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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Great video. Its good to see them fly after clipped wings.
  2. Glad your back and your fids look great.
  3. Great video and I noticed the wings to.
  4. Louie has come a long way and I bet you are so happy.
  5. My amazon Cricket has this sweet look about her with thoes big eyes and her gentle ways untill you turn your back and than, she gets into all kinds of crap. And when you catch her at something she will look at you with thoes bigs eyes as if to say. "what ??"
  6. Is your amazon good at being bad. So comes the theory. When their good their good, and when their bad their even better. Tell us your story.
  7. I like the lookout theory.
  8. A rough weekend always makes a good weekend seam even better.
  9. She just wanted to get close to you.
  10. The feathers will grow back but it may take a long time before they are evean and your grey can fly. Make sure you pad the bottom of her cage so if she falls she will not hurt her self. For now all you can do is wait. Read wing clipping 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the health room. Its a sticky post
  11. My dad was a blacksmith so I have been around horses all my life and have had my own horses. Your list is correct and the last thing (OH BOY EXPENSIVE) You hit the nail on the head. A sick horse cab suck you dry faster than any grey. You can buy a cage for a grey but you build a barn for a horse A grey will fly around the house, but a horse you buy lots of land just so they can walk around and eat. You put up a fence on that land so they do not get out and on to the road and get hit. OH the insurance you need. A grey you just close the cage door. In January when its 15 below zero you still have to go out in the cold to feed and water and than in the cold you clean stalls. I will take a grey, amazon, cockatiels a dog a cat any day of the week. But I do love horses.
  12. Hi carolinn731 and Buddy. Welcome to the grey forum. To save a grey is awesome. Give your new companion time to settle in to his new home and family and he will start talking again. Give him love and he will change your life.
  13. I like the name Lola. I will put her name in and take the xxx`s out so every body knows "Lola" !!
  14. Sideways, upsidedown, It does not make a differance she is still a great looking zon
  15. Roxie looks great and you have a awesome play set up for her. She looks like a happy, happy grey.
  16. They do know how to get their point across don`t they !!!
  17. We have two wood stoves in our home for heat, but because we live in the country and have well water we also have a generator that can run the well pump the frig and the furnace. We are with out power often.
  18. You know how to find the most intresting settings for your fids photos. I Just love them.
  19. Hi ZulusMom and welcome to thr grey forum. I like the name Zulu. Just remember that one day the wait will be over.
  20. Hay Dave When Cricket came to us 3 1/2 years ago she had a history of aggression to people and other birds. Cricket was about 13 years old at that time. All that I had read about zons was keep them off your shoulder or you will be sorry. I had at that time no intention of ever letting her on my shoulder, but as we were resocializing Cricket and building a bond this other bird came out of her and it was like a 180 turn around. I know that there is a differance between male and female zon personality but I don`t buy into this bird 1, bird 2 theory as I think socializing and bonding is what makes the differance. I also do not buy into this parrent child approach, so I guess this puts me in the middle on this one
  21. A shoulder priviledge is a agreement between you and your bird and based on trust between both you and your bird. There was a time when I said that a amazon would never sit on my shoulder because they could never be trusted and their mood could change in a heart beat. Cricket my blue front amazon changed all this for me and has been one of the best shoulder parrots I have ever had. It can all come down to your relationship, trust and the bond that you have with your bird. What I would like you to understand is. 1 I am not an advocate for a bird sitting on your shoulder. 2 I am not an advocate against a bird sitting on your shoulder. This has to be between you and a individual bird if there is to be shoulder privildege or not. P.S. All my parrots over the last 40 years have had shoulder privildges
  22. I agree about the last picture. Looks like godzilla walking accross Ishiro
  23. I don`t have to clean up the mess, The dogs do it for me !!
  24. Amen We must learn to think in color and not just in black and white
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