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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Remember, Greys are still wild animals, in something over 200,0000 years they might become domesticated, even so it's amazing they know these things from heredity. Being that you keep their nest/home clean, their not as inclined to clean it on their own. With time you'll be surprized at what your baby will do from their natural instinks...
  2. Has the Doctors confirmed that it is your Grey your allergic too?
  3. LOL..This is normal, in the wild a Grey cleans their nest, their good house keepers.......
  4. Jayd

    Is this a molt

    Thank you so much, there's some very slight stress mark in a couple of the large feathers, but that's old, no problem. Is your baby getting sunlight each day or indoor UVB2 Full spectrum indoor lighting? Work on the diet and see if you can get your baby to eat more Dark Green leafy veggies. Don't for get the palm oil, does she like it?, Even in the coldest winter months, they need bathing, and aloe spray, no drafts, and let air dry.....thanks Jayd
  5. Jayd


    Excellent and accurate response....................Thanks Jayd
  6. Jayd

    Is this a molt

    The larger feathers in the other photos, if you could. The new reds are a little ruff with some discoloration. Thanks jay
  7. Jayd

    Is this a molt

    There looks as if there might be some stress marks, could you please take some close ups and maybe some of the red tail?
  8. Six months is but a drop of water in the life span of a Grey. The towel was a invitation to attack you. A Grey in the wild neither attacks nor bites, this is something man has taught them. In most cases it's brought about by jealously, lack of attention or the simply fact of the Grey feeling you like it..The cure? Look at everything from a new perspective. This issue started even before you brought the baby home. Working with a Rescue takes years not months. Keep your eyes open for issues from the clipping. Your Grey is a proud bird and very commit ed...
  9. We've used that brand it seems like forever, very trusted.. Thanks Maggie
  10. Amen...........................................................
  11. This is not the last of many many more.....
  12. I'm getting to old to post, I always have to correct myself. A Grey, a Zon, etc, understands a word for the value of the word itself, a Grey responds to the word No as well as all the other words we speak to them, there that smart. So even if you say "No" in a sweet and tender voice, they still understand it means "No", no matter how much you butter the word. Good response Jeff, To everyone, always remember to do what you feel is best. Maybe I should stick to posting to Happy Hatch Day, lol
  13. Sorry if anyone misunderstood what I said, to clarify, My response was: "A Grey doesn't comprehend the word "no". When you use the word "No" to a Grey, it's not only the word but the tone of voice, annunciation and volume, to a Grey, this is like saying "I dare you", fighting words. Amazons and other parrots [including dogs] responded very well to the command "No", a Grey questions it.......This is one of the difference between Human psychology and Avian.......Thanks Jay
  14. On re-homed and rescue parrots all you can do is completely ignore it, don't even look at them or try to substitute new words, it can take a year or more.
  15. We always kept our doors opened, we wanted people to see....
  16. Thank You, A bowl or bottle needs to be disinfected with White Vinegar. Add 2 drops to your water bowel or bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar.
  17. Ditto and thank you, but I don't feel the Gabriel Foundation qualify s as anecdotal. This isn't against your opinion [which I respect], but it's we'll known that a lot of things the commercial animal care facilities sell isn't always safe or good for our parrots, especially the food industries. Thanks http://www.avesint.com/diet.html We recommend open water crocks or dishes for birds to drink and to bathe. We do not recommend water bottles for birds. These are for rodents, in my opinion! A drinking bottle is totally unnatural for birds. Birds should have the opportunity to access open water for bathing and, yes, food dunking if they want to do so. If not cleaned frequently and correctly, such bottles can harbor bacteria that can be very dangerous to your bird! Putting water soluble vitamins in the drinking water is not recommended as these can grow bacteria in the water quite rapidly. Clean water dishes thoroughly every day; if you detect a slimy feel in the dish, it is NOT CLEAN! Occasionally using a light vinegar solution on water and food crocks/dishes will greatly aid in elimination of harmful bacteria and fungus. Leaving them to dry completely in the bright sun for at least fifteen minutes is an excellent sterilization technique, free of disinfectants or chemicals. A regular light washing/scrub with regular liquid soap and water is fine for most maintenance days. Always rinse well! tip: If you keep two sets of crocks/dishes, you can more easily maintain a clean set, ready to use!
  18. Great explanation Dan. Your 2 cents is always worth so much more.......
  19. Thanks Dave. This is jut one of many cncerns for water bottles on the net. Re: Kili Showering From Water Bottle by colorado4bjh » Wed May 26, 2010 9:32 pm I can't believe no one addressed the real concern over the use of water bottles here. I have volunteered and spoken with top avian experts over here in Denver, CO at the Gabriel Foundation (a nationally known avian rescue organization). They have expressed how bad the use of water bottles are. They have encountered owners who have lost their parrots because they didn't notice their parrot clogging up the spout with food or some other item due to playing with it. Real health issues can arise in the same day if the parrot cannot get water. They also stated it was truly impossible to really be sure that it is clean due to the inside of the spout being inaccessible. Mineral build up can happen depending on hard the water is in any given region, and then bacteria can grow, etc. They stated that Poicephalus owners just need to be diligent in changing out the water on a regular basis. I personally keep the water as far from the food as possible and find that it doesn't get contaminated with food very often. The water gets changed 2 times a day at most.
  20. All our fid's do the same thing, lol....Water bottles are very unsanitary, they have no air circulation and harbor germs from the parrots tongue. They need to be cleaned many times in the course of a day. Now don't laugh but a Grey learns very quickly to keep the stopper open and drain the water out.....
  21. Your not doing wrong, please calm down, Alfie can sense your stress. It appears that your "shake him off" tactics is being read as a " it's ok to do it." Start fresh, Take him to the bedroom, darken the room and sit on the bed, just sit and relax while talking to Alfie, touch, sing and the both of you just relax, if Alfie lands on your shoulder, just ignore him, after a few times of doing this, as Alfie to step-up, [were talking days not minutes] When Alfie in the cage, read and talk to him, take a souffle cup, put a treat in it and treat him, bond in quite and love, For now, keep Alfie caged at times when you can't give 100% attention.
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