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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Thanks Dan and Judy, your post are so important...Your the best......Newbies, you can always count on Davw, Dan,Judy Janet, Ray and Penny, and all the Greyt forum members. Every one contributes so much...
  2. Greyt post Dan, we always learn so much from you...
  3. Hi, We have a 10 year old Triton Cockatoo, [Rescued] Caged without toys for 8yrs, And Freddy [Rescued] Caged in a closet when he was noisy, for 18 years. Here's some photo's, we don't believe in "Time-out cages without toys or nothing fun.." if a person wishes to use a "Time out cage", use their own, it's safer.. Enjoy the photo's....Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock. P.S. Look how well a no fun time-out cage worked... This is after we had him for a few years, he's with our beloved Spock.
  4. A very simple fact: In the wild, Greys don't bite, this is a gift we taught them by thrusting our hands and fingers at them. You can be firm and raise your voice to a Amazon, not to a gray, remember a Grey analyzes everything you do. Jayd
  5. Hi, Kiki is #15 on the list..... Thanks Jayd
  6. Hi and Welcome to the Forum! Harrison's is a very good pellet. The High Potency Fine is an excellent choice for your Timneh. A Grey should be on a high protein/low fat diet. Greys have high cholesterol issues which can lead to heart complications. Thanks. It is slow around here on Saturday and Sunday...I know you will get a lot of answers come Monday. Keep the questions coming. Jayd
  7. Jayd

    Decision Made

    I am so glad this has worked with you, it might not not work with another bird or person. Note: If a parrot can fly for two rooms, why Clip/trim? Lets move on to a new subject, some of us, especially me has already spoken to much on this subject. Thank you every one who has for your wonderful and helpful posts...Jay
  8. Hi, Greetings, Each time a person takes on the task of breeding a new specie of bird, we are defiantly "Immature", What works for one kind of bird doesn't necessary work for another, from breeder box to amount of protein in their diet. The Grey Forum is geared to being a community of Grey Parronts, from single family to multiple family. For commercial breeding, I don't know how much help we can give you, sorry. Post your questions and hopefully you'll receive useful answer. My personal opinion is not to purchase a breeding pair of Greys, this is my opinion and my opinion alone, not of the forum.. Thanks..Jayd
  9. Thanks, I just posted a up-date on UV in the Grey Lounge...Please read: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?195513-uv-please-read
  10. A funny story, and a good example: For Hammy, our tame Orange cheek we bought him Preatty-mama, a nice plump Cinnamon. Their 1st clutch the gave us, a Fawn, a Cinnamon Pearl-pied and a White Faced Lutino..... Their 2nd clutch: A Yellow-wing Cinnamon, a Cinnamon Orange-cheek, This continued till we stopped their breeding. Thanks Jayd I'll post photos later....
  11. This is true if your using the old magnetic type ballast, the new electronic ballast work differently and scientist see no harm using them as a bird light... Thanks Jayd
  12. Good post, N'kisi, is a subject that a person might want to avoid with out extensive research, He kind of dropped off the map around 2002. "Einstein", please, note is a trained Grey, trained by treat giving to respond on command, unlike "Alex" who was doing something natural. By the way, there are 2 "Einsteins" They both clam to be the "original"..Thanks Jayd
  13. Jayd

    Used cage

    Mines called "old age" lol, What was I saying?????
  14. Janet you'll do it, remember to remove any glue from all paper and cardboard products, we don't know which ones are safe for our fid's...Thanks Jayd
  15. Jayd

    Used cage

    I'm sorry, let me rephrase: Never use bleach and simple green or any other detergent on the same thing your cleaning...Please research, Simple green, bleach, ect can leave a residue that can cause a reaction... Thanks Jayd
  16. Jayd

    Used cage

    Never! use "Simple Green" with bleach!!!! that can be deadly, never use bleach with a detergent!!!, Vinegar, with peroxide you can use "with" the bird in the cage; and a hospital product you can purchases most all bacterias. I'm sorry, I can't remember it's name..Research "Apple Cider Vinegar, ad White Vinegar.....Jayd
  17. Thanks Dave, Yes my memory is gone, and no, the only oatmeal you ever talked about is the kind i eat...Sorry Sir..
  18. Good reply's! Always remember, A Zon is a Zon is a Zon... Janet, Louie has made so much progress with you, don't stop or give up hope....Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock
  19. Thanks all, this is just some of our 'Tiels, We have a bird[bed]room for the smaller birds, our larger birds will fly in the room and pay the 'Tiel's no mind, the large birds are all afraid of the tiny Green cheek conure...lol Always be careful.. What you want to do is "introduce" your new baby to flock", you'll be able to judge any reaction then. Thanks Jayd
  20. Thanks everybody, I love it whwn a thread comes together. I've been working on a up-dat to UV light, I'll let you know when I post it..Thanks Jayd
  21. Thank you and yes, I understand that, I respect your opinion. That's what's so "greyt" about this wonderful forum. We're allowed to voice our own opinions. In this case, if you research the subject of Aloe Vera you'll find that most agree that the medicine drug Aloe is used for all types of parrot skin irritations. The next topical treatment as Dave has mentioned many times over the years is colloidal oatmeal. Dave has a product that he likes. Maybe Dave will again enlighten us with its name. Thanks, Jayd
  22. Sorry, you need to check with the airlines to find out what they require as far as cage or box.......
  23. Hi Hayley23, You pose some tough questions, You might try to contact something like Hawaiian fish and game, or a avian pet store in Hawaii, you could do this over the net, etc. Airlines won't ship live birds during summer high temperatures, in mild temperatures, they could stay outside, with adequate shade, water, etc. My biggest worry, would be theft...A sleeping cage is fine....Thanks Jayd
  24. Use all that has been said, It is illegal to import to the U.S. as it is to many country's, due to illegal importing, The CAG and TAG are on the endangered list, doomed for extinction. Another note, Congo African Grey and Timnehs will not be domesticated for over another 200,000 years, like our dogs and cats. Grey's they're truly wild... This site is wonderful...Jayd http://www.parrots.org/
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