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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Hi Smokey and welcome to the grey forum. Love the picture of your first time broccoli experience.
  2. It`s funny that my grey dose not do this but my amazon dose her own figure eight pattern in her cage when it`s time to come out.
  3. They will test you in one way or another for the rest of your or their life. You can`t help but love them.
  4. Hi Lady Pym and welcome to you and your flock to the grey forum. I bet you have a story or two to tell us and how about some pictures.
  5. Oh the life of your grey. 1. Get up in the morning and poop 2. eat and than poop. 3. Climb around cage and than poop. 4. Check out side of cage than poop. 5. Eat again and than ???? 6. Check in with your human and than !!!! 7. It`s a greyt life and than you poop.
  6. A Amazon goes to the supper market to pick up supplies for a party he is having at his cage that night. He loads his cart with 25 cases of peanuts and goes to the express lane for 15 items or less. The casher said this lane is for 15 items or less. The Amazon said I only have one item and that is peanuts. The sign said nothing about quantity.
  7. And you think you know your grey.
  8. Welcome Court and Lily to the grey forum. Lily looks like a real doll baby. More pictures would be great. When the heart of a human and grey come together it`s awesome.
  9. As a moderator we some times suffer from this thing called a brain fart where no mater how hard we shake our head and turn it upside down nothing comes out. That's when we look to the membership for ideas, and topics of interest. We scan the threads and post on this forum to find out what`s on your mind. I remind myself that I am member first and a moderator second and I also look to my fellow members for ideas because this is our forum. My head is empty and it needs to be filled up. Do you have something of interest or a topic, a story to share. Remember questions and answers are welcome in all rooms and we can have off topic discussions along with playing games and forum feed back. Help refill my head.
  10. I get a great feeling of enjoyment when I see my fids flying around the house.
  11. If you check the honored amazon list you will see you and Moyo have been added. Amazon room sticky. We have over 30 members that have greys and zons,
  12. Hi greyday87 and welcome to the grey forum to you and your new companion. I like the names you picked and the pictures of your baby are great. We also have a great Amazon room and a room for all Other birds called other birds room with many sub room. There is a room for Eclectus Parrots for your sister.
  13. I could not watch the video all the way.
  14. I just saw your post in the intro room and now I can welcome you to the Amazon room. My Cricket is a rehome and is a very loving little girl. As soon as I know your zons name I will add it to the list of Honored amazons of the grey forum. You have a great looking zon. Just to let you know we have a number of zonners on this board
  15. Hi Constantine and welcome to you and your grey and amazon to the grey forum. I also have a Blue Fronted Amazon who is 17 years old and has been with us for over 4 years and a Cag who is 12 and been with us all her life. My greys name is Corky and my zons name is Cricket so what are the names of your fids. WE LOVE PICTURES.
  16. Thank God for dollar stores. Keeps my cost down.
  17. When greys are having fun they are so much fun to watch.
  18. Welcome Stephen and Bobby to the grey forum. We will always try to give you the best advice when it comes to your grey because at one time we were all new to greys and had many of the same questions. Let your grey settle in to his new home and spend as much time with him as you can.
  19. When I was much younger than I am now, and I mean Way Way WAY back. My friend had a pet grow that was never kept in a cage, but it went every place with him. It would follow the school bus to school and be at the bus stop when he came home. that crow also talked. That crow was with him for years until it passed away. He still gets tears in his eyes when he talks about him.
  20. Corky will talk up storm in her cage, Will talk some what out of her cage and grunts and chirps on your shoulder,
  21. I don`t know if there is any way of stopping any bird from destroying anything that they have set their mind on destroying in the first place.
  22. We have the nerve to call them ours, When in fact we are theirs.
  23. Thursday April 18 2013 it was over 80 degrees and sun up here in north east Ohio. Friday April 19 2013 it was in the seventies cloudy with rain and wind. Sat April 20 2013 when I got up today it was snowing like mad and 31 deg. and there was a ground cover of snow. At 9:15 am the sun came out and the ground cover is gone. At 10:45 the sun gone and it started to snow again. In 2 1/2 days we had hot weather, cold weather, and we had sunshine and clouds, we had rain and snow and a 50 degree drop in temp. Isn`t spring great. I`m going back to bed !!!
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