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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. I'm very sorry if I'm not explaining my self clearly. We have a complicated process going on at my end, Maggie [spock] reads me the post a couple of times, I dictate to her what I want to say, she types it and reads it back to me, I edit it if needed and she corrects it and retypes it then submits it....LOL It would be great if you could speak to Dave. What your going to have to do is go with what you believe in...Thanks Jayd
  2. Rays advice is great, your doing good, let it happen at its own pace. As time goes on you'll find out if there's any baggage,[old issues] address them as they come up...Thanks and welcome....Jayd
  3. Proud of you, Jayd and Spock [Maggie]
  4. :)Thank you, the true experts are you and all the great members of this Forum. Each of you contribute immensely to the health and happiness of our companions... You are correct, these animals are amazing, Joe, has a broken 1st toe at the 1st joint, Loki, has a missing toe at the 1st joint and the next toe at the 2nd joint and is missing a eye, Tango is missing the tip of her tongue, these fids are all rescues, happened before we got them....They get along better than I do with a bruised knuckle....LOL:D
  5. hehehehe.........................................................
  6. Hi, how long have you had Rocky? Whats the baby's age? Good looking Zon........
  7. Hi, I've been to this site many times over the years, if you look, everything except what pertains to his birds you've read on this forum or other sites used and recommended by this forum. Many of the pieces were written by Dave, Dan, myself and other members of this site over the years, no one is ever given credit.... No, everything you need is here or your directed to where you can find what you need, all by wonderful members..And no one here asks for a hand out......We do it out of love and caring....My Opinion.....Thank You Jayd
  8. You need oats and yogurt sorry.....Jayd
  9. I've got to get some sleep, it's after 2am over here, I'll check back later....My thoughts be with you.....Jayd
  10. We need fiber and bulk, not water, we need to push it out of the system with mass not liquid, no extra water or fruit....Try yogurt with the PB and oats....What kind of oat cereals with out sugar can you get.........?
  11. Try plain yogurt, from the market or dairy..........
  12. Thanks, I was just hoping... Heavy metal poisoning is so serious, please keep us posted.....
  13. Like Janet said, stop by the Amazon room, Share you and your Zon with us....Thanks Jayd
  14. Do me a favor, check where Zak chewed on it and see if you can find any pieces.....Thanks
  15. Wingy, your post and references was great and right on, Thanks Jay
  16. Vet, ASAP. put white paper on the bottom of the cage and see if they pass,[next few days] see if you can count how many are missing....Please read.....http://www.avianweb.com/heavymetalpoisoningbirds.html http://www.holisticbird.org/pages/hmetal.htm'>http://www.holisticbird.org/pages/hmetal.htm http://www.holisticbird.org/pages/hmetal.htm
  17. I'm sorry, but peanuts in the shell, even roasted are one of the largest killers of our parrots. You should only feed roasted low sodium shelled canned peanuts... There are a multitude of post and threads on the forum.......Peanut shells can harbor a mold Aspergillosis , Alex, the worlds most famous Grey almost died from it. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?115338-Aspergillosis........
  18. Wingy, thank you so much. Many commercial carpet cleaners can kill our parrots, some of the most famous are "Pet Fresh, Carpet Fresh" etc, it's on record............We use "White vinegar and water".....
  19. Thanks, Bonding and being friends are two different things. As I mentioned: Fact: A Grey will only bond with 1 Grey or 1 human at a time, but can become friendly with many...Fact two: Once your Greys are bonded and in the process of breeding, they will be each unto themselves, you'll be out of the picture. Most Grey's will not tolerate outside intervention. Fact 3: Just because a male and female are together doesn't mean they will bond or even become friends, you can have a male and female that are friend but never mate. It doesn't evolve ragging hormones as in humans, dogs and other animals. You can have a aviary full of Greys, both sexes and the will get along ans socialize with each each other as well as humans, they are flock animals [FRIENDS]. Once a pair is made and mating/breeding commences, they are no longer social, at this point they are bonded to each other...[Note: Not all species of parrots are like this!] Only you can decide what is right and what is wrong, The minute you pair off a pair bonded committed Grey and start introducing stimulation:diet, temperature, lighting, proper breeding box etc, you'll be entering a whole new world. To correct any misunderstanding I might have made, bonded Grey's, and socialized Greys are to different kinds of birds... My famous last words, "Research"...Thanks, great post....Dave could explain so much more.......Jayd Parrots will not become domesticated for another 200,000 years or more, they are truly wild animals, unlike our domesticated dogs and cats.....
  20. Thank you Dave, but it is from you we've learned...Hi, Tea tree oil is extremely toxin to parrots and other animals, it's grouped as a essential oil, please do not use around parrots, the same goes for peppermint extract. Tea Tree Essential has caused paralysis in birds. Diatomaceous earth can help with eliminating fleas safely as well as vacuuming, don't forget to dispose the vac bag, and clean the unit, fleas can breed there. You can also try salt, sprinkle on carpets, let sit for a while, then vacuum...Thanks Jayd
  21. Thank you, my friend, it's very serious.The one thing we all have to remember is, "What a person feeds their fids is up to them and them alone". As most members know I try to back with accepted facts or personal experience. Sometimes what we do today can end in disaster at a later date, please remember, it's better to be safe than sorry..Milk:http://exoticpetvet.net/avian/dairy.html Peanut butter should be Low Sodium Organic, very little at a time, right now, there's a recall on peanut butter, you should check to see if your brand is recalled, please don't use until checking.[There's a post active on the recall on the Grey Forum] Thanks Jayd
  22. Wingy, Thank you! I am going to play devils' advocate here and say that parrots shouldn't be fed pizza and nachos. High saturated fat foods and salt can be deadly to our Greys. Greys are prone to high cholesterol, the same as humans and fatty tissue tumors. Greys can't eliminate salt from their bodies the same as humans do. These foods are full of processed chemicals which can kill or stunt our Greys. If you want to give them some cheese, an occasional treat of hard cheese is okay. Greys are lactose intolerant so dairy products are not recommended. Fruit in the portion of one to two pieces a day is all our Greys require daily. Other parrot species may require more. A small piece of apple, one grape is more than enough on a daily basis for our Greys. Watermelon is water and sugar...there is no nutritional value. Too much fruit will cause a watery stool so no nutrients are sticking in the system. It also fills the bird up so they will not eat the food that is required for a healthy life. There are many threads and posts on the forum about good and proper food for your greys. Wingy has posted a number of recipes that you and your Grey can sit and eat together and just as much fun as a piece of pizza. Wulfgiest, thank you! Concerning baby food, it is okay. Always check for salt and iron content; the lower the better. Again, this is a processed food so be careful with it.
  23. Different breeds? There are only two African Grey Parrots, a Congo African Grey (CAG-Black beak, large and bright red tail) and a Timneh African Grey (TAG-Small, Grey/black beak with a grey to a maroon tail.) It seems strange that the breeders (?) don't know this. Thanks, Jayd
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