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Shelly Yokum

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Everything posted by Shelly Yokum

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to all who may read. Ray you are about the sweetest. love, Prince, Val, Roy, Austin, and Shelly
  2. go to the local pet store, get skunk away for the dog. It will do it in one wash, maybe two, depending on how close the skunk was. I can't answer the other question. God, lets hope not
  3. I just loved that. thank you for posting and I wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving
  4. My Macs do it all the time. I have put less in the dish, but fill it more often. Seems as if when they see colored ones, they search for just the right one. I put just enough to cover the bottom of the bowl, wait for them to finish it then give just a little more. I have heard give veggies and pellets in the morning, then only a half hour in the evening of seeds leave the bowls empty at night. Then they will eat just about anything after a few days. It worked great for my crew.
  5. OH that was so cute. I just loved it. Thank you for sharing.
  6. Oh good luck. Val totally refuses to go to bed. She can be a sweet heart all day, and will fly, bite, do what ever she can to prolong her bed time. I have it easier putting the boy to bed.
  7. Oh the poor thing. I am glad you were there before he had a heart attack.
  8. what a handsome fellow, very nice cage too. I can tell he sure is loved.
  9. I think this is just great, I truly enjoyed reading it. I have always wanted a DYH, but as of now I better hold of and see what is in store for me.
  10. I hope you got all kinds of new toys
  11. Thank you so all so much. I feel blessed in some ways. I do love my family very much, at least the part I have left.
  12. Eshana, that is the nicest and sweetest thing anyone has ever said. I do have a great love for all animals, but something about an innocent animal, and an innocent child just makes me melt. I wish my other birds were as sweet as Prince.
  13. she loves that camera for sure. so sweet, congrats
  14. That is Prince, and Austin, they are both just one of a kind.
  15. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=21148
  16. Judy, I don't want him in my bed that is for me and me only for the time being. Its bad enough Austin climbs in from time to time. I am such a sound sleeper I would be afraid of hurting him. I am just glad he was on my head and beside me. But the rascal could break out of anything I think. I will get a new thicker lock tomorrow, and probably keep his door shut at night. there is nothing in there he can get hurt on. He will just eat the door. LOL I am surprised he took this journey in the dark.
  17. Ray, it is sweet, that I have found a young man that wants me all the time, but everyone needs their space! That bird would live on my shoulder if I would let him
  18. You all know my crew. Prince, (mommy's fav) but you didn't hear that from me. Austin my little boy and I have been training Prince to fly to us on command inside the house. He has been doing great. I will have him on my arm, and toss him up to fly, he takes off, and lands beautifully. Austin will pick him up, and bring him to where he see's me and I say come Prince, and here he is flying just as fast as he can to get me. I just love it. You all also know that he is a great escape artist. I woke up this morning to b/g snuggles fast asleep in my hair. He had broken the lock I put on his cage at night, and flew in to sleep with mommy. I thought I my, going to have poo in my hair, and all over the bed! No A drop. (good boy)!!!!! so now what??? He won't stay in his cage, he has eaten the walls up in his room. So I guess he will be beside the bed on his play stand tonight. How do I get him to stay in his cage???? How do I break him from wanting to sleep with me??
  19. Most of you all know that this years has been very rough for me, and have dealt with a lot of losses. I do get a great joy, from my fids. My little Val is now about 9.5 months old. She never shuts up. LOL she talks, she whistles, she screams, she even thinks she is a macaw at times. Thank God not the volume of one thou. I love to hear her talk, she says hello like a broken record at times. If I give her something to eat she ask is that good, before trying it. Once she tries a bite, she will say mmmm good. She loves her treats and she has even asked by using please. She called me mommy once, and that just made my day. I think most of her talking is coming from the big boys. Who cares, she is such a delight. She is not much for being held or cuddled. She loves for me to scratch her head. She loves to fly, but still has crash landings. This is just an update on an upbeat.
  20. Thank you all so much for your prayers and kind words. I also want to send a special thanks to those who have sent give cards, checks, and money orders. You all make me cry, tears of joy. Strangers are much kinder and more thoughtful that family. Your prayers and gifts are so helpful right now. I hope to repay each and everyone of you. God Bless us all.
  21. I think he is somewhere around 7 or 8 years old. I adopted him, so I don't really know.

  22. Guys, your warm comments, help so much, thank you all. I am truly at my wits in here. I have nothing coming in at all. Here at the holidays too. How do you tell your child there isn't going to be a Christmas this year? How do you cope with the fact you could be homeless in a few weeks? I have done everything I know how to do to find help. There haven't been even the slightest site of hope. I keep a head ache from crying all the time. Giving my self more grey hair with worry and stress. I have NEVER been in this kind of need in my life. I have always went out of my way to help those in need. I try to be kind and helpful. Why is this happening to me? Guys forgive me please, but I just don't know what to do. I am in KY to answer the question above. sorry if it took some time to answer.
  23. I am only going to re-home one at a time for now. That will painfully be Roy, he is approx. 7 years old. He is a sweet baby, but hates men. I think he has been abused by one or maybe more. He is a ruby macaw. Why Roy? well, he is the loudest, the messiest, and the least trusting one. I have been afraid that with his back ground, he may one day take a finger from my son. He plays with him well most of the time, but he has bitten him when he has had enough. Nothing hard, not even breaking the skin. He has never bitten me, but I am a little scared and really careful with him. I have been a house wife, a stay at home mom for a long time close to 10 years. All at once, my husband has vanished, right a long with the direct deposit. No warning, no argument, just gone. I am loosing everything I am afraid. I think it's only a matter of time before I will end up in one of those low income apartments. Where a loud macaw won't be welcomed. Just in case something comes through for me. I just want to part with one at a time. I have a fee in mind, if interested please let me know. Maybe the money I get from Roy will hold me over until I can get a job and a paycheck and still get to keep my other birds. I wouldn't be getting rid of any of my babies, if I didn't have too. I have put a lot of thought into this and was one of the toughest decisions I have ever had to make..
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