooo young! She can never replace Cocoa. All her behavior is normal! It may take up until three years for her " brattiness" to change. You have to decide if you are willing to commit....or rehome now, while she is young. I don't want another grey, but would be willing to help you rehome if thats what you decide. Kins5453@gmail.com Nancy
  14. Bongo doesn't sound neurotic to me! Just trying to figure out " what to do". Keep finding time to steal away from everyone else, and have your special time. Sophie LOVES it, we have been doing it for years. Nancy
  15. Very interesting, the responses. I have no idea, otherwise knowing Tags are smaller.I always thought TAGS were more shy, just by reading. I have always thought of CAGS as being the King or Queen of the jungle! In a setting where you have choices to pick a Tag or a Cag....let the bird pick you. Nancy
  16. TOO FUNNY!!!!!! Might as well set another plate! We did.... My son Sean is very particular, and has always been, that when we can all be home together as a family, we need to " eat as a family!" ( since he was a little kid!) The only way to have peace, was to set a spot for Sophie. She has eaten with us for years. I would yell upstairs to kids... " dinner!" I would hear ryan and sean both say " coming!" It wasn't them, but Sophie imitating!Sophie would be at the table, but not kids.. I was soooo annoyed! LOL! Nancy
  17. luvparrots had an excellent idea! For anything that Sophie or pup are afraid of, you will have the initial reaction of fear. Next time.... I show them how calm I am, and how it means nothing to me. I don't show any stress or anxiety to them, and they eventually aren't afraid. Its because they trust us to keep them safe. My kids love thunder and lightning and want the entire family to be in the garage to watch!Ollie comes, but I say no to having Sophie out there with us. Nancy
  18. Grandma will become creative for the " next time!" Nancy
  19. My birds when younger, always loved " spa day!" Nails and beaks cared for. They wagged their tails all the way there. As they got older, they cared for their beaks and nails on their own. Nancy
  20. murfchck,,, you never let Bongo down. I wasn't sure why you were concerned about Bongo being happy when at vet and interacting. THAT is a good thing! Healthy, and interacting, which is always a parent goal. Obviously jealousy. One suggestion I have, I always picked up Sophie early in the morning... we sneak off to interact. I am sure that is why Sophie " whispers" at times. Its our time, and noone is included! Nancy
  21. I am back. Had soooo much fun, we extended another day. Jessica the sitter was fine with that. Sophie DID bite her once, but it wasn't horrible. Within three days they were best friends.I didn't get punished, but she flew out the moment I opened the door. My sister freaked out, I told her to relax or go upstairs while I bonded with the gang. She chose " upstairs!" LOL! All is good with Sophie. Showing off more than usual to my sister whom is scared of her. Running thru her vocabulary, and THEN some! NO punishment, but more lovey dovey 24 hours after getting home. Ollie my dog is a little more whiney and wont leave my side. Nancy
  22. I am on vacation, Sean came home to help Sophie adjust for the weekend. Sophie LOVED her sitter until the last hour. Eyes pinning....lunging when I said goodbye.... I was concerned... Sean told me to leave, all would be good. I worry for sitter, I haven't seen eye pinning for a long time! Nancy
  23. birdhouse... Excellent suggestion! Damn... I would be a mess! Nancy
  24. I personally am anti humidifiers! They are breeding grounds for infections!. BUT... many birds require more moisture....to avoid plucking... if you need a humidifyer, make sure you buy one that is on the expensive side, put in distilled water ONLY and clean the heck out of it! I can't believe I am saying this! Nancy
  25. Muse... so glad everything worked out! We have had so many sad stories lately. Sean knows I am nervous leaving this weekend. I am sure, it is because too many stories lately with not happy endings. He will come home this weekend and now has offered to come home next friday as well. I will come home next monday. Nancy
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