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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Mamawise... in my opinion...you are the " ideal" parent for a grey. You already have some experience with birds, but what is most important... you have raised many children. Greys have many similarities to children. Your youngest at home are the perfect age to help.Ryan my 22 yr old was 10 when Sophie came home. He and Sean were a major factor in her training and care. Sophie loves them very much. While both are at college, they call her all the time. She misses them dearly, but knows they are off "getting smart!" Nancy
  2. I would also open the cage door. Have your bird hang out with you any moment possible. Nancy
  3. Can we say Scooby Scooby Doo? How much fun! LOVE the name Nancy
  4. boojam... I can't even imagine dealing with a grey screaming for two years! OUCH! Lets see what others have to say. Nancy
  5. Piper doesn't hate you! Piper knows you have accepted his bad behavior and you are tolerating the bad behavior. It is difficult when we have many birds.Even when another family member is the parent, they aren't around as much as us.Even though Ryan is bonded to Sunny, Kiki is bonded to Sean, they are off at college. It is my responsibility, to continue to educate them, teach them " acceptable behavior". I have no problems with Kiki, but still need to wear my " white bathrobe", when picking up Sunny. I wish I could just pickup Sunny like Ryan does. I never will, and thats okay. I will still be able to pick him up, and work with him.(even on his terms!)Nancy
  6. Where do you live? How old is Timmy? Nancy
  7. Happy birthday! Nancy and gang
  8. I agree with Dave also.Time for solids, as well as continuing formula,if needed. Kiki took FOREVER to get off her formula forever. A total of nine months. My vet taught me how to do the feedings.It IS difficult and dangerous to do feedings. Not knowing what you are doing, can cause aspiration. Kiki eventually became the best bird to try new things.All fruits and veggies. Everyone waits for Kiki to try it.If she likes it.... everyone tries it. LOL! Nancy
  9. aw64.... you are a GREATparrent! Don't ever think differently! You go through exactly w3hatmostparrentsdo. Your baby is completely normal and this is the age, they do what everyone has described. Nancy
  10. They are amazingly empathetic! I LOVE that Sophie thinks she is far superior to all of us, but push come to shove, she will show empathy to the entire flock if and when they need it. An example would be... when Sunny our conure was losing weight, it was more a matter of getting old. Kiki who loved him, stopped sleeping with him. Kiki moved to the other cage. I started to find Sophie snuggling with him.I was sure then, he was dying. After a week, Kiki came back, Sophie left him. He started to put weight back on. They knew something I didn't. I didn't question it... I was just relieved Sunny was going to be okay. Nancy
  11. KimKim... being a medical person,I KNOW you will try to make it work. If family members are allergic... it is not fair to them. No matter how many air filters you place... they are allergic. Any allergy to an animal, WILL NOT change! It is unhealthy for the human. For those that ignore this, they tend to avoid the animal they are allergic too. Many get allergy shots, etc. I've been there since I was age nine.Nancy
  12. Awww...Alfie is still such a baby, but has progressed alot! danmcq has excellent advice about the "iron fist!" I never used it, but it is a great way to communicate to your bird. I use " timeout". Some feel it is very successful, some don't. A bite.... lands your bird in timeout for one minute for every year. Be consistent,never yield on their cries for sympathy. Timeout, will NOT work for any bird that is NOT trusting you.They have to trust and want to make you happy. I also "took my life in my hands"(just kidding), and would gently grab their beak and say "NO! NO BITE! Back to cage, closed and locked it. Kids also had to do the same.They were old enough to work on consistency. This is where most people won't agree. I've heard this for years. I never returned Sophie to her cage full of toys.She had a timeout cage. Her behavior was wrong, she needed to learn this. I always took her out of timeout, told her " I love you"... but I won't tolerate your biting. Between three and six months of adopting her at age two, she has been the best bird, anyone can ask for. Nancy
