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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Great pictures and Slater looks great.
  2. There is nothing wrong with being obsessed with your grey, it`s normal
  3. I thought this might be a fun post as many of us have nicknames for our greys and some times more than one depending on what they are getting into. My greys name is Corky and that depends on what she is doing when I am calling her and what for. 1. When she is being good. It`s Cork ! 2. When I am trying to get her attention. It`s Corky. 3. When she is play full. It`s Corker 4. When she is getting in to things. It`s butt head. 5. When she is real sweet. It`s Corky baby. 6. When she is being real bad. It`s ass wipe. (Said with love) 7. When we are playing, It`s feather butt. 8. And when she is at her very best. It`s daddy`s little girl. 9. most of the time it`s brat. All said with affection It`s called living with a grey. What are your nicknames ???
  4. Ray P

    Thread 101

  5. Its nice to know that we have a place to come to and post when we have nothing to say. LOL and ha, ha, ha.
  6. When I was a young man (boy) we had pigeon and his name was Dodie. Until this post I haven't thought about him in years. Thanks for the memory.
  7. Hi garryg, Welcome to the grey forum to you and your new companion. Do you have your grey yet and what is it`s name. And the best part is we love pictures.
  8. Give Gracie a few days and she will be back to the way it was. She has to make you pay the price for leaving her.
  9. Your grey family will always stand by you and look for the best. As far as Gilbert, When a grey comes out of the closet they swing that door wide open and come out with a bank.
  10. Hi blewuk and Welcome to you and Elf to the grey forum. Oh and we love to share pictures. New grey, New life, Big change.
  11. Cricket here. I just have not had any time to post much, but I hope things will change will soon. We are still trying to get over the loss of Little One. Dad never let me out at the same time the tiels are out because of my size.
  12. Like Jay said food coloring is the only safe way for your wood toys.
  13. Your play top looks great. It`s fun trying to make toys that they can`t destroy.
  14. Boings are great, but I have to watch my greay and my zon as they like to dismantle, take apart or destroy any thing in their cage.
  15. Hi Moni and kaylee and welcome to the grey forum. Kaylee looks great and so dose the both of you together. I also live in NE Ohio 35 miles east of Cleveland in Geauga County. Good luck with Kaylee.
  16. Hi and welcome to the grey forum. They just need a little time before they start getting into trouble and than the fun begins.
  17. Hi Gemma and welcome to the grey forum. With a grey your in for a life changing experience. Good luck with your new baby. OH we love pictures.
  18. A picture is worth a thousand words.
  19. No mater what people say about amazons, the ones that have them, love them.
  20. Corky my grey has a strong bond with me my wife and son. My wife has had to go to the hospital a number of times and when she came home Corky would have nothing to do with her for a number of days. After the third time we noticed that if she was in the hospital for 3 days Corky would have nothing to do with her for 3 days and that things went back to normal. If she was in for 5 days it took 5 days to get back to normal. It`s like she made the wife pay the same number of days for her absence before Corky let things go back to normal. It always went back to as good as ever.
  21. Great post on talking birds. I would think that the cockatiel would be on that list. I have had many male tiels that were great talkers.
  22. This morning as I uncovered my birds my beautiful Pied female cockatiel had flown to the rainbow bridge. Her trip was a surprise and unexpected. She was only 8 years old and a real sweetheart. the wife and son has taken it very hard, me too. We have been expecting Willie my 22 year old grey to go first because of his age. She was just as sweet as she looked. RIP my sweet little girl. It took me all day to post this.
  23. I thing Dayo and Corky went to the same school of contact calling. Oh yes I can tell you all about that shrill. If that don`t get your attention, nothing will.
  24. Hi Vicke and hubby and welcome to the grey forum. Do you have a name for your new TAG yet ? The cage looks good for a TAG.
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