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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. The only negative trait of a lutino cockatiel is that a bald spot can occur on the heaad just behind the crest. When these birds were first bred this was especially pronounced. Today as a result of successful selective breeding practices, this trait is being greatly reduced and many specimens now have total feather coverage on the head
  2. Brandi looks great. So now the fun starts
  3. I am so happy for you. Just remember there is a big bird all wrapped up inside that little bird
  4. Hi Heather and welcome to the grey forum. What is your new compaions name and we also love pictures
  5. Willie my 21 year old male cockatiel is a horny old man that thinks he is much younger than he is. Willie`s age is unknown but he has been with us for over 21 years. Willies cage mate a 8 year old pied female named Little One has been with us for 7 years and willie spends more time on her back than he does on his perch. We do not put a nest box in their cage so her hveing eggs has not been a problem. About 6 years ago we put in a nest box and let them have one clutch of eggs but she ate all the babies so we never let them have any more. The old man is like the Energizer Bunny, Just keeps going and I think he is going to have a heart attack. Willie is living every mans dream. A young chick and willing to die performing.
  6. Hay Judy you missed the CAG. PS I stand corrected
  7. Enjoying all that is theirs.
  8. When they are like that all you can do is take two aspirins and a nap.
  9. A fancy toy is only important to the person buying them.
  10. Welcome back and you have some awesome companions.
  11. That was a great video and I loved that bark !!
  12. That was a great post about your time that you spend with Isaac. I can relate as to how you feel and its a great way to enjoy spending life with your compaion. I always enjoy your post about how you spend your time with Isaac.
  13. I truly enjoyed your trip to the beach. A good time for all.
  14. That video was great. They do love their shower.
  15. You are all right. I was just trying to give us credit.
  16. Yes our zons love their shower, but the one and only time Cricket did not want a shower is when she was covered with peanut butter and she would not let us touch her untill she ate all the peanut butter off her feathers and that tool 2 days.
  17. When people rehome a animal they very often have certain expectations of how a animal should react when you do certain things. Like a dog if you pat the dog on his head or scratch him under their chin they will wag their tail and be your friend for life. If you take a cat and scratch the back of their head and rub there body they will purr and be your friend in most cases. With a parrot you have to do all the work to earn their trust and jump through hoops to make them happy. And when done with all that they will pat you on the head and scratch you under your chin for doing a good job with your behavior. When it comes to parrots that is the one thing most humans do not understand that all animals will not jump through hoops for us because we want them too. When people look at a parrot, They see a bird When a parrot looks at us, They see their equal
  18. For a bird to want to fly is a natural thing. For a bird to learn to fly is a natural thing also. Greys are very smart and they will learn to compensate and adjust untill their flights grow back.
  19. Sounds like your grey has gone past the clumsy stage. If he is flying and landing with no trouble and likes high places than I would put his perch up. Greys like people develop each at their own pace. My grey came home at 14 weeks and to the top of the cage she went.
  20. That sounds great. When they come around they COME around. Time well spent and now he wants you to know.
  21. Hi LeAnn and welcome to the grey forum. Looks like you have a house full. Check the other birds room and you will find a sub room for your ekkie. 3 greys and a ekkie, sounds like fun.
  22. Hi Chris and welcome to the grey forum. I hope every thing works out for you and the greys. We will look for update.
  23. Ray P


    If you say so !!
  24. I do not have MBS, I do not have MBS, I do not have MBS. Say this over and over, or buy a bigger house. Lets see I think you said I will not take in another bird unless it really, really, really really needed a home. OK this sounds like MBS to me
  25. I see you are new to the forum. Are you new to greys ? I ask this because greys do have their own "smell" and most people like it . Has the "smell" changed from the time you got her or is it the same as when she came home to you ? Has she had a vet check ?
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