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Everything posted by Georgiesmum

  1. Thank you what type of amazon is your's?
  2. yes very like it but softer I just walked in on her there now with a sunflower seed in her beak
  3. ok i read the post and its full of info i went to Jaffa and held the dish up to her and she munched away on some veggie mash and on her bowl of seeds. she ate loads but only when i hold the bowl up to her Lol Georgie was like that too and i used to have to put him on floor with his food for him to eat. he wouldn't eat in his cage. well now that she has had a good feed i'm more relaxed. I will keep you updated
  4. oh god really ? im going to look at it now
  5. Lol He probably was or telling her who was boss around here!!! The rest of them want to call her mango but i'm just not taking to it Lol I love the little noise she makes and moves her head at the same time... What age is Diego?
  6. And a few more as i know how much ye love pic's!
  7. Well I went to collect my new baby yesterday evening. She is 12 and a half weeks and so lovely! Unlike when i brought George home she is shy and quite. She hasn't eaten much yet just picking at bits here and there.. She is well able to climb around the cage tho! She is really just so cute and adorable. She slept in her cage beside Georgie's cage last night and this morning when i went down he was talking to her Lol Hello baby!! Hello hello! Hi Georgie. I made sure to give him his morning scratch first and then her and fed him first then her as i don't want him to feel jealous... I haven't let them out at the same time yet so i let George out and he didn't go near her cage at all. stayed on his own messing about... I then bought her into the sitting room and let her out as i didn't want to let her out in the conservatory as she is not good at flying and the sitting room has more softer landing places.She only had one fly and landed on picture hanging on the wall but then slid down it she mostly just sits there very quite. I hope she settles in soon and feels safe I love her already!!! Some picture for you!
  8. No prob at all it just got me wondering lol
  9. Yes i will def let you all know how he gets along with new the new baba! Thanks Dr tak that looks great and really cheap too!!
  10. Thank you Janet I will do that when the weather starts to get cold
  11. Ive only just realised you have an electus! Your so looky!! I awlays thought the female didnt get on to great with female owners???

  12. Oh right its just that jayd told me that salsa is an orange wing and then above said she was a hybird with two diff breed parents so i was confused
  13. I really sorry to hear this it must be upsetting for you. I don't have any answers for you But im looking forward to hearing what the others have to say... It cant be that he is afraid of your hand if he's ok with it first thing in the morning surely. Hope you get problem sorted soon x
  14. Yes thank you jayd you all so helpful
  15. I don't mind at all if he doesn't talk as George does enuf talking for ten Lol was just wondering and knew one of ye would know! Yeah the blue fronts are very alike the orange winged. i dont think my lad has much blue tho i cant really rem! Lol
  16. I read on the internet that amazons with yellow heads i.e yellow naped, yellow crowned, double yellow heads, are better talker's. I went to pick out my baby Orange wing Amazon last week and i picked the one with the most yellow on the head. Does this mean he/she might be a talker as I know orange wing's aren't known to be great talkers and i don't mind if he never does talk but was just interested to know this Prob a stupid question
  17. The conures are known to be very noisy i had a jenday before and i had to find him a new home as his screams were so high pitched weather he was in or out of the cage only time to stopped was when he was eating!! Not sure if nandays are known to be as loud but i would check it out as kids would not be able to concentrate on school work. I know all parrots are loud but this was piercing.
  18. Its a while since i put up some pic's of George so here is a few for ye all
  19. So sad I hate looking at things like that ill be thinking bout it for the day
  20. Jayd does this mean all orange wings are hybirds?
  21. Lol thanks for post made me laugh
  22. yes thats why i was thinking Jaffa. I was trying to be all clever lol
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