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Everything posted by JillyBeanz

  1. The hamster climbing the stairs is my hamster.....OF COURSE IT'S NOT! Ooh, there seems to be a lot of politics involved in Tesco's latest competition - bloody hell - it's just a competition!! I'll give you the benefit of the doubt too and hope you haven't registered just for our votes!! I hope you stay around for a bit (dependent on which bit of the Tyne & Wear you adopt ). Ozzie gets my vote!!!!
  2. No! And if it could I would wash it's mouth out with soap!!
  3. The thing is Jay ~ it translates into EXACTLY the lives we had here in the UK too (well, give or take the mosquito bites - and we played football, not silly dodgeball)!!! I loved it! Thanks for this x PS. Like the two before - I'm proud to remember those days too (but only just.......!!!)
  4. Ah! They are all absolute cuties (obviously firstly your daughter)!!! What fantastic colours!!! Thanks for sharing these fab pictures with us
  5. Hi there ~ welcome to our family! It's great you've taken the leap and decided to join us. You will have learned so much already by lurking, but now you can jump right in there and ask the questions you'd like to! Sylvia looks like such a cutie! I can remember the anticipation of collecting Harvey too - you must be soooo excited. Looking forward to hearing more about you both ~ and of course, the mandatory photographs!!!
  6. Hey! She dances like me!!!! Glad things are going so well - keep the videos rolling - she's gorgeous!!
  7. Here's proof Harvey's scared of nothing! New boing - 20 seconds later!! http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189968-Just-Hanging-Around!
  8. I bought Harvey a new "boing" for his Java Tree at the weekend - I think it was a hit!! He obviously didn't notice me photographing him as I managed an "action shot". but as soon as he noticed the camera he was back to the "hey, I'm cool" pose!! Well, one out of two aint bad!!! Oh, and for all of you wondering why the fools in the UK choose to put their cushions above the doors, rather than on the sofa - well, Harvey uses the top of those doors as a springboard onto the top of the blinds, where he "helpfully" picks them off, slat by slat! The things you have to do to modify your home when a grey takes over
  9. Oh you are just to damn creative!!! I wish I had the talent to make stuff (but I don't have)!! We want photos of everything you make from now on - might give me some inspiration!!!! Thanks for sharing your great ideas
  10. How absolutely fascinating - I can't wait to see how it goes!!! I hope it does get aired and we get to see it. I've got my binoculars at the ready!!!
  11. Thanks for this Dave - I use aloe on Harvey after his shower, but usually from the depths of his cage as he just flies off the minute he sees the mister!! I hope people take heed of the advice you give here, because I notice such a difference in Harvey's feathers and skin when I give him the "aloe shower" as opposed to the "normal" shower. Great piece of info - thanks very much
  12. Ah what a fab colour Salsa is - and such a poser! Check out that physique and pose (that'll be Salsa Jay, not you!!!). She is gorgeous
  13. My grey, Harvey, is terrified of nothing! He is as hard as nails - he's not scared of toys, people, noises ANYTHING!! I can introduce a new toy quite easily - and he just accepts it. I've just got him a new "boing" to hang from his java tree and he's bounced and swung quite happily to and fro! Right, regarding the barney that is ensuing - throwing a "damaged" bird whether it's your bird, my bird, their bird, our bird whoevers bird is wholly unacceptable. It doesn't matter if you throw them on concrete, on grass, on hay, on cotton wool or on a trampoline - this isn't acceptable either. What you have to remember, this poor bird weighs the same as a bag of sugar - try throwing that from any height, onto any surface and you'll cause damage. Please, please, for Abby's sake don't throw her anywhere - I have the joy of being able to throw Harvey anywhere, at any time, onto any surface - he has a pair of good wings, and good lungs and can fly to where he wants - poor Abby can't I'm afraid that you've taken grave offence to what JayD has said - but I'm afraid I tend to agree with his sentiments about "throwing a damaged bird". Even psychologically this must be painful for her. I really hope you heed JayDs advice - please don't throw Abby anywhere
  14. Hopefully this one will be found soon Debbie - keep us updated, I'm sure the onwer is heartbroken
  15. 15 weeks is merely a fledgling! He's unsure about his surroundings - you've probably got a shy little one there. Make sure you make whistling noises and other noises to him - he'll pick a one he likes and will use it as his own. Harvey can still sit for ages and not make a noise (few and far between mind!) and it's these moments I crave!!! Don't worry Oliver will sharp let you know he's around soon - just be careful of what you wish for :)
  16. How thoroughly bizarre!! I really hope that this is the cause as you will be able to moderate his diet/administer drugs to control it. Just goes to show, your most trusted vet isn't always right. Will bear this in mind for the future
  17. Hey Argyle - no matter how old you are you're still gorgeous!!! Great pictures Julie - hope you spoil him rotten
  18. Absolutely - it's got such a devastating impact on all of the ocean creatures, and it's such a waste. It's not a "mother nature " moment, just a disastrous human failing. Hopefully this will be stopped before much more damage is caused to the surrounding area.
  19. Happy Birthday Samantha - hope you have a great day! :)

  20. This is stunning Dee - and so fitting "Juno's circle of life". I love it - it'll still look great somewhere in my house!!!!
  21. It's a wonder what a little bit warm weather here in the UK does - we forget and fling open our windows. Fingers crossed this baby will be found soon x
  22. Ha Ha! I have conjured up the image of Spock sliding up and down! HILARIOUS! That's right Spock baby - if you're days of pole dancing have been dashed - abseiling it is! Go on - show them how it's done!!!
  23. Wow - look at those vivid red "spectacles" - that black edging on the wing is special too. Yet another great Amazon Jay - thank you so much for taking the time to educate me
  24. I have followed this story with interest from the start, and I am now pleased that eventually some progress has been made to cap this spill. Fingers crossed they will get it under control soon - such vast parts of the ocean are now ruined due to this disaster.
  25. Oh My Goodness!!! What absolutely fantastic pictures! You have quite a talent there - I am soooooo jealous. You must post some more - I absolutely love photos!!! My absolute favourite is the dandelion seeds - I love it!!! Thank you so much for sharing these - you have such a talent x
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