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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Great piece and your grey should enjoy that home.
  2. Welcome back and there is a grey in your future.
  3. I bet the home coming was greyt. So happy for you.
  4. As told by Cricket. One day luvparrots saw she was low on bird treats so she asked Ana Grey her TAG, Sterling Gris her CAG and Louie her blue front amazon to go to the local supermarket and pick up some treats to last until she could do her regular shopping and the three parrots said yes they would. Ana Grey, Sterling Gris and Louie flu down to the supermarket and when they got there Ana Grey and Sterling went one way and Louie went off on his own to look for treats. As Louie was going around the store looking for treats he came around a corner and saw Ana Grey and Sterling Gris holding a jar of salted honey roasted peanuts and they were reading the ingredients on the label. Louie heard Ana Grey say to Sterling "OH my god do you see all the sodium that is in this and Sterling said yes and look at the high fat content it has". When Louie heard this he got all excited and ran over to Ana Grey and Sterling Gris and said " WOW, I bet that they really taste good too"
  5. Isaac is awesome. Loved the video. Don`t stay away so long, we miss you and Isaac.
  6. He knows mama will protect him.
  7. It`s funny you mentioned nap. Yes if we nap in the same room as the birds they are quiet. They nap with us.
  8. I had to work until 10 P.M. last night and go back at 1 P.M. today so I thought I would sleep in this morning, but Cricket is yelling " RAY RAY" so I better get up and let her have her time out to play and be with me. So much for a little extra sleep. I should never have spoiled her. Off tomorrow so she will be happy then.
  9. They look like they are really enjoying their time out side. Great pictures and thanks for sharing.
  10. Many people believe the myth that greys are one person parrots. My grey Corky is also a very outgoing grey and loved by our friends and family I love your story and it shows what a grey can be.
  11. She just wanted the world to see you in the shower.
  12. Hi Augdog and welcome to the grey forum. So sorry for your loss. How long did you have Petrie ? Judygram gave you some good advice and I hope you find a new companion.
  13. Hi jaui000 and welcome to the grey forum. Do you have a grey? If you do what`s its name ? And we love pictures.
  14. Hi Jonathan and Zoey Hennry. Welcome to the grey forum. If your grey likes car rides than you have it made. My grey Corky and my amazon Cricket both love to travel and I think its because they are close to us and we can interact with each other for long periods of time. As far as your band a breeder can put anything they want to identify their own birds. There is no standard. Some will use a date of hatch and a breeder code.
  15. I remember the day Corky came home like it was yesterday and that was over 12 years ago. We shall wait with you.
  16. It won`t be long and you will telling Escher to be quiet I`m trying to watch TV.
  17. It`s always good to see a grey with good hygiene. great video.
  18. Yep, A bite is their way of getting their point across.
  19. Hi Kev and welcome to the grey forum. Many members are away from their birds because they have to work. Make sure they have food and fresh water and lots of toys to play with and you also can leave a radio or TV on to keep the company. When you are ready to get your grey we will be here to help you all we can.
  20. Ray P

    Lovely Day

    Humility and grey can not be used in the same sentence.
  21. It just took a little time and the right people.
  22. I have to stop looking at baby grey pictures. I remember when Corky was that small.
  23. They know what buttons to push. (You are in my control)
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