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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. It's ok, you have to stay calm.......Let me know how they feel in the morning? How much did they eat their other meals today? I don't want to cut a meal till I know how much they weigh....Jayd
  2. OK, got your email, replied. How do they sound sleeping? It's hard with out being there. If there's fluid on their nostrils, And if they cut down on their eating, you'll need to take them to the Vet, always call the vet and talk to them...What is their night time temp/ You really need to get a scale... Keep calm and watch them close....Jayd
  3. OK, it would be better no baths for a while, keep a watch on they're nostrils, try to put them in a warmer spot, when they get older 72 will be fine. Keep them out of drafts, and direct sunlight. I'll be online for a couple of hours. Has it been dusty in your house today? They'll sneeze to clear their nostrils of dust... Good Mama....Jayd
  4. Psittacula , is the nearest match I can find,[female Indian? ringneck parakeet] The colors aren't exactly right. I can't see the photo to good. The Orange wing Amazon doesn't look to old, good bird. A Mitered conure can be loud, Buddy our rescue is a Mitered conure. Wish I had better photo's.Jayd
  5. The Amazon is a orange wing,
  6. The Lg Green bird is a Mitered Conure, The small photo looks like a Blue front Amazon,[young] I'll have to check, The one with the horn collored bill I belive is Alexander Parakeet, let me check.. Get back in a few minutes...Jayd
  7. All are fid's love them, we give each large bird 2 a day. Yummy......Jayd
  8. Tanya, I don't know what to say, I hope they didn't get a chill when you washed them the other day. Are they're nostrils clear? no fluid in them? How often do they sneeze? cough sound? How are they eating? Playing? When you wash them you just take a damp rag and wipe them a little, they're still to young for a bath! Keep them out of direct drafts! Going from Hot to cold isn't good for them Remember they're room temp should be between 78 and 80 degrees. Please get back to me asap... Jayd,...
  9. Hahahhahahhahhhahhahhahhahh........Did you get the hint, we like Photo's Jayd
  10. Please stay calm, Jayd... Maggie here, I am so, so sorry to hear about that!!! It can be so tough when your baby doesn't get along with another family member. You can't give up though...this is a wild animal that we choose to spend our lives with. We are here for you...just let us know how we can help... Maggie Jayd
  11. Welcome Hermes and Dan. Your doing Grey't here. Food is a subject you'll have no trouble finding out about on this forum, plus everything under the sun that's needed to own and take of a Grey!!!, Something we do need, is Photo's, we love Photos...Thanks Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock
  12. I want more!!!, NO MORE JAYD...PERIOD!!!!!!!!, Please!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!.Maggie, [thank you, Spock] What a beauty......
  13. Instead of using my own words, here's a web site to explain it. It works, it' the only thing that works.......I've used this technique for years, it's been mentioned before..It's hard to stick with it. Jayd http://www.wikihow.com/Train-Parrots-to-Make-Less-Noise
  14. Tip: A good sign a baby Grey is ready for their first flight is, their flight feathers with wings folded against their body, will reach the tips of their red tail!
  15. Welcome Cheshire Cat, I'm sure you'll find this forum really rewarding. Please let your sister know we have a nice Amazon Room, we love story', and photo's. You'd be surprized how many Grey's visit this rooms. So welcome to you and your soon to be companion....Jayd
  16. Jayd

    Peanut Butter

    Hi, Skippy's, Laura Scudder's, Kroger/Smiths, etc, Natural or organic PB, IT Has Palm oil in it, less sodium to. Jayd
  17. Please, no, Don't stop posting! Your post was appropriate and good. It is definitely welcomed....Jayd, Maggie and Spock
  18. Hello Yossi and Buddy, welcome to you and your Parront! I hope you have wonderful picture to share with us, we want to know all we can, the people of the forum love Amazons, you'd be surprised how many visit this room. What can you till us about yourself? Thank you I'm Jayd, Salsa is our zon!
  19. Hi Dave, Hi all. Girltron seems to me to be a well educated person [sorry I don't know your name.] It seems to me, crossfit's post might be helpful to the situation. My photo's were to show possible outcome. I wish I could supply her with a manual, you know as well as I do, each case is different. This is my opinion only..... Thanks Jayd
  20. OK, grab your OOOHHHSSS AND AAAHHSS, 9 WEEK OLD PHOTO'S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!From Tanya......
  21. Hello, Just wanted to say I hope your all doing well, hope your wife is feeling better! I don't seem to have any time for Facebook. Your friend's Jay d and Maggie

  22. Here's a couple of photo's of some of our re-homed parrots that owners couldn't cope with, mostly noise.......No manual included..... And last Joey!!!!
  23. A personal thanks Dave!!!!!! Jayd
  24. Hi, this is normal, they're growing up, be patience, you can try the formula a little ticker or thinner to get his interest, put a dab of Skippy's or Kroger's or Laura Scudder's Organic or Natural peanut. just a tad, tip of the spoon and stir it into their formula..It's a big world out there to them...LoL Can't wait for pictures.......I'll be doing more posts for you and the twins!! Jayd
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