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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Sorry, the last few weeks Jay has been under the weather and we missed a lot on the Grey Forum. A few days ago, I woke up and Buddy was gone. We do not know if it was because he had lost his BFF, Pistachio, but we think that may have been part of it. It was funny, but I had checked on him the night before and he was good...I had a dream early the next morning about Buddy being in an open cage in the middle of a field and he had been so calm when I changed his dishes that he had surprised me. When I jumped awake, I realized there was no sound from him and he had always been better than an alarm clock. I think he was telling us he was now at peace...
  2. Happy New Year my bro's and sisters, Bless you and yours.. Rev Jayd John Denver "It's About Time There's a full moon over India and Gandhi lives again. Who's to say you have to lose for someone else to win? In the eyes of all the people, the look is much the same, for the first is just the last one when you play a deadly game. It's about time we realize it, we're all in this together. It's about time we find out, it's all of us or none. It's about time we recognize it, these changes in the weather. It's about time, it's about changes, and it's about time. There's a light in the Vatican window for all the world to see and a voice cries in the wilderness and sometimes he speaks for me. I suppose I love him most of all when he kneels to kiss the land, with his lips upon our mother's breast, he makes his strongest stand. It's about time we start to see it, the earth is our only home. It's about time we start to face it, we can't make it here all alone. It's about time we start to listen to the voices in the wind, it's about time and it's about changes and it's about time. There's a man who is my brother, I just don't know his name. But I know his home and family because I know we feel the same. And it hurts me when he's hungry and when his children cry. I too am a father, and that little one is mine. It's about time we begin it, to turn the world around. It's about time we start to make it, the dream we've always known. It's about time we start to live it, the family of man. It's about time, it's about changes and it's about time. It's about peace and it's about plenty and it's about time, It's about you and me together and it's about time.
  3. From Facebook Ayesha El-Maghribi AbouTaleb please share so anyone with a bird will know never to use these... I have 50+ birds from Parrots to Parakeets.. Never ever again. Walmart substituted my two turkey breasts with a Jennie-O Turkey Cajun in a cooking bag. I know not to use non stick and gave all of mine away the first day I got birds and spent over $1k on Simply Ming cookware. Apparently the cooking bag is toxic to birds. Within 30 minutes of the turkey cooking in the oven my birds started dying. Mohamed AbouTaleb found the first two and I knew something was wrong. By the time he walked back upstairs more were dying. We literally grabbed cages and ran them outside. All the birds are in the garage tonight covered up. I lost nine of my babies. I'm heartbroken.. Minnie looked online and read that Reynolds and other cooking bags ARE toxic to birds.. I have books on birds and read extensively online before getting my birds.. I never saw anything before now that said cook bags were toxic. A warning needs to be on the label! ? My grandson just came home tonight after being born Thanksgiving - which is why we were making a delayed Thanksgiving dinner - and I have to wonder how toxic the cooking bag is for all of us, especially a little five week early preemie baby - if my birds died that quick. We will NEVER EVER buy another turkey in a cooking bag and will NEVER buy Jenny-O-Turkey again.. There should be a warning on the package that the fumes are toxic to birds!!! I never wanted a whole turkey to begin with and Walmart subbed it during a pick up order... You can't imagine how sad I am right now.. ?☹️? #walmart #turkey #Jennyoturkey edited to say - PLEASE CHECK MY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS BELOW, AND CLICK ON THE ORIGINAL POST TO SHARE. MANY ARE PRIVATELY MSGING SAYING THEY CANNOT SHARE FROM OTHER PAGES... ALSO PLEASE STOP SENDING ME HATEFUL MESSAGES. ONE OUT OF TEN PMS I RECEIVE ARE CRUEL AND MEAN - THE OTHER 90% VERY KIND. IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY MEAN - POST IT HERE INSTEAD OF HIDING LIKE COWARDS. I AM JUST TRYING TO SAVE OTHER BIRDS AND KEEP OTHER BIRD FAMILIES FROM SUFFERING THIS TERRIBLE LOSS!!!!
  4. We say "JOE"! in a curt voice, Joe replys "What"? "SALSA STOP" and clap hands.. Salsa looks at you like your dumb... '!
