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Everything posted by Barbara2

  1. I've seen it happen in emails and text messaging and message board. They typed word is so different than the spoken word because you don't get the advantage of facial expressions and voice inflections. It's always best to err on the side of "benefit of the doubt" or ask in a private message if you think that something is not quite right.
  2. He is just such a little love! He is already figuring out when he is going back in his cage. (I have been telling him, "You have to get in the cage now...") He doesn't so much bite as he puts his beak over my finger and applies pressure. I tell him "no" and he reluctanly steps down on the perch inside the cage. I love this bird!!!! LOL!
  3. Not to mention the harness and the perch! :eek: The size of the pak-o-derm needed to take him for a walk might also prove troublesome.
  4. I have a Hahn's and he can be loud if there is some "scary" object in his sight, like a ladder. But he is not nearly as loud as a large macaw. For the most part he is pretty quiet. He doesn't make noise in the morning until he hears someone up and moving around. He will call out when we are in the kitchen because he wants to remind us that we have to share. But he is certainly not a noisy bird. That is just my experience with one bird. P.S. If you want a small, quiet bird look at the African Senegal. They are delightful little guys!
  5. Neo is only 4 months old so he is not talking other than "baby talk". I did notice that he likes to talk into the bell. Our African Senegal does the same thing. He holds the bell up to his mouth like it's a telephone and he talks into the bell. Neo doesn't hold it but puts his head up inside it.
  6. For some reason I was thinking of the earlier post about the poop. That's just gotta be ugly.
  7. Congratulations! I've had my little boy for two weeks now. (It will be 2 weeks tomorrow.) He is wonderful! They are amazing birds and I'm sure that in no time you are going to find your new addition taking over your life in a very good way.
  8. I'm not an expert but I do know that birds vocalize for a reason. If you are always there, he may not have a need to call for you. If you are out of sight, he may find a reason to "call" for you. Someone else will come along with more experienced information if I'm incorrect.
  9. I LOVE these pictures. It gives me encouragement to work with my Neo to get him accustomed to the harness. I am dying to take him outside.
  10. This is not to diminish Jayd's thread about the value of time. It hit me to my core in a good way for a number of reasons. But it got me thinking about the "unvalue" of some things. 1. The unvalue of one minute when you're late for work and get stuck at a light. 2. The unvalue of one inch when you are going for that birdie putt. 3. The unvalue of 10 mph when you pass by the highway patrol with his radar on. 4. The unvalue of ONE WORD when you are arguing with your spouse. 5. The unvalue of ONE DAY when he forgets the anniversary. (SHE never forgets.) That's all I have for now. Feel free to add to the list. I just made this up.
  11. I just love Skip. And I love you for saving him! I think you two are going to have a wonderful relationship. And you are a FANTASTIC parront!
  12. What a GREAT (and GREYT) update!!!! I am smiling out loud.
  13. I love the name, by the way! ("Hey there Georgie girl....")
  14. Thank you! That is very good news.
  15. Today is the one day this year where the date will be the same no matter how you write it: 10-10-10. :cool:
  16. Wonderful news! Thanks again for the updates.
  17. I'm trying to change it up so that he doesn't have a favorite. I have found that he needs a day to get used to anything new. He actually does have a favorite and it's a foot toy that I don't leave in his cage. It's one of the things that I use as a "distractor" when I need it. It has wood, leather strings and little beads that look like pacifiers. It's so cute! I'll have to get a picture tomorrow.
  18. That's only a small step back and that happens. I have probably made at least 5 oop's since I have had Neo home. (Two weeks on Tuesday.) Just go back to the step before. You are a good mom!
  19. Neo scratches after I scratch his head. I first thought I must not have scratched him good enough but now I know it's just what he does.
  20. I wish I could be more helpful. I'm thinking of you guys and hoping that Jack is OK.
  21. I think they are making the print on those bottles smaller. Right?
  22. Wonderful Boom! I'm sure that she is more than worth the wait. Congratulations on your baby!!
  23. She is beautiful! (Love the name!) I'm at a football game but just had to check in. (Score is 14-0)
  24. I keep refreshing, refreshing, refreshing..... I feel like the visitor in the maternity waiting room and labor is taking WAY too long!
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