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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Ha Ha ,LOL, you are right, don't stop talking to her, she'll calm down with time.......
  2. Jayd

    Best Diet?

    Thank you for being here!!!!!!
  3. Your both beautiful:) No, other than DNA, no way to tell....
  4. She's regurgitating, offering you food.....This will past. Jayd
  5. Hi this is good, Dante has picked you s his prospective mate, you mustn't touch him any ware except his beak, head and stepping up, cut his awake hours to 10-10,1/2 hours a day, [shorter days]. A gray will single out one person to bond with, it appears he's chosen you, there's nothing you can do...If you spend less time with him, he'll just seek you out more.. It sound like your whole family has a good relationship with him...This is all normal...Jayd
  6. Jayd

    Best Diet?

    Seed by themselves don't make a complete diet, their lacking complete nutrition need by our Fids. Seed/pellet's [ Harrision's, Zupreem Natural] with complements of certain fresh veggies, a little fruit, extra hard boiled egg and shell 2 times a week plus legumes, brown rice, pasta, white meat chicken[2 times a week] will insure a healthy baby.. If your sisters bird had a complete blood test,you'd find out how much she's lacking...They also need daily sun, or a UVB Full spectrum indoor light 4-8 hours a day...Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190462-We-Feed-Our-Fid-s!!!-Update http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?112983-Nutrition-Diet http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190301-What-to-feed-Jack
  7. Why Yes....LOL. Cut her sleeping to around 10-10,1/2 hours a day, less sunshine, less misting and bathing, more like winter....Jayd
  8. Here's some links that might help you, and one of what we feed our Fids...Thanks Jayd......http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s.. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190462-We-Feed-Our-Fid-s!!!-Update
  9. Welcome...You have been given the best advice there is!!!! Keep asking questions...Jayd
  10. :):););) YES!!!!!!!! [photo's, please, when settled in...]
  11. When Diva doe's this, she in mating mode, you need to stop what your doing, say thank you and walk a way, she's frustrated, after a while come back. You should only touch Diva on her head for now, she has chosen you for a mate..... Jayd
  12. Thank you, I have a large Triton and a Sulfur-Crested. I've raised and worked wit Bare-Eyed. you might want to look at my post's #33 and 37, the whole thread is great......http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot/page2 Jayd
  13. When you bring your new baby home, leave your cage door open, don't force anything on him, talk softly, read to him offer him a treat and see how he reacts! Some birds adapt fast some slow, if it's a older bird or a rescue, you never know, plus they are fickled and can change. No towel, only as a last resort. Please eliminate a Macaw from your list for a few years, you should be well experienced before attempting any Macaw... The same apply's to a rescue, especially a older Grey. I'm going to suggest to also consider a Amazon, most are low maintenance compared to the others, fair price and a good first large parrot.. Here's a link to read over, what ever you decide on, choose wisely, it's a life long commitment... Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190343-Amazon-of-the-Week-Index http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190341-For-a-beginner
  14. Welcome, How old is Sunny? A young Grey's beak is shiny black as he gets older, starting under a yer old his beaker turns powdery, and looks at times ragged The beaker is like our fingernails, constantly growing, plus they clean and scrape it on whats ever avaiable, perches, cage, you, etc...No worry, Photo's, we love Photo's and questions....Jayd
  15. Jayd


  16. A Amazon, can selectively move certain groups of feathers on their head and neck, to watch a Zon turn his head and keep all his feathers smooths except his left side chin feather [example] raised for a scritched, is amazing!!! LOL Jayd
  17. A Grey is a wild animal removed from the wild, bred to be companions. They are long removed from being able to take care of themselves but not so long as to forget at times they're still wild...so it's up to us to make sure we protect them. We're the reason they demand all this attention. We removed them from the wild. Jay
  18. Awful good advice, plus it holds germs.....Jayd
  19. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?54297-HOW-TO-POST-PICTURES
  20. If I may, Is this a general assessment or just certain people? Sorry you feel this way, since were American's..Jayd, and Maggie...
  21. Happy day to you sweetheart....Jayd, Maggie, Spock....
  22. Jane's advice is very good, just remember that your new baby can sense if afraid or up set, you must relax and stay calm and reassure him that all is well...To start with, keep him down from your face, sometimes when they step-up for the first time on a new person, their unsure, and will beak you, that's not biting, it's using there beak as fingers, sometimes it's a little hard, just ignore it, set him down, walk away and calm down, come back and try again...Sit down with him, read to him, sing and just talk to build trust between each other, he has baggage that takes a while to un pack, your doing grey't, stay calm....Jayd
  23. Ha Ha, this is normal, in the wild, a Grey does this to clean their nest, move poop so they have a clean spot..Cleaning house... Jayd
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