  5. Pistachio, our Ringneck parakeet has moved on to a better place. Here's a current and original post explaining how we rescued Pistachio and Buddy. (Maggie here)...Pistachio and Buddy have always shared a cage together and often at night when checking on them, tiny Pistachio would sleep with larger Buddy under his wings. I fed both this morning and they were great but when I went to check on them a little later, I found Pistachio on the bottom of the cage (passed on) with Buddy protecting him. At that time he would not let me near Pistachio. When I went back in a few minutes later, Buddy was on his perch and I moved Pistachio. As I left the room, Salsa flew in and landed on their old cage and sat with Buddy for a few minutes (she never goes in their room). Buddy squawked and made a ruckus for about an hour but he seems to have calmed down a little...We have had them since 2010 and they were together before that. We don't know how old they were when we got them. Really concerned about Buddy because he was more psychologically damaged from his previous life and still has much baggage. Pistachio let us touch him and pick him up when he landed on the floor but Buddy has always been like a lion in a cage...Fly free now over the rainbow... Posted November 15 (edited) Posted July 6, 2012 (edited) [Pistachio] Did you find it? Yeah Buddy, it was easier then we thought, I watched Spock do it. How ya feeling Buddy? Okay, had a anxiety attack last night but okay now. At least they don't happen as often. These Big-ones won't hurt us like the other did. I know, I just can't forget. They blew that foul stuff at my beaker and I'd go crazy and fling myself and it hurt...I still hurt! I know Bud but things have been good for a while. You haven't bitten the Big-ones for a long time. Yeah [lol] you yell out "NO Buddy don't Bite". Hows your back Pistachio? It don't hurt hasn't for a long time. I heard Mama Big-One tell Papa they played like I was a daisy, pulling the feathers out one at a time saying "I love him, I love him not". After the first few times, it hurt so bad I just can't remember any more. Then I just started pulling them out of my chest myself because I hurt so bad. I wish you weren't afraid to fly Buddy. When I go into the other room, there's these big birds and they are majestic and they let me fly with them until I get tired and have to land. Mama Big-one gently picks me up off the floor and brings me back to you. You know she always brings us good food and that wet stuff she sprays on me makes my skin feel so good. Do you want me to preen you, okay Buddy? That feels really good! Buddy, why do you call "Kitty, kitty, kitty". There's no kitty here.... Hehehe...it sounds good...Anyways, that little black thing without wings comes running into the room. Once I pooped on his head and he likes the little treats I throw down for him. There's good feathered friends here......
  6. Thank You...Check out "For the birds"
  7. Posted July 6, 2012 (edited) [Pistachio] Did you find it? Yeah Buddy, it was easier then we thought, I watched Spock do it. How ya feeling Buddy? Okay, had a anxiety attack last night but okay now. At least they don't happen as often. These Big-ones won't hurt us like the other did. I know, I just can't forget. They blew that foul stuff at my beaker and I'd go crazy and fling myself and it hurt...I still hurt! I know Bud but things have been good for a while. You haven't bitten the Big-ones for a long time. Yeah [lol] you yell out "NO Buddy don't Bite". Hows your back Pistachio? It don't hurt hasn't for a long time. I heard Mama Big-One tell Papa they played like I was a daisy, pulling the feathers out one at a time saying "I love him, I love him not". After the first few times, it hurt so bad I just can't remember any more. Then I just started pulling them out of my chest myself because I hurt so bad. I wish you weren't afraid to fly Buddy. When I go into the other room, there's these big birds and they are majestic and they let me fly with them until I get tired and have to land. Mama Big-one gently picks me up off the floor and brings me back to you. You know she always brings us good food and that wet stuff she sprays on me makes my skin feel so good. Do you want me to preen you, okay Buddy? That feels really good! Buddy, why do you call "Kitty, kitty, kitty". There's no kitty here.... Hehehe...it sounds good...Anyways, that little black thing without wings comes running into the room. Once I pooped on his head and he likes the little treats I throw down for him. There's good feathered friends here...... Posted July 8, 2012 Thanks! Hi...'Stash here...we were with those druggie bas---- for so long, that the white coat big one said that Buddy can only get so well.and he is just about there. All we can do is not spook him and keep him comfortable. He has flashbacks and I cuddle with him and tell him "Be nice". The other day I took him a bite of my apple. I hear the big ones say they can see how much I love him. You ought to hear Buddy talk in the morning. He says "Good morning!", "I love you", "Whatcha want"...for a Mitred Conure he is pretty good. He used to say "Wanna get some crack?" and cuss with the best of them but he doesn't say that anymore. Me, I'm a pretty good talker...in my high squeaky voice I say "good morning, Buddy, be good! Be nice. Hello."...thank you. It's nice knowing we have friends out there. Pistachio
  8. Greetings, I thought I might try something to help stimulate interest on the Grey Forums. I'm going to post "Past Post's". At the least we all might learn something from the past. My 1st is from Spock [my wife Maggie] Spock considers himself "King of the Greys"... Ladies and gentlemen, HERE'S Spock.... SCROLL to TOP to read 1st post!
