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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. :(Hi, I don't know who is a Canary expert on the forum, hopefully some one can help. My personal advice is a trip yo the vet ASAP.. keep us informed. its slow around here on the weekends....Jayd http://www.avianweb.com/canaryinfo.html http://www.avianweb.com/canarydiseases.html Isolated or Multiple Lumps - often on Wings / Back or Chest: Feather Cysts: Affecting primarily canaries that are heavily feathered, especially those with double-buff soft feathers, but is also seen in older canaries. Genetic. Masses on Wings and Body - Feather cysts. May be genetic or caused by damaged feather follicles. Masses on Head - can be caused by the Pox virus, caseated sinus abscesses or mycoplasma. Masses on Legs and Feet (Scaly Leg Disease ) - can be caused by the Pox virus, insect bites, swelling from strangulated fibers or Knemidokoptes mites. Can it be Mites? jayd
  2. + This is very common with our greys and other parrots, especially concerning Spock. I have one more movie of Spock and Freddy I'll post later....
  3. Jayd


    This is from our very own Shanlung, search him, it's worth it...... http://shanlung.livejournal.com/119016.html http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190007-Tinkerbell-Mash-Best-food-by-far-for-your-Grey
  4. amen...........................................................................................................
  5. As you have heard, a bonded pair of Grey's,[male/female or Male/male, female/female] will be completely devoted to each other, no longer to you. If your word Mate is referring to breeding, then it would be best if you spoke with Dave 007 or Spinner (AKA Dave). If your reference is to another parrot or company for Spartan, then that is no problem. There are rules to follow...separate cages, Spartan would be flock leader in which he is let out of the cage first, fed first, acknowledged first..ad nauseum...Other than that, they can be raised together whether it be two Greys, a Grey and an Amazon, a Grey and a Conure, etc. They each must be treated as separate birds. Most of the time, there will be no fighting..they will just co-exist. This has its benefits because they will communicate with each other, they will have a sense that there is another one of their kind, one or both will single you or one of your family out as a bonded companion. Whether it works or not is mostly dependent on you by spreading your attention and praising each one for their own special traits and abilities. We have now and have had a number of birds that co-exist as close friends and we have never had a negative situation. This is a decision that needs to be thought out carefully and made wisely. You don't want to bring in another parrot and then have to re-home him if he doesn't work out the way you hope for. Please keep us informed...Thanks, Jay P.S. I noticed your baby doesn't have a flight harness on. A clipped Gray can still fly, especially outside. Here's a link to a flight harness...http://www.petsolutions.com/C/Bird-Training/I/Aviator-Harness-and-Leash.aspx
  6. Jayd


    Whats nice about Mash, smash, glops ect, is you ca adlib, add what you want, remove what you don't. Rule of thumb, treat your recipe like a Chinese menu, 1 from column A, 1 from column b, etc. Priority's, Dark Green Leafy Veggies, Orange/Yellow Veggies, Legumes, Grains and nuts, etc. Whats really important is your Omega 3's and EFA's [Essential Fatty Acids] this is your Red palm oil, Olive oil, nut's,[almonds,walnuts etc] And lets not forget Sunlight/indoor full spectrum UVB lighting.... We have to remember that not everything will be eaten by all parrots, they have a tendency to pick and choose, this is where you watch and remove and replace until you find what they will eat....Our biggest difference with most people is, we don't freeze, we make enough for a day or two....[we severed fresh even when we were caring for 50+ parrots at a time...Thanks
  7. Your doing a wonderful job with your baby. I should clarify my experimenting statement: Never stop experimenting, just do it with reason and for a reason, to experiment is to learn. And when you do experiment, pass what you've learned on to us please.... Thanks Jay
  8. Your doing a wonderful with your baby, sit back and enjoy......................To Experiment is to learn.....................................
  9. Jayd


    Here's probably the most famous and popular Mash ever..... http://gabrielbuddhistparrot.blogspot.com/2006/12/mikes-mana-mash-complete-parrots-diet.html
  10. Jayd


  11. Thank you! That's fantastic if he is eating well and putting on weight. Your baby and others will at times, lose interest in what they are eating. So...it doesn't hurt to introduce a kale, dandelion green, carrot or beet top, etc. every once in a while to increase their likes/dislikes repertoire. Some people are not inclined or just don't have the time to prepare mashes, smashes, glops, goops etc. We always like to start with a basic diet and go from there...as humans, (not everybody) our likes and dislikes often change as time goes by. Sometimes we as humans, start things that we wish we never started and that only comes with wisdom and time. How we feed our birds today may not be the way we want to feed them or take the time to prepare in the future. This is not a lack of love or caring and if you are old like we are and have a young parrot, the inevitable will happen. You will have to eventually pass your companion to someone else in time. We would rather pass on a short list of what satisfies our parrots than an elaborate recipe that they have become accustomed to and expect. So to summarize, the best thing to feed your parrot is what you feel is right...and is right for you....Thanks, Jayd
  12. Under no circumstances, without an avian vet's recommendation, should you feed or give your parrot any kind of supplement. If your parrot is receiving a fairly basic balanced diet as simple as seeds, pellets, and a few veggies thrown in for good measure, sunlight and proper rest, no supplement is necessary. One of the main vitamins to be concerned with is Vitamin A. Too much A is harmful to our parrots, especially if you feed your parrots Red Palm Oil. If you do feed your parrot Red Palm Oil, cut down some on other foods with a high concentration of A. You also have to watch out for certain food and veggies that will bind vitamins and minerals out of other foods, not allowing the system to absorb needed vitamins. As humans, we like to experiment...we always think it is greener on the other side of the hill. To this end, we create elaborate diets of known and possibly unknown safe ingredients so our parrots have more "Variety" in taste. Parrots do not have our sins. They can be content with the same old, same old bland diet on a daily basis. This is why we need to provide them with what they need, not what sounds good to us. Thanks, Jayd
  13. Maybe this will help... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?121453-HUMIDITY-IMPORTANT-TO-YOUR-GREY-S-HEALTH/page7
  14. Some of you have seen this photo before, sometimes I would have Spock on my head, Joe on the right shoulder, Salsa on top of my head and Tango the 'TOO, on my left arm while feeding them sunflower seeds.....[these are baby's]
  15. DEM BONES: And this is what Tango uses if we don't give her bones, she gets her own!!!!!lol
  16. Hi, Some 6,000 mosquitoes were captured and taken to California where they are now being examined, Seghal said. LOL Your safe for a while longer.... Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2012/09/24/169436/malaria-is-found-in-alaska-birds.html#storylink=cpy
  17. Thanks Judy, Continued use of aloe won't hurt as long as the skin isn't to soft.
  18. Lololololololololo................................
  19. Feel safe, they will only eat so much meat [no dark meat] no worry.....
  20. Hi, let Toby take care of it, if it bleeds, have a styptic powder ready, available at pet stores. Did you call the vet back?
  21. Go to the "dollar store" buy a $1.00 Hula Hoop, [sMALL OR LARGE] Wrap in Vet Wrap, and hang from ceiling!!!! Buy 3 Hula Hoops, interlace them and wrap in Vet Wrap and you have a Atom......
  22. I hope you'll never know the feelings of losing you companion. After recently losing our son and Spock shortly there after, Maggie and I are pulling for the original owner. We've heard MadMandy's opinion of the owner, this is hearsay, it might be true but is just MadMandys opinion nothing more and she writes it "mater of factly" as if she was there. Dan, please this is not against you in any way, just our feelings. Jay and Maggie And Solomon said....................................................................
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