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Everything posted by Georgiesmum

  1. He doesn't give him any... He just sits down or walks in and George is all over him!! Like seriously all over him!!! lol
  2. I have been with my bf since before i brought Georgie home and he has always took to my bf that little bit more but over the last few months he has just wanted less and less to do with me... Even when i am on my own with him he doesn't want to know. Im just not sure if my bf should spend less time with him or if that will upset him more... I also think he is very territorial and of his cage and play area but is also narky with me when he is in other areas...
  3. Hi all, My AG Georgie who is nearly two is absolutely mad about my partner when we are sitting down its him he will go to and want rubs and scratches from... He always tries to mate with him too which of course we dont encourage. Does not want anything to do with me even tho im the main care giver (the only care giver) i am home all day with him but he just does hes own thing until my partner comes home and he is straight over to him.lol When I go to rub etc... he just tries to bite me and really does not want me near him... i dont react and he doesnt bite too hard but its obvious he just doesnt want me bothering him. he will step up for me no prob and sit on my shoulder sometimes but thats really it... I know greys usually take to one person and thats no prob but just wondering if anyone has any advice as how to get him to tolerate my even just a little bit more as my partner doesnt even have near the same interest as i do . Im afraid that he is getting more and more aggressive towards me and that soon i wont be able to handle him at all. He's my baby and i would love to be able to do more with him...
  4. i got a utopsy in the end which showed up damage done to the crop during the hand rearing process... George got check up and he is fine thank god
  5. from reading up on her symptoms and how she died and speaking to the vet it sounds like she had a yeast or bacterial infection which lead to sour crop... I was on the phone to the vet when she fell asleep but it happened so quick there was nothing anyone could do... I miss her terribly
  6. Milly fell asleep last night forever i am devastated and cant stop crying i barley even got to know her Fly free my beautiful baby I love you forever R.I.P
  7. Ok I got to another vet today She thinks id a yeast infection in the crop... Her weight is fine at 450 grams. I'm to keep giving her the daily dose of antibiotics that my vet gave me yesterday and I also got some drops for the yeast infection and some pro-biotics to perk her up a bit. She is very sick still and some food even came up when we were in the vets and on the way home another bit came back up. I have to keep hand feeding her and i bought some birdie bread to bake to see will see eat that ina day or two... I'm still really worried but hopefully by Friday she should have picked up an bit. fingers crossed!
  8. He didn't say anything about a bacterial infection and didnt do any tests. he is not an avian vet. and the only avian vet in the country is on holidays... I am looking for somewhere that will do test on both Milly and George this weekend to make sure he has not caught what she has
  9. i had her at the vets this morning because i noticed runny poops and she is not eating and she is very quite.He gave her injection of antibiotics and gave me some to bring home for 4 days... He said she is really under the weather. He told me to keep syringe feeding her until she eats again herself... and to put her in something warm. i explain about the brooder i had and he told me put her in that... i have the temp very low but she probably be nice and snug in there. He thinks she could have caught a chill when i had her out on the harness...He said even tho it was a nice day there could have been still a breeze He couldn't say if she will be ok or not She drank some water on her own a while ago and was playing with a pen top for a minute but is now gone back to being quite... I'm really worried please say prayers for her and for George incase he could have caught something
  10. Did you breed this bird or how did you end up with a 5 week old CAG? I presume your hand feeding him?
  11. Lol i still get a fright when they fling the dish. Gilbert sounds great
  12. thanks for that i will read up on the clicker training altho im usless with things like training... Yep i know not to yell or react when he bites.As hard an all as that is i'm well able to hide it. Ouuch!!! Glad tohear you have Max under control
  13. It's a personal choice really.... Do alot of research on the two and then make your choice as to with one you prefer... I have Two CAG's and they are great... You said you had a CAG before... How come he is no longer with you?
  14. Neil.c .....i think your baby is more nervous than showing aggression just rub her and stroke her and make her relax more... i have just got a baby grey a few weeks ago and she does the same thing but its just she is not sure what you are about to do when you approach her but once your hand is on her stroking her she relaxes and loves it also they can kinda nip at your fingers cos they still think about the hand feeding and all going for the " syringe" and also they use there beak to get a grip as they are not very steady on there feet yet i got George when he was a baby too and he was the same.... You'll be fine just relax and enjoy her
  15. Lol great at least i know its not something im doing wrong... ill practice my ducking so!!! lol thanks lads
  16. Lol no miracle cure then? Thanks good to be back
  17. oh i would love a cage like that for George it is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Hi all i haven't been around as much as I would like to be lately but i still pop in every now and then.... I have a question now that i'm sure some of you will be able to help me with... Ok so I have George (2 years of age in September) Love him very much... he has always been a little bit contrary... Lol not sure why but i except that thats the way he is But in the last while he is very contrary at times. like when I let him out i usually give him lots of kisses and scratch and then let him do his own thing... I would go over every so often and give him a little scratch here and there he would fly onto my shoulder ,i would go over with some food and he would take it from me... have a little play time etc.... he mostly he likes to do his own thing which is fine :0 lately tho he is very unpredictable and doesn't want scratches except the odd time.... have to be careful when giving him kisses that the doesn't bit.... if i hole a toy belong to him or food he will attach my hand... if i go to play with him or scratch him hes eyes will be pinning and i know he will bite so i go away and try again but he bites now alot. also i used to be able to give him a scratch in through the cage bars when he is in but now he will really hurt me... He still flies onto my shoulder and doesn't bite then for some reason.... The only time he is in good form and not biting is when i shower him Ok so im thinking its one of three things or all of them.... 1.) He might be put out since new baby Grey Milly came along altho i feed, clean, talk too him first all the time... i make sure he gets all the attention first..... and i don't let him see me interact with Milly at all. 2.) maybe the time of the year it is (mating season) i know some birds get aggressive at this time of year. 3.) Maybe because he is nearly 2 ( terrible two's) Its prob a bit of everything but im just worried that because he is not letting me interact very much with him that he will not be handled very much and get untame? Any advice would be great guys
  19. Ok now you all have me curious lol i have male and female Not in the same cage but beside each other.... Does this mean that when she is older she will lay eggs? obviously they wouldn't be fertilised as no contact with the male but i know some smaller birds can just lay an egg every so ofter even without any male....
  20. yep George has the same about 4 of them... they only appeared after the first molt too... very small you have to look closely
  21. Oh My! How is this poor little guy settling in now? have you a pic?
  22. Them photos are lovely nothing to be embarrassed about at all ! MOre please
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