  9. Jayd

    No WAY!!!

    Maggie/Spock here...The other day, I made Jay his favorite tofu scramble with spinach, mushrooms, finely chopped celery and carrots, and finely chopped tofu and since I was running behind, I fed our fids some of this too for their hot meal with brown rice on the side. Joe was so excited and dived into his plate and took a big bite, lifted his head with his mouth wide open, let the food fall out of his mouth, shook his head to get rid of the rest of the food, reared his head back and looked at me as if saying "What the HELL was that????".... Then he flew away and turned his back to me...ROLOL...I tried to make peace by offering him some scrambled egg but he just gave me the evil eye...I wasn't going to fool HIM twice!
  10. Greetings, (Maggie (Spock) writing for Jay)... If I may, We feed mainly "Volkman's Large Hookbill [Saffron], There are many good foods out there. Over the years we have fed our fids many different forms of food, please check some of our past posts. An excellent pellet is "Harrison's". We still feed our fids a warm dinner which is usually some type of veggies, warm sweet potatoes, rice, pasta, chicken, chicken bones with meat, scrambled egg, etc. (you get the idea ) They also eat off of Jay's plate (not mine LOL what I eat might not agree with them LOL) like Cheerios, Bran flakes, quinoa with kale (cooked), kale slushes, brown rice with swiss chard and tofu, fish, salmon, cod, halibut (bites), and their favorite, Tuna sandwich on 12 grain bread (LOL)...We make sure they have non-colored pellets, only vet-ordered supplements, no added salt, salt-free, no added sugar, no monkey nuts, (ONLY human grade roasted unsalted nuts). Concerning peanuts, we do not serve them too often because of high cholesterol and fat content. Sunflower seeds....very, very, very few...they are fattening and addictive...they are excellent for a training treat (3-4 a day). Pistachios (roasted no-salt) are an occasional great treat. Chickpeas (garbanzo beans) occasionally (once a week) are good because they bind good vitamins from the parrot. Walnuts are excellent and three almonds a day will turn your parrot into an Einstein Touchy subject: In the early years, I gave Red Palm oil very rarely and in the last ten years, I have not given any at all. Most of the red palm oil is not from Africa, it is from Malaysia. The soil in Africa and Malaysia is totally different from each other and because of this, the quality and nutriment content is very different. There are acres of red palm farms in Malaysia. It is also full of trans-fat and cholesterol which can cause fatty-acid disease. If you wish to use an oil, virgin olive oil or a top grade canola oil are good. This is what we cook with. We only feed them whole-grain breads when they get a treat or a bite. A nice treat is a small bite of whole-grain bread with a little olive or canola oil on it. As a trade-off for red palm oil, feed them a vitamin E green veggie. You have to research and decide what you want to feed your fid...I or anyone else should never stand on a soapbox and tell you this is what to feed them. So, use a Chinese menu format.......one from column A, one from column B....or all from column A or B...Be creative...Greys cannot live on one food alone
  11. Greetings! Spock here typing for Jayd.... As some of you may recall, our oldest son passed away a few years ago and we keep his urn on the end of the long L-shaped bar that separates the living room from the kitchen next to the wall. It is a plain, unassuming grey marble urn a little over a foot in diameter. Quite a few times, unexpectedly, and never knowing when, Joe, our Grey, will fly over toward the urn and land about three feet away. He bends forward with his head turned to the right (Like he is bowing) and walks sideways while talking to Jayson "Hello, How are you?, Give me a kiss..." When he reaches Jayson, he touches his beak to the urn while making kissing sounds and asks him "How are you?" The last time that he did this, he did something unusual...he mumbled something to him, paused, cocked his head, and answered "Okay". Then he said, "Gotta go now...okay. See you later. I love you". When he backed up approximately three feet away, he gave him another kiss, said "Bye-bye" and flew away...like nothing happened... Only you can interpret this as you see fit...we take some comfort every time this happens....Grey cognition is amazing! In some of your research and study into Greys, a number of references can be found regarding telepathy... P.S. this has been re-written three times due to tears...LOL
  12. Greetings all, Jayd here. UV, if I may, Our CAG's don't receive much Vitamin D from food or supplements. CAG's receive Vit D from sunlight, as little as 2hr's a day works, with artificial lighting you need 8hr's. When the Grey preens, they wipe their beak across their " uropygial gland ". I have found out over the years, if your house is lighted with "Daylight bulbs" they seem to work. If you use the "Zoo Med" make sure it's not for reptiles... Warm, if the temperature around your Greys cage is 72 or above don't worry, their wild temp get's lower than that.
