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Everything posted by pikachu

  1. I'm boring...I just put in on top of her oatmeal.
  2. Our CAGs nails were very sharp as a baby. We had them trimmed. We haven't gotten them trimmed in the couple months we have had her. I can tell that they have gotten longer, but they don't hurt anymore. I think that she really needs them to grip her manzanita tree stand so we will probably leave them as they are.
  3. I'm not an expert, but when I ask mine to step up, I expect them to step up. A disclaimer - when I take my CAG out, I always make sure that I have enough time to allow her to relax & hang out. It is never a quick thing, as I feel like that is unfair to her. (Not saying that is what you are doing, but it's what I try to avoid.)
  4. We have a grey, a quaker & a cockatiel. The quaker gets going and then the others join in. Sometimes it sounds like a whole flock of birds, not just three. I just love listening to them because I know they are happy in their chatter.
  5. We had ours removed for safety reasons. We were afraid that it would get caught on something. That is what was advised to us (right or wrong, idk). We will be having her microchipped soon.
  6. Maybe they like Ke$ha because they are pre-teens? ; ) I'm lucky because my (human) children grew up listening to classical music & that is what they prefer. Sometimes the boy forces me to listen to other stuff. : ears bleeding :
  7. Hmmm - I'll have to find something with a drum beat. Greys must be the original beat boxers. Ke$ha huh? Nice!
  8. What kind of music do your fids like to listen to? I'm a classical pianist & when I start to play, all three of mine start singing & make all sorts of noises. (I hope it's because they like it and not hate it)
  9. I just have to tell you how helpful this thread is. I read the whole thing & the one thought that really struck me was something I think you said about the parrot communicating & its owner not answering back. The fact that they communicated and without the proper feedback, they wonder if they really did it right? My Maui whistles up a storm. I noticed her whistling little snippets from Andy Griffith & The Adams family. When I whistled back, you could almost sense the excitement in her voice! It was like she was thinking, "They finally understand me!" Now, throughout the day, she whistles snippets & I answer back & she whistles more. It's like she was checking to see if she was doing it right & was delighted to find she was, so she is doing it more. Make sense?
  10. So, what about whistling? I imagine that it is a lot easier for the birds than formation/execution of words, since whistling is one of the first things they learn. I was told by a well-meaning lady at the vet's office to never teach them to whistle, because they will never learn to talk. I have chalked this up to an old wives tale, and figure that the birds will learn whatever you spend more time teaching them. Am I correct? Or is she?
  11. Thanks, Dan, you answered my question.
  12. But then birds like Dayo sound exactly like their owners. How is Sterling Gris doing? I am enjoying watching my Maui develop every day.
  13. Hi, I have an almost 6 mo CAG who has been talking for a couple months. My question is this: when they are learning new words/phrases, do they use a different "voice" than when they have perfected the word? When my girl talks, it is low & sounds like a robot. That is definitely not what I sound like. Is this what you all refer to as mumbling? Because it doesn't sound like mumbling, it is quite clear what she is saying. Anyways, I'm just wondering if her voice will change or is this just her "voice"?
  14. My cockatiel's sneeze sounds like a water spritzer bottle. My grey's sneeze is a little louder than that. Hope that helps.
  15. I just gotta say that Bunsen is such a cutie!
  16. Thank you both for your responses!
  17. Haven't seen a mention about jicama yet. Is it okay? Also, I have seen a couple people ask about kiwi & whether or not the seeds need to be removed, but haven't seen an answer.
  18. I'm new to this forum and your post was one of the first ones I read. I have been wondering over the past couple months how things turned out, because I couldn't remember who was the author of the original post. So sorry to hear that Murphy is still lost, but I am happy to hear that you found a new friend!
  19. So, do you do anything besides disinfect the toys? Anything to stay away from? I have so many toys down in the basement but I'm afraid to use something wrong. I'm sure Dayo appreciates you taking the time to make all those cool things for him!
  20. pikachu

    Snap peas

    But, other beans need to be cooked, right? Dried beans can be toxic, I read. How do I know which legumes need to be cooked and which do not?
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