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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Isen`t it funny how bird people can make poop a subject of intrest.
  2. That is a good idea about saving the poop for 24 hrs. Do you volunteer to help prove a point.
  3. The caves are a reminder of when I was a child when I could explore the caves. Brings back a fun time.
  4. We as your extended family feel your loss.
  5. Cricket will cluck a little, but she will purr like a kitten when she is happy.
  6. I think the proper names are terrible two`s the miserable three`s and the horrible four`s and after that its down hill.
  7. Ray P


    I am so sorry !!! You have my sympathy ! Filbert was a awesome looking too.
  8. He just wanted to help and you put him in his cage. I would be mad too.
  9. It sounds like you are off to a good start with Buddy. You have been given some good advice and if you have any questions just ask. As he starts to settle in he will work his way into your heart. He is just anouther child in your home.
  10. Before long she will be planning meals and trips.
  11. Its good that you are checking into this so you won`t be sorry later. I had a chance to get a too once, but after a visit I passed on the chance because of the noise. I do not know about the Citron so I can`t help you on that. I do know that a grey is a quiet parrot and a amazon makes a lot of noise. Well I think there was a mix up at birth because my grey can out do my zon when it comes to noise. You just never know.
  12. How about some good old grey forum research. If you have a amazon and a grey then you can take part in the quest to find the truth. The topic is !!! Can your amazon out poop your grey. Fact: We all know a grey poops about every 20 too 30 minutes. Fact: We all know that a amazon poops a lot less per day, but in bigger portions. Fact may be: our fids poop out more than they take in. OK at the end of the day, Who is the winner. Grey vs Zons to see who is full of Poooooooo!!!
  13. A grey can and does pick more than one person. My wife and son and my self are all special to Corky and each of us for a differant reason. So we each make that reason special to her in our actions. With that said she is also very out going to other people.
  14. I have never paid any attention to Crickets feet as far as being cold or warm. I`ll have to check this out.
  15. I would not refer to it as a smell or odor, but more like a fragrance that she has when she is happy. She seams to have this fragrance all the time. So I hope it`s because she is happy.
  16. We just rescued some more chickens and ducks from a closed building. They had no place to go so we took them in. They are kind of young so we will keep them from the others untill they are bigger
  17. WOW you do have an eye to see a great picture before you take it, They are all great and I just love the first two of the water droplets. Your pictures always make my day. I love the way you see life and share it in pictures Thanks Ray
  18. Hi jla It would be nice if you went to the Welcome and introduction Room and tell about your self and your new grey, Is it a he or a she and what is its name We like to know our new members and chat. Thanks Ray
  19. Hi jla I did a post for you in the training room that might help.
  20. One of the most important things to do is let your grey settle in to his new home. Remember you, your house, his cage and all the people that are around are new to him. Its like taking a child from their home and putting them into foster care, They do not know whats comming next. To start I would always stop at and sit next to their cage and just talk to them, sit there and read, offer them a treat, tell them how great they are. When new people come orver they can stop at the cage and say hi, but do not let them poke their fingers at them through the bars or talk to loud, just say hi. If you offer them a treat when you go by their cage they will look foward to you comming around because something good happens when they see you and thats what you want. You have to earn their trust and they have to earn yours. It just takes time. Good luck with your new fid.
  21. A grey can love more than one. You took the time to show Sam your love and now he can show his love back. My grey will go to almost any one and I think its because we took the time to socialize her and she has no fear of people. All greys are differant but thay can be socialized to accept other people. Some greys do better than others. I bet you feel good.
  22. That is a nice size play stand. that is one Lucky grey.
  23. Ray P


    Filbert looks awesome and so does Sam. New buddies. When does Filbert come home.
  24. Great story. Some people will say a bird is just a bird. That is a person who was never around a parrot of any kind.
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