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Everything posted by Barbara2

  1. That is a beautiful, messy face! Great to hear good news! (This was the first thread I looked for when I got home today.)
  2. God bless you both. My heart and my prayers are with you.
  3. When I brought my baby TAG home (he was shipped to me), I brought his crate in and was fortunate to have a cage big enough that I could put the crate right into the cage. I had a rope perch positioned directly above the crate. I put the crate into the cage and opened the door. I put a few sunflower seeds on the floor of the cage in front of the door, opened the door and let Neo decide what he wanted to do. My granddaughter and I visited the cage and talked to him but otherwise left him alone. Within 30 minutes he was out and exploring his new home. I really tried to make it as stress free as possible and I think it worked!
  4. I have wanted a Grey since I first decided that I wanted a parrot. That was 16 years ago. I did my research and settled on a Hahn's macaw because at the time I was working full time, had young children, had a career that spilled over into the 18 hour day (including the children's activities) and decided that I would not be a good parront to a Grey. I retired in May and decided that the Timneh male was the bird for me. I am hoping to socialize him to visit classrooms and nursing homes. If he's not into that, I will treasure him for what he does want.
  5. Your video was so awesome! My granddaughter, my grey and I all enjoyed it. :cool:
  6. I played that game with Neo the other day. He was on the top of his cage with a ball with the bell in the middle. He would play for awhile, drop it over the side, watch it bounce and roll and then wait for me to play fetch. He has trained me well.
  7. We have an African Senegal that is also a bell freak but the Hahn's Macaw, not at all. So it must be an African thing. PS. I have a very elaborate playstand with several bars and lots of toys but Neo was afraid of it. So I went with the simple, easily moveable stand and he's happy.
  8. A great big thanks for this and ALL the videos of these clever parrots. My granddaughter sat with me and watched them all today. It's better than watching "The Lion King" for the 56th time!
  9. I had my 2 year old granddaughter with me today. (She just LOVES Neo and he is so good with her!) She was born 3 months premature weighing in at a whopping 2 lbs. 7 ounces. The value of one month definitely had significant meaning. Thanks again to Jay. I'm sure everyone had a "moment" thinking about one or more of those points. Here is a picture of her today with my two fur babies:
  10. Thank you. I thought that is what you meant but I wanted to make sure. I watched a You Tube video where a guy was doing that in demonstration of a training method. Glad to know that is not the way to do it because it seemed unnatural to me.
  11. This is Neo on his new playstand. I ordered it on Friday and it arrived today! Yippee!!
  12. What do you mean by "laddering". (I want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong.)
  13. My heart and my prayers are with you. Get well, Kopi!
  14. I don't know if what I am doing is correct but I had a problem with Neo wanting to chew on my shirt when I am holding him. I keep a small toy in my hand that has small blocks, pieces of rope and leather. I put that between his beak and my shirt so that he has something acceptable to chew on. It is really more of a distraction than a correction.
  15. Neo has been with us one week today. In that time he has celebrated his 4 month bird day and has become very comfortable, or so it seems. He is eating and playing like he's been here his whole life. I tried to get a picture of him attacking his swing. He doesn't so much like to swing on it (except hanging upside down from the top of it) but he loves to ring the bells. He is a joy! I had to take the picture from a distance because if I get close he comes down and comes over to the door. In this picture his feet are on the bottom of the swing, tail pointing up and beak on the rope perch.
  16. It works! Very cute. Thanks for sharing with us!
  17. I got something like this for my grandchildren to play on (and eat on) in order to save my carpet in the living room. It cleans up REAL easy! It might be something to consider. http://www.lowes.com/pd_305784-373-3P174MN440_0__?productId=3078765&Ntt=kid+rug&pl=1&currentURL=%2Fpl__0__s%3FNtt%3Dkid%2Brug
  18. Does anyone have any experience/opinions about this one? http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=5059+5771+5872&pcatid=5872
  19. I'm not an expert with greys as I just got my TAG on Tuesday, but I do have two other parrots that I have had for 16 years. When the sun goes down, they go to sleep. They are in a separate room off of the room where we watch television so there is still some light but their room has no light on. I have never had a need to cover them although I know other people who cover the cage to let the bird know that it is time to go to bed. I don't know if that is any help or not.
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