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Everything posted by Georgiesmum

  1. Oh i hate the beak crunch... sounds like its going to break off lol
  2. I cant believe the breeder said drop him on the floor if he bites! I'd hate to see how they treat there own parrots
  3. That is so strange as i was only thinking that early today and was going to post the same thing Lol
  4. George always has colored feet from the dye that comes off his new toys when they get wet. So maybe this is an option
  5. Best of luck with you twin baby's.
  6. Oh rite sorry i musnt have read the post correctly... yea its awful i dunno what i would do if i lost george... Wondering all the time if he is scared and hungry etc.... I hope all these parrots are found safe and well. Fingers crossed!
  7. Are both your mams and yours missing?
  8. your flock are wonderful. Welcome to ye
  9. Happy hatch day Love your birthday hat my the way Lol
  10. You pictures are just great!!! Thanks for sharing
  11. Maybe a little lemon juice on a cloth and leave it on the radiator.
  12. Oh you must be so excited!!! Not long to wait!! I remember waiting for my baby... couldnt wait to bring him home Best of luck and i cant wait to hear all your stories if you get time to post lol
  13. I love DYH's Def my next choice yours are just georgous
  14. your too's are beautiful thanks for sharing
  15. When i got George at 12 weeks old he was a little dote and wanted to be near me all the time for cuddles and scratches, he would fall asleep perched on the edge off the bed till It was time to go back in the cage. Now he's so independent he wants to be doing hes own thing on top of his cage and running around the floor trying to eat everything in his path!! So i have to run around after him like you would with a 2 year old Lol My favorite baby memory of George Is how he used to sleep on a towel at the bottom of his cage on his side even when he was 5 or 6 months old and well able to perch. Ha lazy sod! I would love to put a towel in again some night and see would he still do this but he would end up pooping on it and then lying in it probably haha Bad thing is that he is to hyper and thinks he is an acrobat that he lost a lot of tail feathers which are only starting to come back now
  16. At least she has a forever home now
  17. OMG I cant believe he could be so cruel! My heart goes out to you and cocoa. I really hope you can find away to get him back!
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