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Everything posted by pikachu

  1. pikachu

    Snap peas

    @ elvenking - do you serve the green beans raw or cooked?
  2. pikachu

    Snap peas

    @ abbie21187 - great idea! Also, what is the "quinoa based cookable blend"? @ luvparrots - I was amazed that she gobbled it down. Just a few days ago, she was refusing everything. She really notices what I am eating and wants to try new things now.
  3. pikachu

    Snap peas

    Okay, thanks! BTW, I was thrilled she ate some carrot yesterday. Today, she threw it out of her cage with great skill.
  4. pikachu

    Snap peas

    Thanks judygram! Do I need to remove the string?
  5. pikachu

    Snap peas

    In the pod. Are they okay to feed to the birds?
  6. I'm glad my breeder is paying for his first vet visit. Hopefully all is well. @ judygram - not a worrywart, just realizing how much I have to learn from veterans like you.
  7. Aw, Barbara2 that is so sad. I can't even imagine how you felt.
  8. My baby started talking at 16 weeks & he isn't even home yet! He says 'hi', 'hello' (in a deep male voice), 'up', whistles four different ways & makes kissing noises. Everyone who works with him comments on how much he talks. I think we have a chatterbox. Makes me laugh when I walk away from him & he gives me a wolf whistle!
  9. WOW! Thanks! So much to think about.
  10. Thanks Dave for the great information. I worry about him refusing food. I know that he does eat some pellet, but he is sorta picky with fresh foods. Right now he plays more with it than i think he eats. Our cockatiel refuses to eat anything except seed. He is a rescue. Cleaning supplies - My main concern about cleaning supplies was prompted by posts talking about supplies & things being toxic. We have other pets, but it never crossed my mind that they might be toxic to my birds! The posts where people came home to dead birds broke my heart. I have someone come in every two weeks to clean. She uses Pine Sol, which I read can be toxic. Does that mean if they get into it or does that mean that just breathing it can kill them? Also, I'm also worried about birds & Teflon. Are all non-stick pans coated with Teflon? How do I know if my pans have it? Is it the dark coating? I am so grateful for this forum - it has given me much to think about to protect my fids. I was just so excited about our new addition - after reading about the heartbreak of some, it made me realize that even though these creatures have long life spans, I will eventually have to deal with their mortality & that made me sad. @ Luvparrots - that is the absolutely sweetest picture of your baby!
  11. Thanks. He will not come home until he is fully weaned. Right now, he is at 19 weeks. I was there and was able to watch a feeding for the first time. He was really into it, so I know he is not ready. He is still taking two feedings a day. I had been really excited, but now I'm worried. Worried about making sure I feed him enough... Worried about his crop emptying... Worried about seizures... Worried about my cleaning supplies... Many things. Basically, I think I was up way too late last night reading posts about people losing their baby...made me question myself. I'm glad I have more time to get ready! I'll post pics soon - they are on my phone. BTW, his name is Maui.
  12. I'm new here - I've been lurking & reading posts for a few days and I have to say that I am getting really nervous. I am currently waiting for my new baby CAG to come home. After reading posts about hand-feeding gone wrong, I am quite content now to allow the owners to feed him since they know what they are doing. I guess what I need is some assurance that bringing him home will go well. I was up late last night doing laundry & reading some of the posts on the health board. They have me scared that something will go wrong. I am so worried that I will make a mistake. Please tell me it's going to be okay! Nice to meet all of you, BTW!
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