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Everything posted by Georgiesmum

  1. Hey I didnt know you were on the forum :)

  2. My George Is fully flighted and I don't find It any problem... Maybe If you see how you get on without clipping first and then If you feel Its not working for you, you could then decide to???
  3. Birdnut: that is a great idea... I would love to see a photo of the finished drum And by the way the feathers don't have to be macaw feathers, They are looking for all feathers over an inch long
  4. I don't know if this is already posted but please have a look if not http://www.wingsofhope-nj.com/feathers.html
  5. Meant to put this up ages ago... Sorry about the delay
  6. Finally receive my book (took about 2 months ) Lol It's a wonderful book and really goes into detail to explain the slight difference in some parrots and major differences in others... Some parrots i have never even knew existed. Tells you about extinct parrots and new world parrots... And beautiful illustrations of each parrot
  7. He didn't even keep in touch to see how coco was if he thought he was still with his ex... Obviously wasn't bothered!
  8. Ah this is brilliant!!!! Best of luck with them
  9. Im so sorry to here this i really hope she will heal quick
  10. you very welcome hope you had a good one
  11. WE DID IT!!! Lol and George didn't mind 2 much. we'll i got on bite while i was holding him but then he was grand and stood on the top of the cage and and let us do one at a time in between him going for a stroll around the cage top Lol
  12. Iv'e had to find a new home for my Orange winged Amazon Jaffa. It has been really upsetting but I found her a really nice home... The lady sends me photo's of her all the time and she has her totally spoiled Her Grey also gets on great with her and there always out together playing. I'm really happy she has such great owners now, They also have a load of other birds so she will never be lonely.
  13. Still waiting on my encyclopedia so in the meantime i bought for the love of Greys and i am half ways through it and really enjoying it
  14. Just curious to know if he minds been handled as you mention he has never been trained?
  15. Oh this is a great thread as weve been working up the courage for the last 2 months to cut Georgies and my neck is very scratched these days... I will def try it tonight but could someone tell me about how much is normal to take off the ends?
  16. Milk from cereal too Lol he loves it but only gets a little every now and then
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