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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Sitting at my computer when I should be doing work around the house
  2. When it comes to pictures my grey and zon are both hams
  3. Hay hammco thats why I like the ready made stuff (no waiting}
  4. Just to let you know that does not change. We have had Corky for almost 10 years and she is still the main topic in our house
  5. I would not give up my birds eather for any reason
  6. Yep!!! the fun aways starts at dawn.
  7. With beer or wine you can go down to the local store and by it and for less money to
  8. Bud light. Is there another way
  9. Between our grey the amazon and the 2 tiels on the inside and the woodpeckers on the out side we stay busy
  10. HOW ABOUT WOOD We live in a log cabin You think you have trouble
  11. Ray P

    Rhyme Time

    listen Listen the wind it blows from the north the snow is on it`s way so you better build a fort smell
  12. Ray P

    Rhyme Time

    rebirth the spring is the rebirth of nature when all the animals give birth and start a new and all the flowers come out to celebrate the rebirth of nature flowers
  13. And 3 years old and 4 years old and 5 years old and so on
  14. My BFA is a left hand bird. She will step up on to both hands but will always turn around on my right hand so my body is always to her right. It`s strange but that is what she does
  15. That sounds awsome. Would like to see that. Hows Nilah`s foot and can she dance yet
  16. The pic. are awsome. How they get into some of those spots. My wife is from Md. were you can get UTZ`S chips. We can`t get them in northern Ohio
  17. Ray P

    Rhyme Time

    I have had to go back a time or two to finish what I started (sorry)
  18. Ray P

    Rhyme Time

    cane I lost my cane on the way to Maine so when the time came I could not walk across Maine
  19. Ray P

    Would You Rather

    I have worked all shifts so the double for me Would you rather eat what is good for you or something you enjoy
  20. Planning to get up at 3 am so I can have full control of the game room.
  21. The cage size is ok and you will need a lot of toys to rotate to answer your question. Are you getting a baby or an older grey as they may require differant toys to start with.
  22. Welcome to the forum and yes you will find a lot of great members here that will help as much as they can. It`s nice to have forum friends to share the good times and to support you when things are not the best.
  23. Ray P

    Would You Rather

    If I were 89 years old I would not be able to remember all the good things that I did. If I were 15 years old I had not done them yet. What if we split the differance. Would you rather be a lady or a man and why?
  24. Trying to out do luvparrots in the game room
  25. Ray P

    Rhyme Time

    There once was a cherry that hung from a tree that made life marry if you lived near the tree Along came Harry and he ate the cherry so life is not marry arond the tree eggplant
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