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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. A Camelot is a "Multiple Hybrid", [not just once] repeatedly re bread to produce to create a mutation that doesn't occur any-ware in nature, this is done for the purpose of, as texascowboy1979 said "On Macaws, I support crossing breeds to improve color and friendlyness." These are "Designer Birds". This is selective breeding for the sole purpose of increasing value, not to help a problem or increase their lives. Most people who buy such a creation do so for the color, not the desire for a companion or the love of a parrot. We don't even know how long they'll live, our what there health will be like. texascowboy1979 said:"On other hand, I do not support crossing certain animals like Eclectus. I belive in keeping them pure." Question?, Whats the differences? There unique unto them selves!!!! Jayd Hybrid macaws are predominantly a domestic phenomena created from taking the original species from their natural habitat and keeping them with other species in a limited community setting. Hybridization does occur naturally in the wild, however, it is more difficult to document and there is no proof they do.... One could say that hybrid macaws, as we know them, are primarily the product of civilization & globalization. At this time there is not enough recorded data for comparison to make general conclusions regarding the hybrid offspring, health, life span, temperament, coloring & genetic viability for future breeding.
  2. This is a multiple Hybrid, a weaned baby cost's upward of $2100.00 dollars, there purpose of breeding these birds is to make money because of there color. The health and longevity of Hybrid parrots are not known at this time, nor is the out come of selective cross breeding. Our Salsa is a Hybrid, and in comparing Salsa to the two Amazons she's the child of, there's many notable differences, How great is the differences from a multiple Hybrid? And how will their long turn health be affected? I will buy to help or rescue a Hybrid, but other wise I'm against breeding them... This is my opioion. Jayd.....They are beautiful, but at what cost... http://www.many-feathers.com/Camelot-Macaw.htm
  3. Thank you Azzie, thanks every one for all the support your giving......
  4. http://www.google.com/search?q=naday+conure&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.yahoo:en-US:official&client=firefox#hl=en&client=firefox&hs=R5G&rls=com.yahoo:en-US:official&&sa=X&ei=Rn2ZTLuYF4_2tgPgweSpAw&ved=0CEkQBSgA&q=nanday+conure&spell=1&fp=6f32b8af52b7e0b8
  5. Yes, the amount of HP, is very small, and you rinse it off, even on humans you rinse HP off, the Neosporin is all so safe....These treatment are on the net, we've used them for many years. You need to worry about secondary infection....It might be wise if you contact a vet now.....Jayd Bite Wounds The wound needs to be washed out with hydrogen peroxide or Betadine, and the bird will require aggressive antibiotic therapy. Cats transmit a bacterium called Pasteurella, which causes Pasteurella Septicemia in untreated birds. This is a serious infection resulting in death.
  6. This is very good, thank you, I think the good teacher decided a while a go to go with a parrot other than a Grey. Please remember each one of us can write a essay about our birds, and each would be some what different...I feel this teacher will also do much more research than a general person in the market for a parrot would. Quote: Where do you live? I need to move there for the low costs you mentioned!!!LOL...In regards to Alex, He's our mentor......If any one whose interested in Amazons can get the chance to read Jonie Doss book, Amazing Amazons", please do so... She broke and made some new rules....http://www.parrothouse.com/jdoss.html http://www.parrothouse.com/amazingamazonsarticle.html I don't agree with all she believes in, but she did it and she did it well...Thanks Jayd
  7. Yes, but there's different types......Thanks, good question...Jayd
  8. No , no problem, sometimes, manufacturer's add ingredients because there classified "Human Safe", we must always check "ingredients" if ever were in doubt. LOL, Most products foe birds, I won't buy.. Tea Tree oil is adsorb into the tissue, it just doesn't linger on the surface, great for human Toe fungus.....Example: some of the top brands of parrot foods, have "Grit" as a ingredient!!! One of your safest cage cleaners is still good old fashion Vinegar....Jayd
  9. You should try to give Tia fresh veggies soaked in Organic Apple Cider Vinegar,, Corn needs to be lightly steamed, no raw potatoes,[or eye's/skin] Carrots should be slightly cooked to bring out the nutrients, here's a sample of what we feed our fid's plus other links to help you...Thanks Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190462-We-Feed-Our-Fid-s!!!-Update http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s.. http://www.parrot-and-conure-world.com/non-toxic-for-birds.html
  10. Hi, Tea Tree oil is highly poisonous to our fid's...Sorry Jayd http://www.parrot-and-conure-world.com/non-toxic-for-birds.html
  11. Jayd

    a nice cuppa tea

    Tea has caffeine in it, [unless decaffeinated] this is a no-no. Some other ingredients depending on the kind of tea can be harmful to our fid's also...Unflavored rice milk[rice only] is ok in small amounts, read the ingredients......Thanks Jayd
  12. Sorry about the size of the grape, the point I was trying to make is as Judy said, to much fruit is bad for our Grey's.The fruit and possible other foods can cause runnier poop, which doesn't allow as much nutrients to be adsorbed, it also increases the metabolism. Sorry about the misunderstanding...Jayd
  13. Isn't it nice to have 3 different types of birds coexisting and having flight freedom under your roof!!! Job well done....
