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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Ray P

    Coming soon

    Coming soon a thread called The Grey forums Honored List of other birds What you will not find on the list. 1. You will not find african greys on the list because this forum is in honor of the afeican grey. 2. You will not find amazons on this list because in the amazon room you will find the honored amazons of the grey forum. 3. If your bird has flown over the rainbow bridge we have a room called Pet Memorials to honored their trip. Each species will have their own listing. i.e. Cockatiels, Cockatoos, Macaws, ect. The list is not meant to give rank or ranking to any bird or care giver, but I must start some place so I am going start with the forum leaders and than move on to the active members that have posted posts on the forum in the past two years. You can also PM me with your info. Example of list Cockatiels Bird name---------------------sub.-----------------------Care giver Flicker-------------------------Grey pied-----------------Jaje94 Prince-------------------------White face----------------the judge Macaws Bird name--------------------Sub-------------------------Care giver Sam--------------------------Blue and Gold--------------Batman Thanks to all the members for their input.
  2. Hi Tyler and Coco, Welcome to the grey forum.
  3. Hay welcome to the grey forum Tezy and mommy. You will have a good time on this forum !
  4. Hi Ryan and welcome to the grey forum. I think I will be on that animal hoarders show next week !!
  5. Now we have Corky African Grey Congo, Cricket Blue Fronted Amazon, Willie and Little One, Male and female Cockatiels, Peacocks Pete Peacock and Hanna Peahen, chickens and ducks. In the past we have had Keets, Love Birds, Doves, Finches along with goates, rabbits and a horse and than the dogs and cats.
  6. Great looking fids. Great intro. post.
  7. Hi Gemma and welcome to the grey forum. I have had other birds for over 40 years. I got my first grey eleven years ago, and a amazon 3 1/2 years ago. It never stops.
  8. Hi jla and welcome to the grey forum.
  9. I have a grey that is also fearless and will go to anyone that comes into our house and put the fear of GOD into our dog. There is no safe place in our home that she won`t fly to and find you. P.S. We refer to Corky as the Queen Mother
  10. Quiet time will be less and less as she is starting to know how to control you. Have fun.
  11. Corky my grey and Cricket my amazon do the same thing with there food and their treats. It`s like they are picking out the bad stuff. After a short time they stop and eat.
  12. Just savor the moments of the firet day and enjoy. Sit with her and talk to her and let her take comfort with your voice.
  13. Hi Barb and welcome back. You were missed. So glad your outlook looks so good Egan sounds like he is a fun fid.
  14. I also like the first one with the cloud. Great pictures
  15. Hi Nukewalla and welcome to the grey forum. First give your new grey time to settle in and time to know you and there new home. Sit by and talk to your greys and they will come around, but it will take time. Don`t rush them. When they are ready they will let you know.
  16. Hi Jenni and welcome to the grey forum. As you can see we are a multi pet forum so you should fit in ok.
  17. Hi Cristilucian93 We all love african greys, and Amazons, Cockatiels, Macaws and so on and so on. Welcome to the grey forum. Do you have a grey or other parrots ? If so what are they and what are their names ?
  18. Its Saturday, its cloudy. it`s rainy, it`s cold, my grass needs to be cut, just finished cleaning the bird cages, Cricket is dozing off on her perch and I hafta to go to work. What happened to fun weekends ?
  19. On this forum we share the good the bad and the ugly. All this to help the next member in need.
  20. The one thing you must know when you have a grey and that is thay walk to the beat of their own drummer. When they are ready than they are ready. The time is slow now, but when they come home the years fly by. As Judy said Good things come to those who wait. That day will come !
  21. Some of these new cages are turning into pampered bird hotels. I like it.
  22. That is the start of things to come !!
  23. I think your grey just fell in line with 100% of all greys that fly around this Earth.
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