great save, you might keep on eye out for a neighbor with dogs and just borrow a baggie of dog poo to place in the openings. sounds wierd but it makes the skunks or raccoons believe there is a dog in residence so the wildlife just moves on. Those wildlife rehabbers save the day.
That is a very big step for such a little fraidy cat, impressive advancement. Good job sharing with us all through life with a steadily more adventurous Gil girl.
Pookie here feeling sad for poor Sophie and all of us, restricted flyways, not cool. Here none of us were allowed to explore and taste the fake tree in the front room. Lots of shiny stuff and little lights like fireflies and no contact with the "tree" at all. Why did they bring it into the house if it looks like a toy that is hung all over with toys??
The birds living out of doors at the sanctuary often bathe when weather is it's coldest-wierd but that is what they choose. Maybe it is a way wild birds rid themselves of external parasites?
Pookie, Smokey Joe, Michael speak often and many times with meaning. Whisper is a sound effects girl has a few words of our language, Smarty Pants only speaks near days end and mutters under his breath in an old man voice, Sparrow loves to makes noise after her cage is covered she gets quite vocal but very few human words. They all meow and bark.
I think you should get a new canid but there are rescues that have a low or non existent prey drive. Having lived with a Shi Tzu for years I can tell you they are not real obedience dogs. Ours would look back over his shoulder when given a command to see if we were close enough to enforce said instructions if not close then he did what ever he wanted to. After German Shepherds, Irish wolfhounds, Italian grey hounds, retired racers and many rescue dogs I know enough to share that not even all hunting or sight hound breeds have that prey response. Meet some dogs & pups that need a chance at life rather than a quick end you might just find the right companion.
Showing no respect for life at all. A very sad event tragic for the family and the critters, heart breaking. The individual who did this should have to get shot with his or her own weapon wherever it would be the most painful. Public shaming and restitution should also be required, you cannot bring back what is lost but you can exact payment. Unlawful entry, destruction of "property" vandalism-hope the parents understand how horrid this crime is and that it can lead to human deaths if continuing down this path of darkness.
Perhaps she can. It seems every generation has an End Times theory if you look back at old old newspapers they had the same fears that life would be destroyed one way or another. We just keep on putting one foot in front of another and get up if we get knocked down for generations. Hope was the final thing to be let out of Pandora's Box and I will continue to have hope and humor is a weapon. Did any of you see all the cat tweets from Belgium during their blackout of communications following the Paris attacks?
Beautiful birds need beat up furnishings so they stand out in all their glory. At least that is what I am beginning to think. Your Caique is gorgeous and the lighting is perfect in your picture.
An air purifier is a big help do place it on the far side of the cage from where you spend time so the dust is pulled away from you. A non ionizing unit would be best. All the other suggestions are good ones as well. Sorry it got you down my son is so allergic to mold that he even gets nose bleeds. All from moldy text books the school gave him, opened one up in class and a cloud of spoers surrounded him he was very sick after that exposure.
Love the pictures and the name Lola. I think that you may find Lola is somewhat forgiving of your little brother they seem to understand when one of us a bit different.
Suggesting Rescue Remedy in her water for a few days it has proven helpful when birds have had a shock like that. Time will heal her mental outlook and yes your friend was wrong all the way around.