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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Yes, Oh so much, especially when to shut up..........But I'll learn........I'm going to start practicing.....
  2. Jayd

    Help help help

    Thanks Azzie, Very good suggestions......
  3. Jayd

    Help help help

    Please be okay,hope your alright!!!! Your doing good with Dusty...Jayd and Maggie [spock]
  4. Hi, Welcome....This bird being similar to the Alexandrine and the Indian Ring neck, needs a some what tall cage. Their not to hard to take care of, and are fairly is to feed, they need a lot of attention. We bathes them by putting wet parsley in a shallow pie pan, they role around in it.....Jayd http://www.avianweb.com/derbyanparakeets.html
  5. Quote Danmcq:One other thought on classrooms. Birds are highly sensitive to any airborne chemicals. Chemicals in a school and classrooms used for cleaning and disinfecting could kill the bird, even though you cannot smell it. No parrot owner uses strong cleaning chemicals in their home due to it. There is a ton of information on this site and the internet on birds and poisons to them. Any bird needs a controlled environment.. Were proud of our forum we try to provide both negative and positive information to help ... Jayd
  6. This forum is wonderful and all the responses are of the greatest value. This link is about Amazon's in public contact. Like others have said, you'd need a separate room to keep you bird in next to the classroom. As pointed out, any training of the bird would require equal training of the children... Another suggestion might be is like a 'Show and Tell" where you bring the bird to class one day a week, you could video it's activity at your home and bring the tape in each day, Amazons adapt well to this type of activity. As a final note, after going to all this trouble, getting everything together etc, after a few days, the bird might not like you... http://www.parrothouse.com/amazingamazonsarticle.html Thanks Jayd
  7. Zon's are so varied from one to another, usually calm Lilac's/Mealy's to bold ddbl Yellow-head to some what calm Napes and Bf's...As most of the Zonatic's will tell you here, the younger you get your Zon the easier it is to train them to be what you want.....Jayd
  8. Jayd

    Help help help

    Dave, I apologize, Sorry I didn't make myself clearer, I was supporting you a 110%, I just added a couple of things as a addition to what Dave said, not as something different to what he said. Judy, I'm sorry if I ever lead you wrong or made you feel this way. Dave is our mentor, always has and always will be, and no one has any more respect for him then I do. After this last week, I'm kind of afraid to post anything...
  9. Sorry you feel that way and felt you needed to drop my reputation that's okay, My help is still and always will be there for you if ever you need it, Sincerely Jay d

  10. Jayd

    Veggie Baby food

    YEA!!!!!, Maggie says there "Mustard greens"...Thanks...Jayd
  11. What pretty babie's..............................
  12. Welcome, looking forward to getting to know you and yours...Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock.....

  13. Hi Josie Misty Marvie and Pauly......Welcome,. Have any photo's???????? and stories?? On this forum we also have a wonderful 'Other Birds" Room... Please visit all our great rooms....Thanks Jayd
  14. :confused: What kind of a bird is a Amazon:confused: Is it a Grey? It talks well, sings, is pretty smart! Is it a 'TOO? It cuddles and makes a mess! Is it a Macaw? It has beautiful feathers! Is it a Pig Bird? It never stops eating? Is it a Monkey Bird? It never stops clowning around! I give up!!!!! A Zon is everything your heart desires.... It's loyalty, It's love, A companion to make you laugh, A reason to share, A JOY TO BEHOLD..............
  15. Yes, get a Zon. you don't know what your missing!!!! Good post...Yes Zon's can be taught to behave around large groups of people, a Zon thinks mostly with their stomachs and getting attention, but then, they are wild and accidents happen. A Zon "Clamps more then bite's" they'll put their beak around you finger, instead of the point, very seldom do they draw blood, again, they are very sociable if trained from a young age. When it comes to bonding, they have there favorite person and also their flock who they play with etc, a Zon never grows up! Your can have many Zon's in your home....Thanks Jayd P.S. I'd never give up my Grey's, Zon's and Grey's are so different... You'll never know a Zon until you live with one.....lol
  16. Jayd

    Veggie Baby food

    Hi, sorry I worded it wrong... we give both the "Flower and the Stem", there both great for them. Most people don't give the stem, the stem has different amounts of nutrient then the flower, they both supply much needed nutrients for our fid's, as a side benefit, they chew on the stem and it keeps them occupied, a healthy foot toy...lol....The flower is the best part, everything is pumped to it first.We give it to them raw, soaked it Organic Apple Cider Vinegar......Jayd
  17. Our little Helicopters...........
  18. Jayd

    Veggie Baby food

    The only ignorance involved here is mine, I have to wait till Maggie get's home to tell me...LOL..I believe there mustard greens, we give our fid's, Collard, Mustard, Dandelion and Turnip greens, plus Beet and carrot tops, and Bok-Choy leaves, they also like Broccoli stems. The only lettuce we give them is Romaine.... Thanks Azzie.... Jayd
  19. How cute, How's the chest feathers? Your friend Jayd
  20. As a side note: When a predator attacks, [or 2 or 3], both Zon's and Grey's scatter in all directions, sadly only a couple are lost...Jayd
  21. Welcome Many years ago, I went camping [1957] with my parent on the Trinity River,I believe it was called "Rim of the World"? Some of the most beautiful country in the world, Weaverville was quite small then...Anyways. Welcome...Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock

  22. Hi, CongoDayo and Lisa, Photo's please!!! Welcome, and here's a link that might interest you...Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..
  23. If I may suggest, as much as I hate to, maybe you should consider clipping both wings to the same length, no shorter then necessary. But First, how long since the clip? is it almost grown out? Does he hurt or crash into things when he flies? Please take these questions into consideration before clipping...Jayd
  24. I forgot to mention, they're very good singers, they can sing Opera, can learn to sing along with the children, and some have a vocabulary of over 650 words....Jayd
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