  14. You can rinse a foot wound with hydrogen peroxide mixed 10 to 1 with water, [10 parts water mixed 1 part HP] then rinsed with running water. You can apply Neosporin Creme lighty. [Not Ointment] as need for infection...[blot after applying, no gobs]..Jayd Judy said:if you have any doubts then by all means contact your avian vet for advice.
  15. Judy's advice is right on about the grape's, Grey's need very little fruit, a grape is almost the size of their head, that's a lot of sugar water, a piece of fruit 3 times a week is plenty...Thanks Jayd
  16. Thank you, a very good example. Jayd Quote: I learned early when I took Paco out while he was still very young. Thank goodness I had his harness on him when a breeze came up unexpectedly, he puffed up, and was gone. Had it not been for the harness he would have been gone with no control, his clip was VERY severe, but it didn't matter with the breeze. Now, I find that I need to be even more careful, and the harness is a thing of the past, not a chance it will go on him again without my loosing my arm... Fully flighted bird here, with nearly all his clipped feathers molted out.
  17. Here's a example, hold a piece of 8x10 writing paper at 2 corners, let the back hang, bring to your lips and blow from the end that's holding the paper lightly , the hanging paper will rise. Thanks Jayd
  18. Why can they Fly when clipped? During Lift, a birds wing forms a elongated curve, kinda like a cupped hand, when air flows over this curve it gives lift. [#a] A clipped wing forms a similar shape, but with a lot less area to create as strong a lift [#b]. When a bird flaps it's wings, it first moves them forward and up, then cups them [like a scoop] and pushes down and back, creating forward motion plus lift at the same time, if a little breeze is available the lift is enhanced at the sacrifice of forward momentum and speed, less the bird flaps harder to over come this. A clipped wing bird has to flap ferociously to accomplish this, except with a breeze it's accomplished more easily, the bigger the breeze the more lift, like a glider. Another contributor to lift off is the 'Tail Feathers" if you watch, a bird will angle their tail feathers at a down angle when taking off or landing or hovering, this directs some of the air flow from the flapping wings to go down, like a helicopter, creating down force. There's a lot more involved, like "Ground Effect" convection, etc. Hope this helps.... Jayd
  19. This is a very good info, Azzie McDonalds comparison is very good, 1/2 tsp a day is Grey't for our fid's. Their lacking some in nutritional value but there main problem is a high fat content. It is advisable to lightly steam or boil corn on the cob in case any mold is present. Azzie and Dave have given you Grey't Vacation advice..Thanks Jayd
  20. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189753-Bathing-possible-method-1 http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189752-Bathing-possible-method-2
  21. Yes, your heart guided you to what you knew was right, Love you Jayd
  22. I'm so sorry, you've done all you can do for Smokey with so much love and caring, Bless you both... Jayd
  23. Thank You. Please, when you get your bird, get a fully weaned one. Most parrots in the wild don't leave there nest till there at least 6 months old. Thank you, and again welcome....Jayd Here's another useful link of links: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..
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