  13. Yes, The 60's, Great singers and song, WAR and Peace marches. Whats going on now around me reminds me of So much I wanted to forget about. This is the period in my life I changed my shirt for a uniform. We over came that, will do it again!!!! And then, into a new era.
  14. We love it, roflol Sterling Gris
  15. :eek: We're their again, Winters tapping on our door. With winter comes "Dryness" and discomfort for our Greys. Summer heat is drying but the Heater Heat of Winters heating heaters can turn things into jerky.[whew ;)lol] Our best tool and cure all is? DA=DA, Aloe juice .......The cure all for so many birdie body ailments. Spray-em, ya, at least 3 times a week, your hands will thank you. What do you do to fight the "DRY Heats??:cool:
  16. :cool:FOOD: What do we feed our Fids? Do we still feed our Fids what we fed them 3 years ago? 5 years ago? This subject is controversial, it's selective, it's personal and biased. For ground rules, we're- going to have to be 99% opened-minded, willing to listen, and think outside the box. This thread isn't about "Who's right", it's about what's good and what regime fits each of us as individuals. Share your thoughts and ideas, speak your mind, pass on what you've learned, and have fun. Some of you on-lookers should join in. Check out this Thread...There's tons of good posts, some really good articles, and advice. Joe and Salsa: what do they eat or don't eat? Some of you may remember our feeding habits of four years past. Due to mishaps I was able to sit back full-time and observe a number of different parrots and their living and eating habits. I have been able to observe the types of food, how it affects their attitude, their poop, their feathers, and their mental condition. Up until recently, besides Joe, Salsa, Pistachio, and Buddy and two different species of Cockatoos including a Triton and a Lesser, when I realized what was going on and what I was seeing with my own eyes, I began choosing what they would and would not eat. With vet visits, their blood chemistries, their medical and mental conditions are all a-okay. As a matter of fact, their poops looks like the perfect picture of what you see in books, the perfect mixture of each element. Their feathers are gorgeous...Joe. who is at a bad age, is coming out more instead of slowing down and contemplating his navel. He is more alert, authoritative, his feathers are beautiful, his concentration levels are stronger and longer, he knows more of what he wants, and he exerts himself to Maggie, I, and the other fids instead of backing down and reverting to nail biting. Salsa is just arrogant...she can't wait for her meals and none of the birds gag them down. They all have also set up their own routines of when and what they want to be fed. Now to the goodies: hold your breath....their main meal is Volkman Large Hookbill seeds (Safflower mix-no sunflower seeds). We purchase this on Amazon...OMG! Seeds! This is their staple and in their cage 24/7. For breakfast, Joe enjoys his small chunked apples (must be Red Delicious ONLY - other brands have been tried and rejected with a major attitude for the rest of the day), six or seven unsalted, shelled pistachios, and occasionally 4-5 dry Cheerios, plus, for dessert, he has his own boxes of veggie rotini and spaghetti pasta that are kept at his daytime window station so he can help himself whenever he is in the mood. Salsa has her small amount of apple, a walnut, occasionally Cheerios, and a small piece of 12 grain bread with a light canola butter spread. (Canola instead of palm oil because there is no transfat or saturated fat). Lunch and dinner will consist of food from our plates like chicken, scrambled egg, beans, assorted veggies, unsweetened apple sauce, etc. Dinner for them (all in small portions), includes rice, cooked pasta, garbanzo beans once a week, cooked carrots...made specifically for them. We do give them a bite, once a week, of unseasoned beef, chicken bones, and they do eat from our cereal bowls, including the skim milk in the cereal, or hot cereal such as oatmeal or cream of wheat. Also in their stock food pile, we include a seeded grape when available (ONE), and a chunk of pomegrates which they love to hold and eat. Salsa love to have a chunk of banana but she likes the top part so she can hold on to the stem while she eats the inside. Once in a while they will eat sweet potatoes but it is mainly more Salsa than Joe (he will only eat it if it is the fourth Tuesday of the month in months that end in Y). Question: why have we changed so dramatically from the food we swore by not too long ago. 1) Health (poop, feathers, attitude), 2) They eat it and they have a variety of different textures and items to choose from, 3) Convenience 4) Waste and spoilage...very little. Let's get this boat a-rowing.... Get a post in....
