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Everything posted by reggieroo

  1. My 16 week old CAG Murphy is making that throaty sound a lot & I can almost make out a word sometimes. I'm not expecting too much from him yet as I have already read that they don't start talking for about a year, he has a good practise though.
  2. Thanks Dave, I tried to google it but couldn't find much.
  3. What they need to bring out is a GPS microchip then you will have a much better chance of finding them if they escape. Imagine being able to track your bird to the exact tree or persons house where they are residing?
  4. How long are they classed as babies for then? I have a 16 weeks old CAG & have been wondering when I'll stop calling him my baby grey to everyone.
  5. I picked my baby CAG up 4 weeks ago, the breeder had already harness trained him with the aviator so I was hoping it would be easy. I got an aviator about two weeks ago but he doesn't like it, while trying to get it on him he does his best to avoid wearing it. I can get it on him but he always tries to step up & into the harness as I try & tighten it. Once on him I take him out into the garden to go on his stand, after he has had a look round he just keeps chewing it trying to undo it! It's now chewed to bits, I have tried giving him something else to chew but after about a minute he's back at the harness.
  6. My little boy is still practising, he is only 16 weeks old but trying his hardest to speak to us. You can here what sounds like words but very raucous & not clear yet, still trying to make out what he is trying to say.
  7. He is 12 weeks old on Friday just gone.
  8. We went to pick up Murphy our new baby Cag yesterday, was bit of a drive but well worth it. He has settled in well & seems to be happy with us. Here's a couple of pictures of him on his new stand that I built for him. <br><br>Post edited by: reggieroo, at: 2010/03/14 01:54
  9. This is me Paul & Murphy, last night, I only picked him up yesterday & he couldn't wait to snuggle in for a sleep <br><br>Post edited by: reggieroo, at: 2010/03/14 01:47 These two photos are Murphy at 19 weeks old. 7 weeks after the first picture. Me in Turkey on holiday July 2010.
  10. Well I got the results back & he's a boy called Murphy Got a pic of him at 9 weeks old in my avatar. Don't know how to add pics on here.
  11. luvparrots wrote: I can't decide on a name quite yet & I'm also waiting for the breeder to let me know the results of the DNA sexing. She says that I have a boy but need to wait for the results to be sure. Also was thinking maybe I should wait till I get him before I name him, might be easier when I see his personality.
  12. I can't wait to get him, really excited. I've wanted a Grey for around 10 years now. I'll be sure to post any adventures he has.
  13. Well I followed my heart & went for a Congo, should be getting him end of March
  14. I've been speaking to a breeder who breeds both & she has said that its down to how you socialise them, that's the most important factor which I was thinking anyway. I have also read so many different things on my journey of research it's making my head spin. People have told me that have had or do have both & the Cag for instance is less phobic than the Tag, just depends on the individual. like us they are all different & unique. The breeder gave me something to think about, she said "follow your heart" & for some reason I always seem to be drawn to the Congo but then try to find a reason to get a Timneh. So it seems my head is saying Timneh & my heart is saying Congo.
  15. Hi guys, I've been looking to get a grey now for some time & am doing as much research as possible to make the right decision which species to get. A little about me would be helpful in gaining the right advise. I'm going to be stay at home Dad soon as I have a baby girl of 14 weeks. My Fiancee will be going back to work in May after being off on maternity leave & I do have 10 years of experience of owning a parrot. The new baby grey will mostly be my responsibility, I will cage clean, feed & socialise the bird mostly on my own, with Weekends being the only time my Fiancee will get involved properly due to the fact that she works long hours. I have read about the difference in personalities between the Tag & Cag but would like some feedback from actual owners of both to hep me make a decision. If it was down to looks alone I would pick the Congo as I prefer the colour & larger size but it can't just be about looks, if there is a real personality difference I need to take it into consideration. I've read about Tags being calmer, less phobic with no single bonding problems etc. Some real advise from real owners please as I have read so much but need some info from people who have lived with both Tag or Cag. Post edited by: reggieroo, at: 2010/02/04 22:12 Post edited by: reggieroo, at: 2010/02/04 22:12<br><br>Post edited by: reggieroo, at: 2010/02/04 22:13
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