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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I use the Eden Pure infered. It cost less to use will heat up to 1000 sq. ft. and the box never gets hot or even worm and is safe around the birds. It has a blower so it moves the heat around and a thermostat for temp. control
  2. Super glue won`t help. Our CAG Corky will be 10 years old Dec. and she can get into more crap in less time that I can keep up with her. And forget about bird proofing the house there is no such thing. You just have to live with it. Living with a grey is great. GOOD LUCK
  3. Ray P

    question game

    Can you find it after you define it ????
  4. Ray P

    question game

    Can we check a list
  5. We have a CAG Corky and a amazon blue front Cricket that can be picky with food untill they see me eat it. Anything that they see me eat they will eat. Try to eat in front of them and see what happens.
  6. Ray P

    question game

    Do you think you can???
  7. Oh the waiting and the waiting and the waiting. SHE IS STUNNING
  8. What irks me the most is people like me that play these games
  9. Ray P

    question game

    Do you think the IQ test can tell ???
  10. May every hatch day be as great as this one. GO ISSAC.
  11. To Jay & Maggie & the flock. I hope to day will always be better than yesterday. Your friend always Ray
  12. Welcome to the forum and congrats on your new fid. This is a great place to be. I am kinds of new here also about 3 months but I have had birds for a long time and it`s nice to have forum friends to share storys with and get help when needed.
  13. Thankfull for every day I spend with my fids
  14. There is no sound like the sound of a grey fighting with their toys.
  15. Cricket is around 14 years old or so not sure and she will say 4 or 5 words and does not know any tricks, but she has a way with her that will melt your heart and that is good enough for me.
  16. Two years ago I would never have though of getting a amazon because of their reputation as a hard bird to handle. Well in mid Dec. of 2008 we rehomed a blue fronted amazon from a relitive in central Florida and brough her to north east Ohio. My first though on the rehome was no, but she needed a home. So in Florida on a visit we took her in baggage and all. I never thuogh that she would be a pet because she was very nasty. So I started to work with her. Cricket was not what I expected. In 3 months she did a 180 and turned out to be a great member of our family. It took some time and work but I would do it again. It`s good fealing when I can play with her and have a good time. I gess it`s never give up on a lost cause because you might miss something good.
  17. And just so you know it does not get any better. Age brings perfection.
  18. Great vid. I love it when they dance
  19. This is just a start your are going to have to bird proof your house because from now on it don`t get any better. Enjoy and have fun
  20. What are you trying to teach your bird. The methods you described sounds like what was used by Dr. Pepperberg in teaching Alex to understand and communicate.
  21. Nilah needs to show her self so we can see how she is doing.
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