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Everything posted by reggieroo

  1. Photobucket is easy to be honest, set up an account in minutes, upload some photos, copy & paste the code on your post here & job done! If you can't use the feature on here to upload your photos then photobucket is the only way I know of.
  2. Well hopefully guys, Murphy will have lots to say once he starts talking & when he does I'll be sure to get some vids. I really do love to hear greys talking in an American accent though, especially Emma she sounds so cute
  3. That's sweet, glad your happy with your little grey friend
  4. What happened to his other tail feathers? Also what are the stress marks, I've heard them mentioned somewhere else but how do they get them etc?
  5. It seems Murphy has a thing for feet. My Mum came to visit & Murphy finds my Mum interesting with her jewelry & painted finger nails & when he spotted her painted toe nails he was down like a shot to investigate while she was sitting in our living room. Then as she was getting ready to leave he flew down from his cage for another play with her toes. I have a video of it here, he just kept chasing her up & down the hallway, it was so funny to watch!
  6. My Amazon used to do this with bread all the time, I used to watch him do it Ahh I miss the little monkey
  7. Insert image is the correct one to use, I use it all the time to upload photos from my computer (not hosted on the web) on here all the time. I rarely use photobucket because I can't be bothered to upload to it first. The little paperclip icon is to manage images you have already uploaded although you can still add files from your computer using that as well.
  8. That is funny, need to watch what I say while Kate is at work.........lol
  9. Well I'm from the UK & didn't know what a Janner was, so it's not just Canadians that didn't get it :confused:
  10. Reply using Go advanced, then click insert image just above the text box & upload pics from your computer. Edit: Didn't realise you guys had posted the same help. No excuse now for not showing us some pics, I'm sure a good few people would like to see them.
  11. So let me get this right, the self cleaning is only done when the oven is at say max temp? So using the oven normally is ok?
  12. I've been wondering what physical change take place as a baby grey ages & matures. When I look at photos of other greys, I always think that older greys look different to mine, I know the eyes change color but what else changes?
  13. It gets better? Wow Going to start a new post on he physical changes as they age.
  14. Talon is right about having a Parrot sign at the front door, I have seen one saying "beware of the Parrot" & thought how cool. Then I thought actually that wouldn't be a good idea telling strangers I have a Parrot, even though I live a quiet little village which the locals describe as a zero crime rate area I still wouldn't trust it. We very rarely get salesmen at the front door but had one the other day & it was great excuse to get rid of him, although I probably shouldn't have said " I have to go my parrot's out & my daughters crying, got to go........bye!" I actually told him I had a parrot, whoops :eek: Oh back to your question, nearly forgot. Just say " GET YOUR ARSE INSIDE!"
  15. Oh ok, so kinda what I was thinking then. Our oven is around 2-3 years old now as it was new when we moved in & that will be three years this September coming.
  16. I've never seen the self cleaning setting on my oven? I always thought that the walls of the oven have a special coating on which self cleaned or some sort of porous material. I know that you are not supposed to use oven cleaners on self cleaning oven as that does give of toxic fumes. I'm no expert on ovens so somebody may need to educate me :confused:
  17. I came here to share my experiences with Murphy & also for helpful advise & to gain as much knowledge as I can about living with & looking after my grey friend. You are always learning through life & this is a great place to learn about greys.
  18. Hey Brittany, I would say the advise I have received on this post is pretty spot on. I have managed to get Murphy to cut down the shrieking/screaming quite a bit & replaced some with a whistle. That's funny that Pepper now says "STOP!"
  19. That was quick I reported it only about a hour ago. I took the number from the listing 07871980042 & It's in Suffolk.
  20. I was looking for a new cage & came across this old cage for £355? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260602858339 Description is cage, food &...........for further info. Also a picture of the grey in it's cage. Already been reported to eBay but they will just remove it & the poor thing will be sold on to whoever, anyone on here in the UK who can give it a good home you can call the number in the listing. It looks so sad in it's tiny cage
  21. Actually getting it off Murphy can be more difficult sometimes, you just have to keep trying & as Dan said try to make it a nice experience. Murphy had a bad experience once while putting it on him, I can only do it on his stand as on his cage he just runs away & I have no chance but this one time on his stand I had got it over his head & one wing & just about to do the other wing when he tried to step up into the harness & he lost balance & fell off his stand & was tangled in the harness. After that I thought no chance would I ever get it back on him but after a couple of attempts he was fine, although I don't think he actually enjoys having it put on, but once he's outside I think he knows it's all for the best
  22. I am crazy...........crazy Reggieroo ;)
  23. I've been doing the same thing with Murphy to try & teach him words in context rather than him just repeating random words (not that he says any words yet). I also stand & yap to him, nothing in particular, just tell him what I'm up to & how my day is going etc.
  24. Hi there, It's actually going quite well considering how much screaming he was doing. Still a lot of work though & he can be quite draining as well as having to look after my baby daughter at the same time. Murphy is way more demanding believe it or not, if someone would have said a baby parrot is more work than a 6 month old human baby I wouldn't have believed them......I would now. He has now replaced 75% of the screaming with whistles that I have taught him but is still calling near constant when I go out of sight or to far away from him. Trying to keep him in his cage for any length of time is also difficult, he just calls constant & then starts digging & is not a happy birdie while in his cage. As I'm at home 99% of the time he is always out from around 8am till 6pm at around 5.30pm Kate's home, gets our daughter bathed, fed & put to bed at 8pm, Murphy shortly after but in those few hours he won't settle in his cage. I train in the gym for around two hours & when I come in he seems so highly strung & desperate for attention & this is normally when most of the screaming is done. Today was one of the few days he has spent a fair bit of time in his cage & he wasn't happy about it, I was busy outside working on my old Range Rover most of the day & my Daughter was at her Grans so Murphy had to learn to be independent. When I got him out after I came in he was like an explosion of energy :eek: What you called the EBE! Oh & still flying on to Kate's head :rolleyes:
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