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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. If I may, you should be feeding your Grey a teaspoon of Low Fat Yogurt once or twice a day to replace the good bacteria the med is destroying. A good yogurt, Greek or one with high Probotics should be given. We give all our birds it daily from fledge on....Thanks
  2. A Grey bonds with more than one person at a time, what is different is the amount of the bond. A flock is bonded, a neighboring flock isn't. In any home, in the Greys mind their bond to every one to a different degree. In the wild the Grey mates with a member of his/her flock, they either stay with their flock or move on to a new flock depending how large their old one is. As far as female/male goes, it's simply a matter of the Greys choice, we've had rescue male's that were abused by a male and would re-choose a male mate, the same with females, the bonding process is far more complicated then what sex you are. I'm sorry but you did indeed leave a impression with your ex Grey that will stay forever, He'll always be looking over his shoulder for you...... Thanks Nancy
  3. Hi, I know this might sound cruel but we never allowed visit once they were in our care. With rehomes, we had a "Change of Mind" period, no questions asked. With rescues, over my dead body....As Dan pointed out, there's a strong possibility of depression or even worst possibility's. It's best not to revisit unless your guaranteed reconciliation. It's far harder on the Grey then it is on you.....EDIT: Thanks Dan, just read your last post after posting this one.
  4. Hi, many traits stay with our Greys, general eating habits etc, but personality's, who they bond with, attention span etc all change with time. It is the human intervention that brings about the final Grey, and this changes over the years. What we always recommended was to pick for how active and inquesitive they were, molding is left to the way you raise them. Greys go through many stages, it is us humans who guide them through them, but in the end, it is their decision alone....
  5. Thank you.......................................
  6. The sheets of paper sometimes taste better than the food....................................
  7. Moonrock, the last posted thread from rrd0166 was 01/04/2013 You might want to send a PM or e-mail.......Jayd
  8. Hi, The secret is to switch to a natural no color added pellet...Two reasons, Greys should have only a small piece of fruit or unsweetened fruit juice every day or so, number 2 is the dyes in the colored pellets can in some cases harmful to any parrot. Try Zupreem Natural or Nut Blend......Thanks Jayd
  9. Spock, who was a exceptional Grey as many older members new, he would light on command even if you were out of direct sight, he would fly to his cage on command and to other key locations. He would sit in the window and talk with the birds outside, We'll never forget that Jill [Greywings] called it "Zen Coo". One day almost a year ago, I tripped in the open door way and out Spock went, Maggie and I called to him as he circled not 25 feet over head then flying away never to be seen again. We know others who's trusted and trained Greys are gone. Please don't ask how we feel, there's no word that can express our anguish, nor the anguish of others who's well trained Grey is now gone. Please remember, every one has a right to do as they feel, This is something we wouldn't do. To those of you who feel this is drama, then I hope you never feel such drama. We are here to protect and care for them. Thank you Jayd.......
  10. What ever card you've been dealt, you'll play it through and win....Jayd and Maggie
  11. Thank you, I don't have a answer for you, I use Photo bucket with no problem. Send a PM to Dave007 and Talon, they'll be able to help you, lets get it done, we love your photos....Jayd
  12. Okay, your on the road to recovery now. There's two groups of people you have to obey and follow, Your family and your medical team... This we not only expect but demand!!!!!Jayd and Maggie P.s. The diet sucks.
  13. LOL Wonderful............................................
  14. We lost a companion, We don't condone this, to repeat myself, a Grey will not become domesticated for another 200,000 years. When a dog wanders off, they're smelling the ground and can find their way home, when a Grey flies off, they're escaping, never looking back....Has your Grey been taught to fly "Down" from a high location?.....We have other past members who have lost their Greys while being taught free flight....Greys are flock creatures, they depend on their flock for protection from predators....Jayd
  15. Our heart and prayers are with you. Jayd and Maggie P.S. Please keep us informed.................
  16. Thank you so much good looking baby. How old is Gracie? Thanks
  17. Bless you both, we share tears and prayers with you.....Jay and Maggie
  18. http://www.petamberalert.com/ http://www.pets911.org/main.html Take the cage outside with toys food and water, if your baby listen to music, play it, go outside at normal feeding times........
  19. Jayd

    Pipers wing

    Hi, Penny, Janet and everyone with a Canary. I found this while researching...http://robirda.com/faqs.html
  20. Hi, whats happened is your young lady is in the early stages of bonding with your boyfriend. In most cases it's a life time bond but with patience on you part it can become a equal bonding with your young lady favoring you for somethings and your boyfriend for others. At this point in time don't wory about stepping-up or even touching her. Be alone with her, in her cage is ok and just read and talk softly to her, do this as often as you can, cage door open. Don't have your boyfriend offer her to you, that's only reinforcing him...When the right time comes, take here to your bedroom, dim the lights and sit on the bed letting her be beside you, don't reach for her, again, sing, tale and just be together, if she omes to you, let her. Were talking time, not a week, not even a month, it can take longer. Don't let her know your sad. As time goes on offer treats between the bars of the cage or in the open, everytime you walk by her, say something like "Ava's a pretty girl [or good] ". Shes going through her second stage of development now, it's hard for all concerned.
  21. Thank you for taking the time to ask and being so opened minded. Every time a question is asked and answered, we all learn..........
  22. All wonderful post. Grey's, parrots and all of the creatures Great and Small possess what is called a Circadian clock, our parrots and all creatures attempt to follow this universal function. Some creatures such as man can adapt [to a point], others it's very hard and can cause hardships and even illness, parrots are such creatures. What would be safe and prudent would be to cover their cage at sunset and remove it at sunrise, following the natural seasons where you live [in a perfect world]. A plausible routine would be to cover the same time at night to allow for 11hr's sleep, and uncovering at the same time each day 24/7 365....Remember, length of day, temperature, misting and types of food controls mating and hormones, part of the Circadian cycle....Thanks Jayd
  23. A parrot is more likely to bite or injure another parrot if one is caged and the other isn't....Our parrots can be a extension of our fears, they are that empathetic.....
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