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Everything posted by Barbara2

  1. Right now we haven't let them get together except to meet. The TAG has explored the top of the Sennie's cage while the Sennie was inside. The Sennie seemed very scared. The Hahn's let the TAG know in no uncertain terms that the Hahn's cage is off limits. (The TAG would get his toes bit if he ventures over there.) We have let the Sennie and TAG be face-to-face with my husband holding the Sennie on his finger and me holding the TAG. A TAG looks gigantic compared to a Senegal!
  2. I ditto the village atmosphere here. There might be some ideas that don't work for everybody but all of the ideas and experiences are so helpful! And your updates are great, even the ones that were not postive. I really get upset being on message boards where someone brings up a problem with their baby and then they disappear and we never know what happens. I like being part of your experiences and glad that they are now all good!!!
  3. He is a sweet baby! Congratulations!!
  4. Prayers for Karen and her friend, Barbara.
  5. That is a wonderful story! (Benin was actually one of the names that I considered for Neo.)
  6. They are in my thoughts. Hopefully the pain will be eased before too much time is past.
  7. Barbara2

    Pets Are Top

    If you are on facebook, you can also hit the "share" button on your petsaretops page and it will post to your facebook so you can share your pets with other friends.
  8. It's very nice to meet you! And if information about greys is what you want and the friendship of others owned by greys, you have come to the right place!!
  9. I was not able to visit my baby before he came home either. He was shipped to me. So far though, it was like we were meant to be.
  10. Excellent!! I am very happy for both of you!
  11. The Hahn's in the background is pretty funny too. Sounds just like mine.
  12. Welcome Crystal! And thanks for the pictures. What sweet babies! I also just got a TAG. His hatch date was June 3 and he has been home with us for just about 3 weeks. He has been wonderful! I can't wait to hear more about your experiences with your new baby.
  13. There will be no session today. The two year old is over and that isn't a good environment for training. I will repeat yesterday's experience tomorrow.
  14. Outstanding. I love all the pictures!
  15. Definitely parrots your voice. My birds all sound like a woman! LOL!
  16. Neo is a bit older because of vacation plans. We had to put off bringing him home. It is better to start earlier but even with that, the bird can hit a point where they reject what they previously accepted. Doing what you are doing is absolutely the right thing to do. Baby steps even when it seems you might be able to leap ahead!
  17. We're still behind Lilly. (But then again Neo came to me with his wings clipped so he is not fully flighted.) Day two of the actual harness work. I'm still using a wing loop but I made the loop smaller so that it touched Neo's face as he put his head through the loop to get the treat. I let the harness rest on his neck for about 2 seconds and then I pulled it back off. I did this 4 times. That's it for today. I'm trying to keep the lessons short and fun with just a little progress. I figure I have until about April when the weather turns warm again before we actually go outside.
  18. I watched the video and it is helpful but I don't feel it is complete. I needed to supplement the training steps because the bird he uses in the video is much more easy going compared to my bird. I went looking for examples of birds who weren't quite as compliant. But you are right. Anyone who buys the aviator should watch the video before they begin to do anything with the harness.
  19. I'm hoping to put notes here during harness training so hopefully others can learn from my successes (as well as my mistakes). I started with leaving the harness in Neo's play area on top of his cage so that he would get used to just seeing it. That worked very well. Today I started with the head through the loop training. I did get the loop over his head but he freaked out a bit once it was on. I took it off as quickly as possible and went back to google to see if I could find additional help. There was a video showing training with getting a bird to put his head through a BIGGER loop, one made with the side where the wing actually goes through. So I tried again with the bigger loop and Neo put his head through to get a treat. I did it twice very successfully. I will take it up again tomorrow making the loop a little bit smaller.
  20. One day I was teaching in my classroom with a group of high school kids. They kept giggling and laughing and not paying a BIT of attention to what I was saying. Finally a girl said, "You have something on the back of your shirt." I had my Hahn's macaw out on my shoulder before I went to work. So I had bird poop on my back. LOL! I always wore something over me from that day on.
  21. Yeah, I didn't get an option to choose a color. I was hoping it wouldn't be pink like the one in the picture. They sent me one blue and one green.
  22. sesquipedalian (LOL! I'm going to make you all look that one up. It was in a movie tonight. You'll get a kick out of it relating to greys when you see what it means.)
  23. The one that I have is actually called a Safety Perch. I got it from Drs. Foster & Smith. I got the size recommended for a Timneh. The Congo gets the next size up. http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=5872 Actually I think the Congo would get the medium size also which is what I got for Neo.
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