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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. That should stop people from getting a parrot.
  2. Storm looks like he might want to take a bath or shower. My grey Corky likes to take a bath in cold water with an ice cube
  3. Hi Charlie, Shiloh and Bailey, Welcome to the grey forum. OH I don`t want to forget your girlfriend so say to her to. Judy has given you some great advice and it sounds like things are going great. OH yah we love pictures.
  4. Hi Cindy and welcome to the grey forum. You have a lot of good questions, but the one thing you don`t want to do is over think what you want to do. Yes you should research on what it takes to be a care giver to any companion parrot. One. is this pair of greys a breeding pair of greys, if so they may not make good companions as they will be bonded to each other. Two. Is this pair male and female or two females or two males. Many members have just one grey and also work all day. They leave a radio on when their gone to keep them company and when their home they spend as much time with them as they can. All my birds are full flighted and they can get into anything and they do. I am getting ready for work now so I am going to cut this short, But others will chime in and let you know what they think.
  5. Thinking good thoughts for you and your family.
  6. Now that you built a perch you can start on his own room.
  7. Today even our amazons are Irish, Happy St. Pats day.
  8. Great looking too, enjoy and good luck.
  9. Ray P

    New House

    Glad things went well with the move. My grey Corky travels with us all over the U.S. so new things don`t bother her and takes them in stride.
  10. Hi Dan and Bella, Welcome to the grey forum. New grey so give her a chance to settle in. She is in a strange world new home and new people. Great picture of Bella.
  11. Let`s see, over the years we have had 9 foster children and my son is adopted so that is 10. At one point we had 15 cockatiels at one time. No more kids, I will deal with the birds. One grey, one amazon and two tiels that`s enough.
  12. Did you tell him that the next should go better. And do you think he will believe you.
  13. All Kiki wanted was her share of the pretzel. Five years ago an amazon on my shoulder would have put fear in my heart. Today my shoulder is dedicated to Cricket my amazon.
  14. A grey grinding it`s beak is a sign of a relaxed, content and happy grey.
  15. Its the small things in life that make life great.
  16. Hi Nilah, Cricket here. I don`t cluck but Corky the CAG that lives here dose all the time just like a chicken. When I get excited I run all over my cage, I run around the sides and than over the top and than down to the floor and back to the top and than I go to my door perch so my dad can let me out. When I am in my cage and dad is in the other room I yell real loud RAY, RAY Untill he comes and lets me out and then I run up his arm to his shoulder and get real close to his head and I will be real quiet and he forgets I am there and I can stay out for a real long time. His shoulder is the best place in the world to be. I will be real quiet and some times I will poop down his back and not tell him about it I. think he dose not say anything about it because he loves me so much. I can do almost anything I want, but when I start on the wood work he puts me back in the cage. I may have to stop the wood work thing.
  17. Great post Trancework. You have said what many long time parrot people have been telling new parrot care givers.
  18. Sounds like Tango has your boyfriends number and is using it to his advantage.
  19. Welcome Leanne and Rocco to the grey forum. Rocco looks great.
  20. Great videos of Richard. Looks like he is doing great.
  21. Most greys seam to like cold things. Corky loves ice cubes in her water and her bath.
  22. As always great pictures. Cocoa is a big photo ham. Love it.
  23. Hi Peter and welcome to you and Richard to the grey forum. Great pictures of Richard.
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