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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Always remember, you have the final say so on what you do. We can only offer advice.Jayd
  2. Don't laugh, Wash your hands before approaching him, change the color of your clothes, don't wear any perfume, cologne, or lotion around him, change how you wear your hair, up or down, no hairspray, don't use fabric softener on your clothes.
  3. Posted on your original post...
  4. Tell every one to keep back from him for a while, he senes your stress.
  5. Greetings, your baby shouldn't be weaned till at least 3 month old.. How many cc's are you feeding now, and whats your feeding schedule? What formula are you feeding? Please don't clip the wings now, he won't wean until he's ready to fly, clip him later if you must...
  6. Did Joe reach out to us....We love music as well as our fids, especially when we sing along. Tonight, Joe amazed us by doing something almost human (?)... Some music was playing on the TV during a program we were watching and Joe was having a good time just dancing away to the beat...Jay was playing with his computer and Joe flew over and landed on the keyboard (he VERY SELDOM ever does that)...and beaked the screen and started dancing. We turned on our music channel and every song we played, Joe just danced to them. By now, I was sitting by Jay and Joe turned and looked at us quietly and put his head down to be petted, so I told Jay I think he wanted us to sing to him. We started to do so and he started dancing and had Jay stroke his head and neck....He just wanted loving and music and he knew where to get both...Maggie
  7. Get er done.....
  8. H, (Maggie Typing for Jay) This is only a suggestion...Put your cage in a active area of your home and ignore him...Go about your daily routine exposing him to everyone.Ta[k to him like your old friends and have the rest of your family do the same. Make him a part of your flock not the other way around. Most importantly, don't let him know your worried...Note: 3 almonds a day, no sunflower seeds, use them later to train him, don't worry, he'll eat when he's hungry... What we have always done is what I call "Abundant Feeding" over load his cage with proper food, he'll show you what he likes.. Remember this is weeks or months... Lov-ya Jayd
  9. I'm not a vet... http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=15+1829&aid=2384 http://theworldofafricangreys.weebly.com/disease--illness.html
  10. Please re-post to Grey lounge
  11. Greetings: (Maggie typing for Jay)...To be polite, Bird tricks and I have not agreed with each other for over a decade, it seems. I personally don't believe in their techniques. Okay, on with the good stuff...Timbersmom is right on... Veggies: Green leafy (kale, mustard greens, dandelion greens, (not too much spinach because it has salt), etc., broccoli, cauliflower, (our Salsa loves cooked cauliflower with peanut butter mixed in ) carrots (slightly boiled because the cooking process brings out the nutrients), sweet potatoes/yams, red/orange/yellow bell peppers, zucchini, squash, peas, lentils, and split peas, etc. Nuts: Almonds, (crack the shell at the tip so your Grey can dig out the nut), walnuts (a total of three a day is great), and pistachios (No salt). Fruits: A couple times a week...red, seeded grapes, papaya, apple, and mango, etc. Legumes: Great for parrots, cooked organic no-salt garbanzo beans 2-3 times a week...too many and they bond and remove other nutrients. Chicken and turkey (white meat), leg bones, tuna (albacore no-salt), can be served a couple times a week. Scrambled or hard boiled egg, cut in half and served with the shell intact is good a couple times a week. No salt peanut butter, (my brain is dead right now...I am sure I have forgotten stuff, but this is what we feed our parrots and what we have fed them for the last 100 years.... Pellets: As much as they are advertised, I have yet to find a pellet tree...Pellets are mostly meal, cooked at high heat which destroys a large amount of nutrients and are man-made. SO...keep a small bowl of pellets if you wish 24/7 in the cage. (No fruit or colored pellets). The main diet we use is Volkman's Large Hookbill Safflower formula (Amazon)...this is the diet we have used since the 70's with all of our fids. It is not necessary for mashes or elaborate meals...everything here can be eaten or shared off of a dinner table. They also like cooked oatmeal out of your bowl with raisins...low or non-fat yogurt, or cottage cheese. A treat: Birdie Bread...Jiffy Cornbread mix with two eggs (shells and all), two jr sized baby food (your choice-I used sweet potato/apple mix for example), mixed veggies (really, whatever you want to throw in there...), bake per instructions as muffins or pan and cut for snack...can be frozen for later too...
  12. Thank you all its, peaceful at home, I have Maggie Joe and Salsa, and all of you.....
  13. Jayd