  17. Oh yes, that was a long time ago. We got hi from the music. When Dylan broke onto the seen, I formed a little group, "Jayd, BUG and JUDY" That's when the Folk Clubs sprang up, new life for folk music. Names like: Golden Bear, Prison of Socrates and the Drinking Gourd, [so-CAL beach area]. Here's a list of people who sang there: [TABLE] [TR] [TD] Amazing Rhythm Aces Asleep at the Wheel Average White Band Peter Alen Hoyt Axton BB King Captain Beefheart Elvin Bishop Black Oak Arkansas Blondie Brand X Brian Auger David Bromberg Jackson Browne Lenny Bruce Budgie Jimmy Buffett Charles Bukowski Eric Burdon Busboys Paul Butterfield Byrds Camel Larry Carlton Kim Carnes Keigh Carradine Cecilio & Kapono Cheech & Chong China Vassar Clements Billy Cobham Judy Collins Jeffrey Comanor Commandor Cody Larry Coryell Country Joe & The Fish Papa John Creach David Crosby Rodney Crowell Cherie & Marie Currie Rick Danko & Gary Busey Kiki Dee Detective John Denver Rick Derringer Dixie Dreggs Les Dudek Bob Dylan Walter Egan England Dan & John Ford Coley John Fahey Jay Ferguson Firefall Firesign Theatre Flash Cadillac Robben Ford Michael Franks Richie Furey Flying Burrito Bros Peter Gabriel Jerry Garcia Nick Gilder [/TD] [TD] Dizzy Gillespie Steve Goodman Stephane Grappelli Arlo Guthrie Randy Hansen's Machine Gun John Hartford Richie Havens Head East Jimi Hendrix Dan Hicks Hiroshima Honk Dr. Hook Jan & Dean Al Jarreau Garland Jeffreys Jefferson Airplane Billy Joel David Johansen Janis Joplin Kalapana Jorma Kaukonen John Kay & Steppenwolf Doug Kershaw Greg Kihn Band Albert King Kingbees John Klemmer The Knack Al Kooper Leo Kotke Kris Kristofferson LA Express Ronnie Laws Dr. Timothy Leary Lenny & Squiggy Ramsey Lewis David Lindley Loggins & Messina Jeff Lorber Fusion John Mayall Taj Mahal Mark Almond Steve Martin Dave Mason Don McLean McGuinn, Clark, Hillman Randy Meisner Lee Michaels The Motels Muddy Waters Maria Mauldaur Martin Mull Michael Murphey Nektar New Riders of the Purple Sage Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Norton Buffalo Oingo Boingo Oregon Pages Pablo Cruise PFM[/TD] [TD] Robert Palmer Shawn Phillips Jom Photoglo Mary Kay Place Plimsouls Poco Jean-Luc Ponty John Prine Pure Prairie League Quicksilver Jimmy Rabbit & Renegade Bonnie Raitt Ramones Romeo Void Tom Robinson Band Kenny Rankin Leon Redbone Lee Ritenour Ronin Linda Ronstadt Ranaways Buffy Saint Marie Sanford & Townsend Savoy Brown Tom Scott Earl Scruggs Revue Sea Level Seawind John Sebastian Frazer Smith Patti Smith Smothers Bros Sneaker Spirit Split Enz Stephen Stills Al Stewart John Stewart Strange Daze Naughty Sweeties Mrc Tanner Tonio K Peter Tosh Tower of Power George Thorogood Stanley Turrentine Tommy Tutone 20/20 Dwight Twilley Van Halen Louden Wainwright Tom Waits War Jennifer Warnes Bob Weir Tim Weisberg Lenny White Wet Wiliie Lenny Williams Jesse Winchester Jesse Collin Young Neil Young Warren Zevon[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Admission was cheap. Those were the day's my friend we never thought they'd ever end..
  18. Test: can anyone see it?
  19. Okay, I'm doing a test upload and checking all settings
  20. Maggie here: Thank you, that was a wonderful time and so much fun, It was happy 24/7, no drugs or hate or prejudice.
  21. Thank you, I reloaded all drivers and stayed "loged in", I hope it works...
  22. :cool:Greetings, Growing up I learned that music would play a important part in my life, from passing on my emotions and feelings to growing old. Later on in life I found out how important music was to my Fids lives, they thrive on it... I would like to post songs here, strictly for entertainment, if at anytime anyone feels this is inappropriate, I'll stop with out question. When Maggie and I met, we were Folk singers [lol], Maggie sang with the world group, "Up with People", I sang on corners.[lol] Maggie still plays and sings to me with her 12 and 6 string acrostic guitars. https://upwithpeople.org/ The First song here, many of us heard in our younger days, it's a Cuban folk song, and when it was sung new verses would be added. GUANTANAMERA (Rumba) What's the important? A lot of us heard it played but never new the meaning. You'll be surprised... Joe and Salsa both give it a Thumbs up. Let there be Love.
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