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Everything posted by Georgiesmum

  1. dont worry ive done my reserch i know wats good n wats not.... Ive cheaked it all out on the net before hand and im very careful about wat i use
  2. I will work on all these things over the weekend and let you all know how it goes thanks for all the advice
  3. Oh thats good thank you i was so worried i have taken out his toys from his cage for the night as he chews on all the wood...
  4. It has stopped bleeding now. it is only the tip that broke off and you wouldn't even notice unless you look close so hopefully it's ok. He was chewing on the perch when it broke off I have aloe juice but no gel. I can get some tomorrow. Thanks Dave
  5. Lol ok ok i get it you all have lives except me Lol
  6. George was on his play stand and i noticed blood dripping off his beak. i cheaked it out and theres a bit missing off it and its bleeding. what will i do im after getting such a fright!!
  7. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed is it gone very quite on the forum lately ? Lot's of guests but not many members?
  8. Welcome to the grey family
  9. Oh My god!! Lol you certainly forgot to stop clicking!! Must have cost you a small fortune! Looking forward to seeing the finished pieces
  10. This toy making is becoming a real hobbie on these wet evening's Here's a ladder we just finished.
  11. Hi, Anyone have any tips on getting your grey back into the cage? George knows the step up command but when he see's that he is going back in the cage he wont step up or if he does he'll step up and run up your arm to the shoulder. Lol clever little devil! I have always got him to stand on a table or some sort of flat surface where he cant grip on to then pick him up and put him in. This has worked fine even tho i'm always aware that in an emergency it would be a hugh problem. But now when we pick him up and he knows he is going in he will bite your fingers to let him go, Which i don't as i don't want him to think that this will work for him as he will keep doing it. I'm not sure if this is because he likes his new playstand so much that he wants to stay on it or if he's just getting older and knows what he wants now. Any advice would be great as it would be best for both of us if he didn't mind going back in. Sorry about the long story x
  12. Its not sisal its rope washing line its kinda shinny. I used Tentera paints on other thing. I have sisal ordered from the net but it is still not here and its about 3 weeks ago i ordered it. The clothes line is good but hard to tie knots on as its shinny but i got it in the end. We made a ladder last night ill put up a pic later to show you? Maybe you could post a few of yours? Id love some idea's
  13. Oh its so exciting bringing home your new grey Also i bit nerve wreaking hoping that thier ok and that your doing everything right Cant wait to hear how the vet appointment goes Good luck
  14. I find a good way is too let her see you eat the fruit and veg and then put some in her cages and leave it there a while. She might eat it while you are not in the room. Maybe breaking it up small and puting it through her seed might help too. Greys are very weary of new things so it will take a while to cheak them out but as the days go by she will get used to seeing them and will start to try them. good luck
  15. I got George at just over 12 weeks and started misting him a few days after, of course he didnt like it then but now he doesnt mind
  16. Your very welcome you will find all the info you need here
  17. See i listened to you and didnt give up even if he was afraid of my first bad attempt Lol
  18. Today we made George another new toy here's a pic for you all
  19. found it and it says German shepherd Lol
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