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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. After many years, if Sophie is on my shoulder, I am dressed to go " out"... she knows! " don't even think about it!" LOL. She will be an angel. If a bird chews on my shirt, the answer is " NO!" Returned to cage. Pick baby up again in five minutes. It takes several months, but the issue needs to be dealt with each time bird chews. Nancy
  2. Sophie pulls out a ton of down. Check with Dave. I trust him with bird chewing or just dander. Even though I have had Sophie for a decade and she doesn't chew her feathers, I have watched her so many times with the cleaning process. It is amazing and alot of work. I think Dave can help you. I trust him . nancy
  3. DanielaWellborn... have been on vacation. How old is your bird? Nancy
  4. She is beautiful! I enjoyed watching her ( without audio). Kids promise to fix it when they get home from college. I am actually enjoying watching greys without audio, as I can watch how they feel socially. A very happy bird, that is very happy with themselves. Of course audio would help,but that wouldn't change what I saw. A very happy socialized bird. Good for you! Nancy
  5. Kiki was waiting for my decision to NOT tolerate her poor behavior anymore. I felt guilty, so of coarse I was easy. She pushed all my buttons all negatively. She enjoyed my guilt. I think she was happy when I snapped back into mama mode. Nancy
  6. My birds get trimmed every three months. Beaks and nails. Either a vet, or bird trimmer. Nancy
  7. Treats are great. Bird should NEVER be on top of cage. Nancy
  8. I got Sophie at age two. Never had a baby grey. I wish I had Sophie as a baby, just for the fun! Nancy
  9. JeffNOK why would it scare her? Halloween is about fun! Sophie LOVED the kids that came here. Nancy
  10. Wow! Sounds like sexual agression or maturation!Sounds like your bird recognizes this poor behavior. Don't tolerate the bite. Return your bird to cage after a bite, try again ten minutes later. Nothing wrong with letting a bird know you are disappointed with the behavior as well as will not tolerate it.You can also show compassion and empathy. My birds know I tolerate their hormonal moments... we all tolerate each birds " moments" as a family. Kiki, our Amazon, is the bird we all work together, to make her happy. Went on vacation. Everyone was happy. Coming back.... WOW! Kiki pulled every " bad bird" stunt she could think of! LOL! I tolerated it for two days... couldn't take it anymore.... told her... " you're done!" Set limits for her, as I normally do. She's back to normal. We love our Kiki girl. Nancy
  11. Education and exposure to the birds, is usually all it takes. My friends and family, understand and respect my relationship with my birds and dogs. If it is " important" to me, it is " important" to them! I'm lucky to have friends and family, who don't question " whom I love, or why?" Nancy
  12. Doing just fine in Rochester, NY. Lost cable for three days... no big deal. Kept my heat. Warm beaks ! YAY! How is everyone doing? Nancy
  13. For all those that have smoked and quit.... YAY! Sophie hates smoke! I smoke, and do so outside Nancy
  14. I hope I can pick up my dogs tomorrow. Haven't slept well. Nancy
  15. No bird... should EVER be on your shoulder... until they deserve it. ( NOT the average owner!) All my birds are now on my shoulder. Nancy
  16. Two products I have available all the time, is Dermabond( in case they pull a flight feather and they don't stop bleeding). Neosporin, if they pull a feather that needs antibiotic care. Everyone who owns a bird, should have experience in CPR. Kiki once got trapped under wooden cage, was on her last breath, required CPR. It worked, Nancy
  17. A simple xray, would give you the answer. Ask your vet, how much it would cost? Nancy
  18. Hurricane Sandy, will affect many of us. I just left North Carolina, beautiful weather, drove straight home early, since I was concerned with forecast for Northeast. No punishment from Sophie when I got home. She LOVED the people that cared for her. The teenager Sean, had his parrents help. His dad is in love with Sophie. Sean's mom is in love with Kiki. Just want to make sure, everyone has enough water, flashlights, and plans if they loose heat. Remember, birds don't tolerate living in an enviroment where they are cold. I had contacted my vet, where my dogs are boarded. If I lose heat, they can board my birds. It will suck, if I can't pick up my pups tomorrow, as they have been boarded for a week already. Nancy
  19. LOVED the video! Unfortunately, my audio is dead.Maverick is bonding, so perfectly! Baby is certainly a snuggle muffin. Nancy
  20. Just got back from vacation. Walked in the door, Sophie said " Rom where are you?" I know she meant " where have you been?" I told her I was on vacation, and missed her terribly! Her response was " AHHHHH". That means she understands. Next, I got kisses! LOTS of them! Nancy
  21. Jared, Welcome to Charlie, Rocky and family. I too, have an Amazon and Grey. Nancy
  22. Morana, Have been out of town past week. How is Zak? Nancy
  23. Mistyparrot is soooo right! Back to cage.... say " NO BITE!" Return five minutes later, try again. Of coarse, you can't be mad, otherwise wait until you feel confident and not emotional. We went thru that with Sophie. Our passports got " revoked" all the time, for no reason. It took six months. Trust is a slow process for birds and they " pull the plug", whenever they feel like it. After six months, Sophie was sitting on my wrist doing this " NO BITE" discussion, biting the air instead of me. YAHOO! She got it!I knew it was a turning point! yelled to the kids " come quick!" I was dancing, happy as could be. Kids and Sophie thought I had gone crazy.I was right. It was a turning point. Noone was ever bitten ever again. A decade later.... we are so happy to have Sophie part of our lives. Nancy
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