    Vitamin D

    Hi...Avian sun lights for parrots are excellent...I can't remember how many years I have used them...These and the use of daylight bulbs will supply the needed ultraviolet light (fake sun) to take care of your Greys. Follow Timbersmom's good advice. Your irrelevant question (there are no irrelevant questions): ONLY feed human-grade unsalted roasted peanuts. I personally re-roast them again at 350 degrees to make sure they are safe. Jayd
  14. One of Joe's favorite new spot is Jay's walker which we keep close so he can use it whenever he has to stand, etc. This is especially good for Joe since he shares all of Jay's (and our) meals from this spot other than Jay's shoulder... ... Just a little background...when we first got Joe, he would constantly bite his nails (talons) out of nervousness or anxiety and it took a few years for him to stop. Now, he has begun this again whenever he wants us to help him or if we refuse to give him something that he wants...he has learned that this triggers a guilt trip in me......The other evening, Jay was having a hamburger (something that has not happened for many weeks) and Joe was told he could not share that...thus the angst...I grabbed the phone and got some funny photos of him trying the nail-biting, guilt-trip, angst-driven behavior...too funny!
  15. Hi all...(Maggie typing for Jay)...I am stable...I had to do a post I miss you all and thank you for your prayers. Love, Jay
  16. Jayd

    Vitamin D

    Hi, (Maggie writing for Jay), Timbersmom is right on and thank you neoow. The sunlight puts out Vitamin D even when it is cloudy so any amount of outside is good for a Grey. Just remember to acclimate your FID for the outside temperature difference. A Grey has an uropygial gland above their sweet red tail....when they preen, they use their beak to spread the oil to the base of the feathers. A Grey absorbs calcium/D supplements very poorly so no supplements please..Most D is absorbed through the body through sunlight....Over the years I have found that if you use daylight bulbs 6500K, it supplies the ultraviolet light necessary along with an avian bulb. Love you, Jay
  17. Just saw this....Jay and I want to know...Are you OK now?
  18. These posts are so funny...(Maggie here)...Joe learned the high-pitched alarm sound that Jay's oxygen concentrator makes when it is in alarm mode. Now, (I know he does this just to mess with me), he will occasionally make this alarm sound, usually when I am somewhere else and he gets a kick out of seeing me run back in the room to see is there is a problem with Jay's oxygen...a few times he even lets out a little chuckle (evil, Joe, really evil...)
  19. Maggie here...Today, I was resting and Joe climbed down from my shoulder to Salsa's cage (FIRST TIME EVER!) and entered it, proceeding to snack in Salsa's seed cup while Salsa looked down in horror from her cornered perch in her cage at her uninvited and unwelcome house guest. Luckily, I happened to have my phone on me and was able to snap off a couple of poor shots before Salsa made a hasty departure the long way across her cage...hahahahaha!
  20. He's about the same but his spirits are good...especially after reading your posts. Your positive thoughts and prayers have helped so much! Thank you all....I will post here as things change...Luv, Maggie
  21. Thank you Greywings...it brought a tear to our eyes...Appreciate the thoughts and prayers so much!! Maggie
  22. They just sent Jay home from the hospital after a week's stay. His condition is critical but the doctors and staff were afraid of his contracting secondary illnesses. Jay has Congestive Heart Failure due to Asbestosis (Navy 1964), and is in final stage lung disease. He has been on oxygen 24/7 since 2015. They increased his oxygen dosage because he is having trouble breathing. I am beside myself...I know prayers sent his way would help so much. He loves you all and this forum so much and reading this forum is often the highlight of his day. Thank you! Maggie
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