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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I always thought I wanted a Too as well. As soon as I heard they " tear" instead of bite down.... I was scared to death! Greys and Amazon bite down. That I can handle. Kiki our Amazon has never bitten hard. Sophie is good as well. One of her favorite games is to give me a friendly nip on my butt, when she is hanging on family room gate to keep dogs out. I usually dodge her nip... its a game we play. I say " Ha! Ha! Missed me! Sometimes she doesn't miss.... but it is a love bite. Doesn't hurt at all. She laughs when she gets me! I always tell her, " you win!" The otherday, I had dining room lite on which throws off lots of shadows on the ceiling. She LOVES the light, and starts a figure eight with her head, very into it. I opened gate, she didn't play the game but bit me HARD on my finger. No blood drawn, but certainly bite marks! My feelings were very hurt and I let her know it! I know it was because she was overly excited. I felt bad that I acted like a child. I ignored her for the next hour even though she tried to make ammends. Sad at the age of 52, I can have my feelings so hurt by my best friend, that I can act like a child.What the heck? Nancy
  2. Yay for Rosie! Not only are you proud of her, I'm sure she is proud of herself. Nancy
  3. I always had faith in Gracie! I 'm so happy for you Jeff. Its just the beginning! Nancy
  4. judygram and others, have excellent advice. Relax Miranda. Gypsy will be just fine.She is just a baby, and yes, they typically chose one person over another. Sophie a decade later, LOVES all of us. Kids at college, but now that they are back.... Clean cages together. Open the cage door and read her a book. Everyday. Sophie was partial to Dr. Seuss. YOU feed only. Have her watch you and hubby play a board game in front of her cage. She may come and join you, or may just want to watch your interaction together.Sophie would choose one over another, but we all were so involved in her care, she couldn't get a grasp fast enough, whom she should enjoy more.We shared all chores equally. Bad with the good. Biting? Return to cage, say no, try again five minutes later. Kids would call me at work..." I can't do it!"( too late now!) Once all expectations were the same from each of us, she could learn and appreciate what each of us had to offer. Ryan for his music, Sean for playing hidenseek, me, for keeping her safe and meeting her basic needs. Nancy
  5. Don't worry about Santa! I have it on good information, Santa LOVES birds. He's coming........ Sophie
  6. Christmas in my hometown, was very difficult this year due to a terrible tragedy. I had to work Christmas day, so we decided to celebrate Christmas, Christmas eve. We were all feeling sad, due to the recent tragedy in our hometown. While kids were opening their gifts, Sophie came out.( as usual!) I tried to entertain her with a role of wrapping paper, so kids could open their gifts. She was attacking with gusto, but then decided to try to balance on the roll. She fell off! It was so funny to see! She was adamant that she could balance on the roll and made it her mission in life. Attempt after attempt, she fell off but tried again. She finally got mad at me for laughing at her,gave me her "squack" ( means I don't appreciate you laughing at me!) Last attempt she was balancing quite well. I'm sure any circus would appreciate her joining. Sean commented.. " noone can make you laugh like Sophie." You and she understand something that none of us get!"ancy
  7. JeffNOK... do it! Try the red. Nancy
  8. My 21 year old was so very upset. He immediately started making plans what to do for the families. I was very proud.I put him in touch with my girlfriend to see what he could do.There are so many questions to be answered. Gun control, psychiatric help... what can we do as a nation to secure the safety of our citizens? Nancy
  9. Welcome Cinnyminis and Radar. He sounds wonderful! Nancy
  10. It is so awesome to watch and listen to you guys with the beginning stages of love.There is nothing like having a new baby. I would also add, there is nothing like having a teenager. It just gets better and better! Nancy
  11. I'm sure many of you have heard about the shooting of four fire fighters in Webster, Ny. My hometown. It has hit us all so hard. We are a very close community, and can't make any sense of this tragedy. My girlfriend's husband was a member of the West Webster fire team, and slept thru the first alarm, but went on the second alarm. It saved his life. Her son home from Afganistan, was bestfriends with the 19 year old who was killed. Please send your prayers for the families of those that lost their lives. Thanks Nancy
  12. I think I'll be happy with my loud Amazon at certain times of the day, thank you. Nancy
  13. danmcq is so right. They are extremely wasteful! When I hired a teenager to babysit in October, his mom came to help. She would scold Sophie for throwing food. She asked me why Sophie enjoyed throwing food so much? LOL!I explained, a Grey is like a one year old in a highchair. They just never get out of it! Nancy
  14. Ill give that a try for Sophie and Kiki to share. Sounds adorable! Nancy
  15. For the one that won't... He will... when he see's over and over, the behavior of the flock. Its not us that makes the rules... its the flock. I have few rules, but I let the birds know, I'm not giving an inch. Extremely simple rules, they all argue with me, but they know when i won't give in Nancy
  16. I fed Kiki my Amazon, as long as she needed. It took her around nine months to get fully weened. I would have given her a breakthrough feeding, as long as she needed. She today, is my best eater. Nancy
  17. Congos are big, Tinnehs are smaller. Thats about it, for the difference. Nancy
  18. Glad to see the mention of eye pinning. When Sophie was younger, it meant she felt threatened and wanted me, or someone else, to back off. As she got older and trusted all of us, it was no longer a threat, but she was interested in something we said. First time I noticed this was when I said Kuchikuchikoo! Tickling her under her chin. I knew it wasn't the tickle, it was what I said. I knew she wanted to learn this. I repeated it several times, and to this day, it is her favorite saying. Many times since then, when her eyes pin, I know she is learning. I repeat what I have said, and she repeats it. Nancy
  19. lisachristine... you are doing everything right. I tried to post earlier this week, but birds had a " field day" with my keyboard, kids got me a new one! yAHOO!
  20. Sophie was adopted at age two. She talked in a robatic voice. Within six months she imitated me quite well. She also imitated the boys too. I would yell... Dinner! Ryan would say " coming". Sean would yell " coming"! Nobody came. I got sooooo mad! Come to find out, it was Sophie that had responded. I am half deaf in my right ear, so I can't tell where sound comes from. Sophie was the one coming to dinner. Nancy
  21. jbsmomto1 YAY! He talks! Robotic voice is first, then comes imitation of the one he favors. Isn't it amazing? Its like your childs first words. I hate that Sophie sounds like a " valley girl". I complained to kids... " who is she imitating?" they looked at each other and laughed! Nancy
  22. Okay... so my family is nuts! Birds and dogs love each other. Granted, dogs were pups when they first came home here. Birds were already established. Three different bird species who have worked it out after much training. I can't imagine having two greys, but my gang care and respect each other. Nancy
  23. Merry Christmas to all! Nancy and gang
  24. Well Sophie will always love anything Ryan plays on the guitar. Rap is always fun for her since she gets a good beat going. Kiki on the other hand.... YIKES! Opera! She warms up a key or two then lets it out. LOL! Nancy
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