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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jayd


    Thanks all, we substitute Rice milk,[non-flavored] which is non-dairy and good for birdies, this way they can have their cereal, I even use it now....LOL
  2. :)Thank you very much. My wishes to your Mum....
  3. You are correct my friend. Each morning the greet the new day and each dusk they give thanks......
  4. Jayd

    new used cage

    My 2-cents, LOL, My point was, "The combination of Bleach and many many other cleaners can become a Deadly combo, producing gases and deadly chemical reactions that can kill, Mame, and burn badly." Jayd Kudos to everyone!!!!
  5. When I saw these photo's my heart stopped, as Dan said, Please don't take your baby's un caged or without a harness outside. All it would take is a little breeze over your fence for all of them to get lift and be gone... I'm sorry, theres been to many lost Greys with clipped wings this year....Thanks Jayd
  6. Jayd

    Shy Bird

    Welcome to you and yours, you can't go wrong with Dan and Dave...Please, photo's when your baby feels at home.....
  7. I'm sorry we can't make open statements saying "So and So birds Are !!!!!" this isn't true. Green-cheeks, Half-moon's, Marooned-belly, are known to be be generally quiet birds, of my five conures, 1 GCC and the Mitred, don't fit the general description, out of 2 suns, 1 is noisy, one isn't. Last year raising 5 half moon's, only 1 turned out tame. Amazons, depending on which one makes the best large parrot for a beginner...There low maintenance, have distinct body language, only major requirement is to watch their weight. A blanket statement"All birds are loud, some louder then others...." Did you know that a "Budgie" is one of the best talking parrots". There volume is low......Each person and each kind of bird has similar traits, Theirs only 3 birds a newbie shouldn't get, #1, A Grey, #2, A macaw, #3, A 'TOO... [there are a few more].....Thanks Jayd
  8. :confused: In our constant search for help for Spock, we came across study's being made concerning "Low levels of D in system and Depression.". It seems that low level's of vitamin D in our body helps cause or contribute to depression. Now, the question is, 'How doe's Low Vitamin D in our Grey's system effect their State of Mind?". When our Grey's change moods etc, is this because of amount of available D? [Calcium/Sun] If so, will Sun and Calicum, increasing D absorption help? and how much......Think about it..... Jayd:confused:
  9. Jayd

    Help help help

    The advice Dave has given you comes from many years of working with many different Greys etc, it will work, it just takestime and effort on your part. Treat your baby like a new person you've just meant, put on your best shirt, comb your hair, put on your big smile and say "Hi", and get to know your baby all over again, be sugar and spice.....Thanks Jayd
  10. HOHOHOHOHOHo, That's wonderful Janet......
  11. The Lady's have spoken and spoken well....Welcome and thank you.....
  12. LOL Diego is true to his breed......Thanks Jayd
  13. All Zon's have a different noise level... Thanks Jayd
  14. Jayd

    new used cage

    That's grey't, now rinse it once again to make sure you get the other cleaners out of the nooks and crannies, air dry then wipe with vinegar.... Thanks Jayd
  15. Jayd

    :D:D:):););)Happy Birthday young youngster, With many to follow......;););):):):):):):D:D:D:D:D

    Jay d, Maggie and Spock

    Spock Here!!!!

    Live Long and Prosper..[and eat cake]

  16. Thanks Dan...........................................
  17. A refresher!!! I wish to bring up once again, our over excited Zon’s.. A Amazon is a hard and serious player, they play fast and at times they play ruff. If you notice, sometimes when your playing with them, all of a sudden they’ll turn and beak or nip you, this also happens when their playing with a toy, all of a sudden they squawk and attack their toy. This is normal behavior, they also do this in the wild. They tend to get over-stimulated/over-excited, watch for this, change the subject, keep hands and fingers clear of them for a few minutes, it will pass. Such is the way of a Amazon… Thanks;) Jayd
  18. Thats very cute thank you.... Question? Did the sauce, have onions and garlic in it? I'm going to be a party pooper..... Sad to say, both of these are deadly to our parrots, how much, we don't know, my guess is if given in small amounts, it's accumulative...This debate has been done many times on this forum, you can look it up. So, my point is, "T o give or not to give", that decision is up to you.... Thanks Jayd
  20. Salsa eating chicken.....lol http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190217-Chicken-salsa! Spock eating tuna....lol
  21. A very nice looking Grey.............
  22. I have a simple concern, since Grey's are wild animal, what if your gone for the day, and there's no one to order or give permission to poop? How will this affect a potty trained Grey?. Specific places to poop, yes, poop on command, no...Watch and wipe.....Thanks Jayd
  23. Hi, and welcome... Your baby, is becoming hormonal....When she act's like you describe, sy I love you and walk away... Don't touch her anywhere but the bet, head and neck...[no back, belly, tail etc] This is sexual. Just walk away.Spend as much time as everyone can with her, make her feel she's part of the family....Dan is very correct, your baby has made a choice....Thanks Jayd
  24. Yes, this is how our fid's are, they practice when your not around, then bam! Don't you love it!!! GoDiego......
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