  13. Oh NOOOO! NOT the dreaded clipping question! I TRIMMED my birds when they were younger when I was working on training. BUT.... my birds could still fly within three rooms. It worked for me, ONLY.... because I have the best trimmer in the USA! I'm not kidding! I told Paul my goal for the birds, being fully flighted was the goal. Sophie my grey has just learned to fly because she was poorly clipped and I adopted her at age two.ALL babies need to learn to fly, develop their chest muscles.It also builds confidence. A confident bird,is a happy bird, which also decreases chance of chewing feathers. Safety,is always the most important thing. People that have an open concept house, have to work harder training a grey. Those that can remove their bird from the cage,go into another room and practice flying, step-up and down, always have an advantage. The doors are closed, bird can focus more.It took Sophie over 12 years to fly the way she always wanted too. It was Kiki the Amazon who finally showed her how to fly. A simple readjustment in " flapping of wings", made all the difference. Sophie imitated Kiki's flapping....Kiki would fly a short distance, wait for Sophie. Sophie would follow, Kiki would take off again.Of course Sophie followed.Too this day, I find this the most AMAZING cooperation between twobirds. Kiki doesn't wait for anyone, she flies around and around! Nancy
  14. Oh your bf is soooo caught!!! LOL! I LOVE the feet too. Nancy
  15. Cindy... I am sure you will get approved! Opening your heart and home to these birds,is a GREAT thing. Unfortunately, what you are seeking, a bird that you can love, and love youin return, will NOT happen with two paired greys. You will be an "after thought!" I for one, don't believe in having two greys in a home, unless you have two people to love them. Of course this is just my opinion. Others may have success with two greys. Nancy
  16. Moonrock... We LOVE the journals! I am glad you can respect everyone's opinion and take it in stride. Now.... regarding pupil dilitation... that means your bird is receptive. pupil constriction and dilitation means one of two things: either learning, or a warning. Complete pupil constricting... I suggest you backoff. Feather fluffing or waving of feathers,is anyone's guess. I always taught my birds away from their cage, once they learned to stepup. I have NEVER put my hand inside a cage to get any of my birds to come out. OUCH! Nancy
  17. You guys are awesome! Great wealth of knowledge. Nancy
  18. Wow! LOL! I have two kids off in college, but they talk to the birds several times a week. NOT feeling the " empty nest syndrome". My youngest comes home monthly or sometimes biweekly. I'm sticking to the same number of birds I have. LOL! Nancy
  19. bluedawg...I am from Rochester, NY.My flockmembers are: Ryan, age 21, Sean age 18, Kiki an Amazon age 12, Sophie a grey age 12, Sunny a sunconure (rescue), age undetermined but old. This site is great! I'm not great with computers, but everyone here always helps me. You can't go wrong! There are soooo many here with experience and many who have none! What a perfect fit. If you struggle with any computer issues, let us know. You are part of our family now. I am soooo excited! Nancy
  20. Come to think of it... Sophie's contact calls are nice. Kiki.... embarassing from a neighborhood perspective. Sunny, I just realized he has the most contact calls. Can't speak a word, but he is the first to tell me to get out of bed on a Saturday at 6am. NOOOOOOO.... NOT getting up until 8am is MY contact call back! LOL Nancy
  21. OMG! I laughed soooo hard! I'm sending Sophie to your house for a week. Please send her back when she is panting and dancing in water! Nancy
  22. I think I haven't noticed! For some reason,I have " assumed" she knows. BUT.... I think she knows. I'm going to pay attention. Nancy
  23. Gracie is going to be just fine! Think of this as her " first sleepover!." An important part of her growth. Make sure you leave with lots of kisses, show her you are excited for her to bond with grandma and grandpa. Call her nightly, have them put her on the phone. Sophie talks to Ryan all the time. DON"T let her see you stressed, as well as when calling. If you are stressed... she will be also. You MAY getpunished when you get home. I don't get that from Sophie.More Kiki. Nancy
  24. Very interesting! Usually Sophie only comments how she is a good girl. She never discusses me or boys if we are good or bad.She DOES tell Ollie to " be a good boy, go outside and pee." I never thought about her knowing that he was a boy. Nancy
  25. How is everything going? I LOVE to hear how new families are doing! Why haven't we heard from you? We are not just here to advice. We are here to support each other and trade silly stories about ourgang. Hope you can jumpin and tell us all about your family. Nancy
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