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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Hi, That' a lot for a 7wk old baby, that's average weight for a full adult....Do you have a digital scale? Stores like Walmart sell them fairly cheap. What temperature do you feed his formula at? Question, you made the comment that the "Box he came in" had instruction on the side of it? Thanks Jayd
  2. Are they loud birds? Conures have a reputation as being some of the loudest parrots. For the larger conures, this is true! But the smaller Pyrhurra conures, green cheeks included, are relatively quiet. Please make note of the word "relatively"! Green cheeks do have their noise - mainly squeaks and squawks. These are very quiet compared to the ear-splitting screams of their noisy cousins, but some people still find it bothersome. It should also be noted that noise is a very individual trait in green cheeks - some call to their owners all the time, others are nearly always quiet. http://gcch.tripod.com/faq/faq2.html A Sun is one of the nosiest conures...
  3. What Dan says is true, very true. Thank you for homing these babies, It isn't cruel to keep them in separate cages, in captivity they like this solitude and sercurity of there own territory to retreat to.[the cage]. As Dan said, you can have a one on one relationship with each of them, and they still can coexist... Do what your doing your doing grey't....Jayd and all your friends at the forums.....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..
  4. They like to go across a long cage like going from tree limb to tree limb, not so much up and down The love rope perch s...Jayd
  5. Click on my Avatar, [picture of Amazon and Grey] Then click, "profile" then click, "Send Private Message", or Click " Quick Reply" to message I sent to you....Jayd
  6. Here you go...... Jayd..... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?54297-HOW-TO-POST-PICTURES
  8. LOL, Okay, all you can do is not repeat them...Never say Bad Bird it's a big no-no, just ignore her, it's part of her baggage....Shes pushing you, things will change with time, and her being with you longer.....Jayd
  9. Hi, here's a repeat of my post on your other thread could you please reply? Good Morning, What are you feeding this little guy? How much? How offend? Can you tell me what the sweetheart weights? Is he messy? You can PM me if you like, I'm here to give you all the support and offer any help if I can...Jayd
  10. Ditto to what Judy posted, we only care about you and yours, if you don't wish to reply here or PM me, you can PM Dave007 or Spinner [aka Dave] for wonderful warm help...Please...Jayd Note: There should be no handling fear....
  11. Judys very correct, remember, not only is he starting a new life with you, but you with him, He'll always have his past, which he's comparing his new life with you to.... Jayd
  12. Sweet baby, What Judy says is true,you need to wrap the beautiful play stand with "Vet Wrap", it's sold at feed store's [horse supply's etc" PVC is poison to our fid's unless you used CPVC, for drinking water, you can also use "bird safe rope"........sorry..Jayd
  13. If I remember right, they only have 400 taste buds, yes they eat hot peppers, but watch them not to many at one time.....Jayd..... Share and share alike lol.....
  14. They are pretty to watch fly, and yes, both your reasons are correct, and their good at the raspberry's LOL You ought to hear a bunch of them do it at once, then they laugh afterwords...lol.................Jayd
  15. 2 greys.... Keep them separated, for a couple of days, in separate rooms. Then when you reintroduce them, always greet your first Grey first, give him the first food, first toy, first greeting, it's his house, keep them a part so they don't trespass on each others territory...Most of the time, two grey's will coexist, never becoming friends, you really don't want them to bond, then they'll have nothing to do with you...Jayd [copy]
  16. Time, Yes a day with the companions......Thanks, Jayd [older photo, gotta take new ones, still friends]
  17. Hello again, I love offering my advice and suggestion to help others, it's here for you if you'd like, PM me, always remember," There's never any stupid questions, and to not know is human"....Jayd
  18. Jayd

    monkey nuts

    Caned roasted peanut,[unsalted, ot raw] and sunflower seeds in moderation is not only good but needed by our fids. 4 or 5 peanuts and a half teaspoon striped sunflower seeds should do it....Jayd
  19. Good Morning, What are you feeding this little guy? How much? How offend? Can you tell me what the sweetheart weights? Is he messy? You can PM me if you like, I'm here to give you all the support and offer any help if I can...Jayd
  20. I think I forgot to mention, hot dried and fresh peppers are great for them, give Diego a slice of a fresh pepper, seeds and all. Another treat and must have is [ I see you give him scrambled egg] a extra hard boiled egg with shell, just cut it in half and give it to Diego that way, 2 or 3 times a week, and the scrambled egg once a week........Jayd
  21. All sounds good, is there anyway you can take him there a few times before you move? have some things there that he likes...It' also the new smell, color, layout that bothers them......Jayd
  22. LOL, Their all Baby to me, it's how I refer to them...lol Jayd Thanks
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