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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. That is just it, I would almost need a macro shot they are so tiny. I just saw the little thin tips that are only about 2 millimeters wide at most. I will do my best.
  2. Along with fresh new feathers coming in on Issac. He has about two or three tiny red feathers. They are quite tiny, only about 2mm in width at the most and only visible from the right angle. It was very strange to see. Anyone ever see this. I have seen the obvious mutations before where there are a few red feathers. Issac's are very tiny and discrete. I would have taken a photo...but I have to get too close and Issac is all over the camera at that distance.
  3. Anyone can be a police man, that's why the majority are morons. Sorry...I can site too many examples like this.
  4. I speak about myself in the third person. "Daddy is gonna get you some eggs" or "Come with daddy". I also cannot help but use a higher pitch when I am talking to him. "Goood morning booyyeee....how you doing pretty boyyee". Things like that. I just try to be consitant like that. He is not a big talker yet. But he is trying.
  5. Issac started making these popping bubble sounds this week. I Love it! Everytime he does it, it cracks me up. Because he can do it so fast! Pop..pop.pop..pop..pop in really rapid succession. And almost looks like his little cheeks are puffing out while he does it. Amazingly cute. And he is trying to say "biiirrrrrrd". He is slow on the words. I guess because he has so much fun making noises and he really doesn't have to get my attention...he;s got it a vast majority of the time. But I will put him on a perch in the bathroom...and he loves to go through everything he can do. Including his few words so far. I think he gives me another reason to love him every day.
  6. Yeah, Issac has grown into a real friend. On saturday, I laid down in my bed to take a nap. He climbed up on my pillow and kept resting his head by my hand for scratches and head rubs for about a half an hour. Ohhh he was lovin it. Then he perched on my lamp while I took a nap. He is so present in my life now, I have no idea what I did before him or what i would ever do without him.
  7. Thank everyone. I love the way the little red tail sticks out beyond his wings. I love him so much.
  8. I was going over my pictures of Issac and came across this one I took when i was visiting him in the weeks before I brought him home in about his 9th week. This is him when he was 7 weeks...what a cutie. what a sweetie.
  9. Might I ask what kind of camera you use and what is the framerate? Is it just a regular 60fps?
  10. I paid $875 for Issac and felt that was an excellent deal. It's beyond excellent really considering that I bought what is now my best friend.
  11. Goodness, I am crying at work. A heart wrenching story. I am glad you were with her at the end. These stories torture me with thought of how I would handle my baby in a situation like this. It would not be good. You know you really love a pet when you are afraid for either one of you to pass on. Myself for the fact that I don't think anyone on the planet will ever love my baby as much as I do, and Issac for these very reasons. I hope you all find comfort in the fact that she is in a better place now.
  12. Yeah...I would have to say that if you love these birds as much as this community does....that video is incredibly hard to watch. I saw the entire 3 part series on youtube and I was just crushed. It does bring you into a bout with your own concience and whether its right to keep these beautiful birds as pets. However, when i come home and see how glad Issac is that I am home, and how he loves all the attention and getting involved in what I am doing all the time, I know at least this much. There is one grey in the world that is very happy, and not going to end up like the birds in that video. And I am not opposed to shooting bird poachers. I wish there wre more videos of them just living their lives together. The scenes of large flocks of CAG's are beautiful. Makes me wish I could go to their natural habitat and watch them forage and fly in flocks.
  13. Good to hear that Spock is still up to his normal antics. Go Spock!
  14. Lol....she's in love with you. These are indeed acts of showing you that she is 'into you'. I hear that when it occurs you just tell her that you appreciate the display, but you gotta decline...and then walk away for just a bit. Issac gets like that with me as soon as I get a phone call on my cell phone. He is crawling all over my neck and panting in my ears. Rolling on his back in my arms just being a total love bug. Then as soon as I get off the phone...he's okay again.
  15. SWEET! It's a baby! She is beautiful. They are so docile and sweet at that age. Give her a kiss for me.
  16. Everytime you post. I am like...yes...yes...YES! It's like you think...and yer bird is....whoa. You know what I mean. I love time in the kitchen with Issac. Except he turns the lights on and off...and i praise him for it. And he emptys my utensil drawer...and I love it...and just say "Uh oh" when something hits the floor. I love it all the way. Thanks for posting.
  17. Issac will not let that Harness get passed his head. So he is kind of a house bound bird...at least for now. I feel your pain. At any rate, he seems to enjoy his frollic around the house. Issac decided on the fourth try that he would no longer be accepting this thing going over his head.
  18. Yeah, I got a training DVD and I never really made as much of an effort to get him to do specific things as much as I have made sure to take care of his needs and see that he has a good time living in my house as a bird. I found that the best tricks come when they just know that it is the right thing to be around you. Plus, I just need someone to talk to and he is a perfect listener. Thanks for the recognition.
  19. Yeah..my comfort level with issac was great..and Eva gave me a refresher course on feeding babies. I helped feed my brothers cockatoo and I loved it so much so I was willing to take. Issac home at nine weeks. On that I would certainly go with your instincts. But I can't wait to see MANY pictures of your new baby. Do share.
  20. Eva raises good birds...I love Issac. I am sure you will love your baby.
  21. I know I am a little late but....what a cutr pic....I LOVE THE LIL BABIES!
  22. Wow, I am glad you like the updates on my little friend. When I brought Issac home, I vowed to make his life as wonderful as possible. He is a dream come true. I got him after my girlfriend and I parted ways and kind of dropped out of the dating scene for a while. So I pour all my heart into my daughter and Issac. My face lights up every time I think about the lil guy. I have never had a pet with such distinct moods. Patience can be hard to have sometimes, but I try to keep in mind that losing them is so destructive and keeping them pays major dividends. I always try to put myself in his...well...talons to see what it would be like to look through his eyes as I am doing something with him. This morning it was a very short little chase to get him back in. When I say chase I don’t mean me running around franticly and getting him. I just casually walk back to him and get him again for another try...talking and negotiating with him. "C'mon, be a good boy. I will be back soon but I have to go to work to make money so I can get you treats." I can tell he appreciates not being grabbed or held back in any manner. It's quite an adventure learning about just how deep their little minds go. After a while, it becomes very hard to miss what they are trying to tell you. Thanks again for reading about Issac and responding with such wonderful comments. I will be sure to keep you informed about Issac.
  23. He certainly is. And yes I do. He gets more interactive all the time....and I can see his little thoughts sometimes. It can be quite entertaining to watch them play. One other thing that is going on with Issac is that he has been molting for the past couple months...and is down to only 3 baby red tail feathers left...the big bright beautiful new red ones are coming is and its awesome. I will have to take photos of his butt for all.
  24. Oh yes, I believe it is the acoustics he enjoys. Here is another one. I have this little area of my desk where there is about 5" of clearance between the desk surface, and the platform over the monitor and its comeone enclosed. He crawled under the over hang and began doing his little 'boop boop boop' sound. It sounded really boomy and louder and i could tell he was enjoying the effect there as well. I was crackin up.
  25. Ohhh Issac loves those lower beak rubs too. Love when they get like this.
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