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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Excellent post by echos's mom. I have spent my life, since getting Sophie, for her to be socialized, love our family. A new change will be happening for us... I took a new job taking care of children only. My hours will be better... Sophie will see me sooner. Nancy
  2. I'm thinking he is excited and happy! Move away from the cage, give a tour of the house and explain all your rooms. When stressed, return to cage. As far as not stepping down,I went thru that too and discovered... deposit bird on the floor right in front of their cage.Make sure you tell them how much fun you had! Nancy
  3. We are a little eccentric! LOL! Nancy
  4. Elvenking...we look forward to you figuring out conferences with us and birds. The only conference Sophie enjoys, is skyping with Ryan my son. Sophie LOVES it! As far as going on vacation, they need to learn you have to go away. In the beginning of our relationship, I paid big bucks for Sophie to be taken care of.As time went on, Sophie became more social, I paid for an " in house" sitter. Sophie loves teenagers, or young adults. Those I hired, she knew them for many years. When I came home, she acted like I was never gone. Nancy
  5. I don't have to yell at Sophie anymore... " sophie NOOOOOOO!" I guess that proves it DOES work! ( not meaning yelling at your bird works.) Just a quick reminder to pay attention. Nancy
  6. Good luck! Stepup, step down, is the MOST important training you can do. Nancy
  7. Excellent post by Dave. Sophie came to us at age two, with no issues. Exposed to entire family, and more than a decade later.... LOVES all of us. Everyone needs to be committed, everyone needs to be on the same page. Its a commitment as a family, but if you are consistent.. you will have a bird that is AMAZING! Nancy
  8. Sophie loves feet! I discourage it, as feet stink , and have alot of bacteria! I won't let her play with my feet, but it hasn't stopped her with her foot fetish. She just turns to my kids. They know I don't like them to let her play with their feet, but they get in the " zone", with games and movies, and they really don't know she is " controlling the situation!"( It amazes me how kids can zone out!). When Ryan comes home.... she goes even MORE crazy with his feet. I will find her " tucked under his toes" when he is sleeping. WHATS with feet? Nancy
  9. Watch what Zoe is eating too during barbecue season! Sophie's poops are HUGE lately, as she has been enjoying our barbecuing. Stick to a regular diet, encourage veggies. Nancy
  10. Sean home from college. Sophie is ecstatic! While reading a book, Sean was playing a video game on his stomach on the couch. I watched Sophie kiss all his toes, expect him to pet her with his toes, and when he failed to deliver.... she gave him a little reminder, a gentle peck, ran in for the " pet"... head down, butt up... it was too funny to watch! Sean petted her with his toes when she gently reminded him, and he had no clue that he had done this! I LOVE watching Sophie manipulate a situation to her liking.I never said a word Nancy
  11. Sophie knocks on my door on the weekend and says " morning!" I STILL don't answer that knock until 8am! Nancy
  12. We can't wait to hear all the new and exciting stories! We know you will probably ignore us for a day or two....we get it! Been there... Nancy
  13. neoow... I was close! LOL! Nancy
  14. neoow...I'm sure Alfie will love it! Just patience and grey time. Nancy
  15. Alex sounds amazing! Even if you have determined Alex is 18, he is still quite young and trainable. Sophie is 16 and I learn from her all the time. NEVER put your fingers in their cage, it is theirs. Encourage Alex to train off the door. It will take time to develop the trust. Once trust is established, the door is open to establish the relationship you want. I have no problem grabbing Sophie's beak and saying " NO BITE!" She knows what I mean, but wouldn't respond unless our relationship was established. I am not scared of Sophie, nor am I scared of her bite. She won't bite.... because she knows I am ROM ( mom), I make the decisions,I value her input. I know this sounds like I am " full of myself", but I am not. I had no issues grabbing her beak and saying NO! How else do they learn? nancy
  16. There is a big difference from what murfchck and Pat do with a rescue,compared to what a " new parent" can do. A new baby,or one that is less than two years old, CAN be trained that biting is not acceptable. They just need to understand your " expectations!" I've done it twice, it was alot of work and our entire family had to be on the same page. My rescue bird.... had to be picked up off his cage, or the floor. I think he only responded because I had pneumonia, and was more comfortable sleeping in family room, so moved his cage there so we could bond while I was ill. Sunny would attack your jugular, if given the opportunity. He recognized that I was ill, and gained his trust quickly. He approached me, landing on my wrist. Taught him he could talk if he wanted too. HELLO.... we worked on it for the week I was ill. He was already bonded to my son Ryan, the moment he met him, but needed to learn to trust the rest of us.Eventually, Sunny learned to trust us all. Missing our Sunny... as he passed on a few months ago. He was old, but died in my arms knowing we all loved him Nancy
  17. All have great advice. Carrier looks great. Perch placement suggestions are also right on.Start with three toys... Bell is a must, one toy to destroy such as a popsicle stick tower, wood blocks, plastic chain.... . Invest in six toys is my suggestions and you can eventually rotate. Nancy
  18. Okay... don't make fun of me or laugh... I'm guessing " internet computers technology."Am I right? Nancy
  19. Sophie's poop never smells. I am curious though, why did you switch the diet? Zupreems I have heard of, but not the other diet. ( doesn't mean its bad, compare the ingredients). Nancy
  20. Congratulations! We are all soooo excited for you guys.... You have been patiently waiting for this day. The cute fuzzy tent is not a big deal when dealing with a baby. As far as chlorox wipes, that is a BIG no. White vinegar as some have suggested. I also like to take the cages out and wash with dawn liquid detergent in the nice weather and power wash! Sophie isn't " cage possessive", but she doesn't like me taking them outside. She watches me closely thru the sliding glass door. Nancy
  21. Echo's mom... That was really nice of you. Nancy and Sophie
  22. Elvenking... It breaks my heart that you are struggling with Isaac plucking! I would too if Sophie did this. She is looking a little ragged lately, as her last bird friend has left our world. I can imagine the struggle you go thru to be told " be calm, except this, work on alternate therapy." Meanwhile... hear " this is NOT your fault!" ( which it isn't.) You love your baby. Take a deep breath and reach out to resourses available to you to help you solve this problem. ( avian and behavioral experts). It ISN'T you... but your birds problem which makes it your problem. I can totally relate, and would respond the same way as you Nancy
  23. Handsome boy! I know you will figure out what is best for him! Nancy
  24. neoow... your day is coming!!!!! Its sometimes slow, in bird terms. When it happens... its amazing! Nancy
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