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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Thanks, even if Rambo won't eat pellet's it's a good idea to keep them in his cage, try some raw veggies. Fruit and foods with excess water can affect poop, as well as certain foods. The processes of Abundant feeding doe's have it's waste, I'm sorry, I'm concerned with change.Jayd
  2. Jayd


    The reason I asked was as birdhouse said, it looks like a nutritional or stress relater problem, a possible lack of needed nutrients. Ekkie need a special diet. Loud noise, arguing, is very bad for them, especially for a female.....Jayd
  3. What a beautiful Grey, and welcome..........Tell us story's and photo's, we also have a "Other Birds Room", and a "Amazon Room" Jayd
  4. Move the cage, almost all CAG's like a wall behind them, maybe don't even open the blind's if outside is bothering him.......
  5. Thank you, and welcome, your doing the right thing, keep a eye on them and let them decide, don't force them or push them together. You Grey is number 1 bird, always greet him first, treat him first, give him new toys first, and pick him up first, this will set the stage. Jayd
  6. I wish to thank Krylon for their quick and honest response...Jayd Case # 12695-090710 Title: Bird cage 9/7/2010 10:38:31 AM [Agent Note] Hello and thank you for your inquiry with the Krylon website. We appreciate you taking the time to contact us. We have no products in our line that we can recommend for bird cages or accessories. This question has come up quite a bit, so after speaking with several veterinarians and other bird experts, we were advised that birds are extremely sensitive to low levels of materials for a very long time. Since we do not have any data to determine when the cage would be safe to occupy after off gassing is complete, and we do not know which paint is considered "safe" , we do not recommend our paints for application to bird cages. Since we do not perform animal testing, we cannot guarantee that the paint will be safe if it is applied to other areas that children and birds will likely chew on. If the children are just handling our products, they will be fine because once cured, our products are considered non-toxic, but not safe for mouth contact. Thank you again for your inquiry. If you have any other questions, please respond back with email history. Sincerely, Daniel Krylon Product Support
  7. Baytril is safe, Spock was on it twice. Give your baby plain fat free yogurt [Probiotics,or acidophiles] while he's on any antibiotic, [ Ask you vet] They sell Probiotics for birds on the net. Yogurt, a 1/2 teaspoon twice a day, Acidophiles, 1/10 a adult dose.[powder mixed with something] This replaces stomach good Bactria that antibiotics destroy....Ask your vet. You should start him right away on the Baytril, for now, stick with what your vet says, it won't hurt him..Jayd
  8. Very sorry but things like this can happen, I was handling a couple of emergency's personally. I hope you realize that it wasn't personal, and will give us another chance. In answer to your question, After the smell is gone you need to wait 2 extra days, don't run the air conditioner or heater, put fans in the room, facing out a window to extract the vapor, don't spill water or other liquids. Watch your bird for signs of shaking his head, falling, poop, and vomiting. Theirs no records of how long or if brain/lung/air-sac damage can occur. Once again, sorry...Jayd
  9. Jayd


    How long has this she been this way? Jayd
  10. Jayd

    Pets Are Top

    Come on everybody, try it, it's nice, it's easy, and it's fun...
  11. The problem isn't the carpet, she would pick something else if you didn't have carpet.The problem is she's pushing you, and so far shes winning.You have to sick with your coarse of action till she stops, this can take days, weeks even months, then when she does something new she shouldn't, you start over, this is part of owning a Grey, They consume a lot of time...
  12. Welcome graham and Cleo.....Good advice from Judy, that's something you can always count on from her. Remember, a Grey use's their beaker as a hand or fingers....Jayd
  13. Jayd

    Pets Are Top

    Thank you, up and running, nice.......Check out my banner to!
  14. Please remember, once they've accepted the harness, you have to put it on them on a regular basis, if you let to much time go between using, you have to start over from scratch.....
  15. Leave the harness in his sight, and every now and then try again. Remember, a Zon takes years to mature, and even then they only think about eating and playing. Maybe after he comes to accept everything, and a little more calm, it might happen. As a note: A zon is treated not the same as a Grey, you can slightly raise you voice to them, you can give them a firm direct command, [no yelling] and you can use the word's " Stop, No, and don't.] They don't get the hurt feelings a Grey does. Diego is a very young baby, new to life, his home, you, and to what you expect from him ..........Keep up the good work......Jayd
  16. With none of us actually being there, we can not guarantee what has or hasn't happened, There is never a guarantee of the outcome of any bird. You have to decide how much time you wish to invest into a bird. If you were in a cage 24/7, in the environment this Grey's in, the possibility's are endless... Jayd
  17. HaHaHa......Maybe, if your lucky, in his older age, he might calm down...lol The "off switch on a Zon, doesn't work"................................
  18. Welcome to you, photo's please.;..
  19. This is where you have to show her your the final word.. Tell he "no", if she continues, move her a few inches, tell her "no", if she continues, move her to a new area,[not carpet, and praise her, it's a long long road....
  20. You need to change his diet to a no sunflower seed diet, like Volkmans, get a pellet, I like Zupreen natural, there's others you can try, give him fresh veggies and a little piece, say 2 grapes or small slice of apple a day. keep the seed/pellet in his cage 24/7, give the fresh in the veggies afternoon.[ie: Kale,turnip greens, broccoli, slightly steamed carrots, and sweet potato cooked soft....cooked brn rice.]At first there will be waste but keep trying. When he establishes his new diet, you can give him 1/2 teaspoon of striped sunflower seeds a day for a treat, treat him with a couple pieces of walnut or a almond or two a a day.
  21. You've always done a good job my friend.....
  22. Birdnut, thank you, you are correct, bonding takes time, not just a few minutes....
  23. Stay away from the med's, there's to many safe treatments to help plucking, I'm sure the vet will take the baby out if he notices anything out of place.....
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