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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Is your zon a morning bird or a night owl ?? Cricket is not a morning zon. When I get up early to go to work and and lift her covers to say good morning to Cricket she grows and grunts unlike Corky my CAG who will start to sing even when it`s dark outside. Cricket likes to stay up late, but when she wants to go to sleep she will let you know to cover her cage, but Cricket loves to sleep late like to about 9 am even when she is uncovered. What about your zon ??
  2. Hi Kim and welcome to the grey forums. Along with my congo african grey we have a blue front zon and cockatiels. We love them all and each is their own. OH we love pictures.
  3. there is no way you can post to many pictures. We love to see pictures of our family.
  4. Yep I would say you look like a proud daddy..
  5. Hi chevyboy and welcome to the grey family forum. We love pictures and storys about greys or any other bird you may have.
  6. Hi Monique and welcome to the grey forum. We love storys and pictures. Is it a boy, girl a TAG or a CAG ?? You can call this a family forum because that is what we are.
  7. I love the videos of Oscar. He is a good looking TAG!!!
  8. I don`t see a problem. Enjoy it.
  9. If and when they find the bum that did this I want to be the judge at their trial. Any one for the jury ??
  10. When mother nature calls she speaks loud and clear so I don`t think you should worry. You said he has gone in his cage so he will go again. What Corky did 3years ago is the wife was in the hospital for three days and when she came home Corky would have nothing to do with her for three days. It upset the wife but after three days Corky felt the wife had paid the price for being gone and things were back to normal.
  11. Hi lucy and welcome to the grey forum. OH and we love pictures.
  12. Ray P


    My zon is KFC, but my grey can go eather way.
  13. There are to many exceptions to the male female bonding that I think most parrot people don`t beleave that is the truth any more.
  14. My grey does both. It deoends on what she is trying to do.
  15. Hi dhillon88 and welcome to the grey forum. You have been given a lot of good info. from the members and we are always here if you need us. Just give your grey a chance to settle in.
  16. Hi ZephyrDarkwolf and welcome to the grey forum. First you need to give him some time to settle in and get to know you and your fiancee, don`t rush him/her. This is a new home and he/she needs some adjustment time. We also love pictures and do you have a name. boy / girl.
  17. Hi OzzyCAG and welcome to the grey forum. Yes give Ozzy a cahnce to settle in and get to know you. Sounds like Ozzy came from a active house so Just give him some time.
  18. It`s looks like something I would go and see.
  19. My grey Corkey and my amazon Cricket along with my two cockatiels are allowed on are shoulders. This is something between you and your bird and as long as there are rules and every one follows them I see no harm. There must be respect for each other, you and your bird and a good relationship between the two of you along with knowing what is allowed and what is not allowed. This goes both ways. You should know what you should and should not do when your friend is on your shoulder. My birds love to sit on my shoulder and watch me on the computer typing my post for the forum or reading the many post by other members and I love haveing then there it`s a special time for us.
  20. Love the pictures. Your kids look like they enjoy the birds and that is good.
  21. When it comes to pictures Cocoa just looks great.
  22. My grey Corky and my zon Cricket have come to an understanding and they do a good job of getting along and will eat off the same plate
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