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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. NO scented garbage bags! My kids lungs are very sensitive! If they cant handle it,,, Sophie surely can't. Nancy
  2. You shouldnt expect Kilaya to except other birds until she trusts and accepts you. That is a first! Once she trusts one person, then you let her know to trust and respect another person. That would be your wife. Its a dynamo experience. Sophie learned to love all of us, we worked on open cage concept last. She was exposed to all birds of different origins, but our expectations of her, were after we could reason with her. Nancy
  3. I reread your initial post! Tell me I am right... feathers are looking better! You guys are going to be an awesome team. Nancy
  4. I thought so!!!! I DID laugh picturing my bird trimmer with his long grey hair in a pony tail chasing any mice I could have! He won't even talk to you until he approves you as a parent. I am okay, I guess, as he talks to me all the time and knows my name as well as Sophie. I am VERY proud of myself when I had a disgusting bat in the house! I could only think of Sophie's safety. I pictured this bat attaching itself to Sophie's neck, sucking her blood... gave me the courage to do what I needed to do! ( I have a very active imagination!) I put on a hoodie, went outside ( ollie was basking in the sun and looked at me curiously). I opened the sliding glass door from the outside with broom in hand, found him on the floor and swept him out. HISSING and FANGS YIKES! NO SOPHIE FOR YOU! I said....yes, I know, he was probably more scared of me. Mama bear protecting her cub... I was very proud of myself! Whenever I have had a mouse... Sophie just says " hello", I'm sure she confuses a mouse vs guinea pigs that I use to raise. Nancy
  5. Ollie my pup has become great friends with the " new girl in town", next door. A first dog owner. Her baby is spoiled!!!! She only will play with Ollie, as he is tolerant of her pup antics! She escapes frequently, and Ollie " herds her home!" Her owner commented to me the otherday, " are you going to replace Zoey? I can't... She can't be replaced Nancy
  6. Your baby IS very smart! The first two years should be dedicated to learning stepup and stepdown, learning to accept a healthy diet including fresh fruits and veggies. ( my walls were painted with a refusual). Meeting new family members and learning to accept them. Our next important step was practicing flight, to develop chests and muscles. One to step off for flight, one to receive. Obviously, flight practicing, only happened when Sophie trusted the person to receive her. Nancy
  7. I had a feeling he was the chosen one! YAHOOOOOOO! Nancy
  8. Congratulations! Happy first Thanksgiving with your new baby. Nancy
  9. Dave007.... I'm on my own! Not sure how I should interpret your comment. As an insult as I took it? Nancy
  10. I am so glad we all have a loss that we can discuss and understand. My family doesnt understand that the loss of Zoey, was like losing a child to me. I am lucky my friends understand me. Nancy
  11. Hey.... tell the grey, PUT THE BOTTLE down! Drugs are NOT an option! ( love it! Sophie does the same!) I now put all meds in the console in my car. She just gets into everything Nancy
  12. AWESOME pictures! They all look fantastic and loving their family. Nancy
  13. Its really like buying a " used car". Same type of hand written agreement. ONLY.... a grey is soooo much more work! LOL nancy
  14. Inara.... put the plastic under the tree, cover with strips of plastic over the base. In the summer, easy to clean outside, but winter is tough! Nancy
  15. I LOVE that you are meeting your new baby on their terms!( of course we always try to trick them and let them think THEY came up with the idea!) LOL... Unfortunately, it doesn't work for Sophie anymore.... way too smart now! SIGH! Nancy Your new guy is gonna do GREAT! Nancy
  16. Beautiful birds! I know she is not doing anything interesting, but the fact that she tolerates the other birds, is amazing! I got Sophie at age two, so I missed out on the " learning experience". I loved her from the start, but preferred the years of three to four. She could reason and think, her vocabulary grew by leaps and bounds, and what was most important, she could empathize. She was the Matriarch of the family, and cared about all of us including the dogs. When we lost Zoey my pup several months ago, she knew I was in mourning, and just sat on my shoulder saying " awwww Rom" Rubbing her beak over and over. She knew. Who would think a bird could help you with your grief? Nancy
  17. LOL! Bring your gang here for a day... we will shhh together! ( I just want to see your cutie pies and play with them!) The rosebreasted cockaoo I want sooooooooooo bad, is still available! Its KILLING ME! Nancy
  18. UMMMMM.... So, just as a great suggestion, go to Walmart, get " painters plastic". Place it by 10 by 10 under the tree. They are very messy! My birds have their own room, and I never close their cages. Having " open cage concept", has been alot of work, but I am an expert now. Nancy
  19. Thank you Talon. I am sure you are patient as well! I discovered " high end Industrial vacumns" a long time ago. I no longer let their mess make me crazy! LOL! I LOVE my interactions with Sophie. I work long hours, but she is always ready and willing to hang with me. She lately loves for me to pet one foot, while she works on a regurg that is amazing! I always tell her'" settle down.... I am good!" I get her regurg in my hand, and thank her Nancy
  20. Remember too... bread is just empty calories! Do a good seed mix! Nancy
  21. Sophie LOVES when I do bills. I pay the old fashion way by check. She has her own registrar, I have mine. She gets her bills ( leftover). While I usually talk out loud when I do bills, so does Sophie.If she attempts to chew my active bills, I have to tell her " NO MINE!" She backs off by three steps. Yesterday, I told her " NO MINE"... she told me " NO MINE!"She wasn't going to back off! LOL! I know she knows what " NO, mine" means. When I go to clean her toys, she tells me the same thing. I promise to bring them back! I'm thinking, if she wants to be possessive of my bills, she needs to get a job and pay them! LOL She is too darn cute and I LOVE her to death! Nancy
  22. Not sure if its because the Holidays are approaching, or why. I am just missing Zoey my pup so much. I went to bed last night thinking about her and started crying. Ollie was concerned and barking for me to help him up. I had a good bawling hour with Ollie licking my face off. Nancy
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