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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. LOL,,, Salsa loves can albacore tuna low sodium in water sandwich....All our fids do lol...Do what your doing cause it's good......Jayd
  2. All the answers are correct, sit back, treat this baby with the love you have for him, and things will work out..Relax, don't let you baby feel any anxiety or stress from you, and don't be demanding, both of you, just enjoy him, both of you take him and put him in and take him out his cage, you don't want him to get in a routine...The only way to buy his love is to be patient, non-demanding and most important, Time..... Your doing Grey't....Jayd
  3. As always, your correct on your thinking. If you notice, Diego fly's slow and on a angle head high, in their natural habitat, they fly from branch to branch, short winded stuby little guys, lol and bulky for there size. You have to train Diego how to fly down, suggestion, sit on the floor, with him on the top of his cage, have a treat,click, or what ever you use, and train him to fly down to you, some Zon's learn this quickly...Jayd
  4. As Judy said,"Please take all fresh food from her cage after several hours" Always keep a abundance of food, pellets/seeds for Diva to eat, as Judy said, reduce the amount over night. A lack of access of food to a Grey is can lead to problems concerning where they feel their next meal will come from, and develop into psychological problems....This is a punishment. Sorry Jayd
  5. See, I've learned what "clinks are lol Jayd A Zon act's first, then asks questions.....
  6. Sorry to jump in so quick, if I may, cut the spinach to a small amount once a week. substitute,: Kale. Dandelion, turnip, mustard greens instead, spinach inhibits absorption of calcium.. give him white meat chicken/turkey and or cod/salmon a couple times per week for D3.....Mung beans are also great....they also love "raw whole sugar-peas in the pod," a 1/4 slice of good wheat bread, a little cooked pasta. Wonderful job you are doing and have done...Yes, they color up beautiful...Jayd
  7. That's grey't... You are the only one who can see whats happening, when it happens, I can tell that you'll be able to do what you see is right, and tell if it is wrong....Good Parront....Thank's Jayd, Maggie, Spock, and the Flock
  8. Thank you for your kind heart...Keep feeding her the food she was eating before you got her, Don't mess in her cage right now, keep hands out accept to clean, sit beside the cage and talk, sing, read to her, let her come to you at her own pace, basically sit back and let her unpack her baggage... This will take time, let her adjust at her own rate, lavish her with attention, and don't put your hands around her, she'll let you know when....Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..
  9. This worry's me, faith is not always enough.This isn't against you, you never should have been sold this gift..Do you have someone who is experienced at hand feeding you could let raise this poor baby? the chances of survival are extremely low...I'm sorry...Jayd Note:I want you to know, myself and everyone here are ready to offer our help..... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..
  10. Please don't do that, they should stay together,it would be wrong to separate them. Two GC's are as easy to take care of as one....Maybe you should do a little more research on companion birds, to fully understand what is involved in caring for them in general...Have they been sexed? GC's thrive in pairs, they love a cage that is long instead of high, with rope perches, their climbers...
  11. Thanks. PMed you...Jayd
  12. Glad to hear Oynx is doing well, His weight seems awful high, 460 grms is a healthy weight for a adult Grey! Jayd
  13. If I may, try putting sticky's on windows and mirrors, a whole bunch to start with, then remove every other one, slowly..Maybe, try a shoe string in the color of the harness you want to get, never leave him unsupervised when he plays with them...Work on holding him upside down or with his back against your chest and scritch him under his wings...Great job yor doing....Jayd
  14. Sorry, the Reptiglo 2.0, isn't a UVB/UVA bulb, it's just a daylight bulb, this will not provide what is needed,[it's the UVB] for D production...You need the Reptisun 5.0..Avian Sun 5.0 . as mentioned above... Sorry.... Note: You can use 1 Reptiglo 2.0 and a Reptisun 5.0 or AvianSun 5.0... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190731-Is-this-bulb-alright
  15. Looks good, feathers all there lol, Give em a good diet, low fat,,,,,,plus loving.......................Jayd.........Alright
  16. I'm sorry, the wording was wrong, some of our members have lost their companions this week, then joke about death. Jayd and Maggie
  17. Gut instinct, a couple of question's and a little research, makes you a expert to your own needs....... Great job...Jayd
  18. ;)See, you know what your doing my friend:)
  19. Here's my thread on this baby...http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?178468-Amazon-of-the-week-1-09-10 Here's Janet's [luvparrots]....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?187123-Entrys-*Amazon-of-the-week*-Challenge Thanks, Jayd
  20. Hi, A Mealy is usually one of the friendliest Zon's, and get along with every one. What you need to do is treat you TAG as number 1, which he is, Always speak to your TAG first, give him his food first, new toy's first, play with him first, he' #1. Most of the time, they'll ignore each other, A TAG is a little more easy going then a CAG..Here's a link to info on a Mealy. Thanks, good birds. Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?188569-*Amazon-of-the-Week*-4-4-10
  21. Jayd


  22. Yes, one of your favorites...........Thanks Jayd
  23. :)St. Vincent Amazon, Most beautiful Amazon Revisited.....BIG Bird, at 20"... http://www.free-pet-wallpapers.com/Birds-pet-wallpapers/Parrot-birds/Amazona-guildingii-St.-Vincent-Amazon-parrot-bird.html
  24. Thank you for the wonderful introduction...Cocoa sounds wonderful..We share sle, and our fid's are empathetical also, they seem to understand don't they, you are beautiful... Jayd Note: If you haven't read this yet, it's a listing of popular threads and helpful posts...http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..
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