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Everything posted by pikachu

  1. Judy, will they ever learn to fly? Maui hasn't been clipped since I brought her home; her last clip was in August, I think. She will be a year old at the end of this month. I think she flew better when she first came home than now. I encourage her to fly to me and back to her stand, but I don't see any improvement. Any suggestions?
  2. Our blue Quaker is named "Blue" because her indecisive owner, my daughter, couldn't decide on the "perfect" name. So, I had to call it something besides "the bird". Edited to add, our Cockatiel's name is Pikachu because my son is a Pokemon fan & the Tiel looks like Pikachu with its yellow face & orange cheeks.
  3. I'll start to worry when the Quaker starts whispering back and they both stop when I walk into the room!
  4. Acappella, & others who have this type of bell, where can I find one?
  5. Is the pan able to be attached to the cage? Or does it just sit on the bottom?
  6. Does your grey whisper? Maui sometimes whispers {"hi Maui"} really quiet. Right now, she is in her cage having an entire conversation with herself, whispering. I have no clue what she is saying, but it's funny.
  7. I'm sure you always supervise. I was just commenting on our dog. I just thought the video was very sweet. Made me sad that our dog can NEVER be trusted like that.
  8. TWIX, sometimes it takes just one person to make a difference. That person could be you! Keep being their voice & speak loudly.
  9. That was very sweet! In our house, however, the bird would have been gone in one gulp. :-( Can't trust the golden.
  10. Very cute! I'm going to have to look for one of those!
  11. Our CAG is named Maui, after the Hawaiian god who lassoed the sun with his sister's hair in order to lengthen the day. Our Maui is a girl though.
  12. I hope everyone is safe. The storms are about to hit us in St. Louis.
  13. Maui is turning one in a couple weeks. She plays all day, INSIDE her cage. She plays more and more every day on her tree stand. She does not play with me. She will perch on my wrist and let me scratch her head and neck. And, she gives me kisses. I just figure she is an independent woman.
  14. Please everyone, stay safe this weekend and through the rest of the of the bad weather season!
  15. pikachu


    Careful Doug, the engineer in you is coming out! ; )
  16. This is very interesting. I am for sure Maui's favorite person. She hates my husband. He can not hold her, touch her or feed her. When he goes near the cage, she climbs as far away as possible, to the top/back of the cage. My husband talks to her very little; I am home with her and talk to her all day long. Believe it or not, she talks in his voice almost 100% of the time. She says hello in my voice only.
  17. He wants to help preen you?
  18. Looks like he enjoys his new home!
  19. pikachu


    We use Roudybush here; in St. Louis it is hard to find. But, it can be ordered online.
  20. I wouldn't be too worried about it. Maui still acts like that a little. They still ARE babies!
  21. Thanks Doug. Who watched Ellie while you were on your trip? How did she do? I like to read all your comments about her because Maui is close to her age. She will be one at the end of this month.
  22. Anyone else have an answer?
  23. Yeah, she loses flight & tail feathers, but I'm talking about the nickel-sized ones that are on the neck, chest & back. Do those molt out like the downy ones?
  24. Do they just molt downy feathers or do they molt the scalloped larger grey feathers?
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